BANZAI GIRL -- Real-Live Manga, too?

I might suggest that an upcoming full-color comic book from Sirius Entertainment, called BANZAI GIRL, may be of interest to my fellow members here.

BANZAI GIRL is, amazingly, written and drawn and STARRING a gorgeous Asian professional model named Jinky Coronado. She poses for the photo gallery of the comic, and the covers, and creates the story and art herself – about a teenage schoolgirl and her friends, attacked by tentacle monsters, alien invaders, etc.
She says she’s a fan of La Blue Girl (including the 3 live-action movies!), amd she’s got a hundred photos and a ton of art posted, and her site is free, so it’s worth checking out at:

Looks rather interesting. I’ll have to see about picking up a copy when it comes out. Just out of curiosity, are you the David Campiti mentioned in the photo gallery?

Yes, I am. That’s how I knew about it.

I follow hentai-type stuff, and it seemed to me her book and site might be of interest to some of the group, here. Hope I was right…

– David

This looks like US-comic-style than anime-style ^^


It looked like more Campbell’s style (Gen-13, and Danger Girl) than manga style.

When it will release?

Heh, well the terms ‘manga’ and ‘anime’ kinda get thrown around alot anyways. I picked up some of those Marvel ‘manga-verse’ issues and some of them weren’t what I considered ‘manga’. And I won’t even go into some of the things that are on the ‘anime’ shelf at some stores nowadays…

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 06-05-2002).]

Hi, everyone! Jinky here…a fan IM’d me to check out this Message board. Im’ mentioned. How cool!

Wow, this Message Board is busier than the Board on my own site! I hope some of you wil ltake the time to come over, visit awhile, look through photos and art, and start some lively conversation there.

I don’t know how far some of you made it into my site, but in the “Tons of Art!” gallery, the first four images (and some of the banner elements) are by artist Al Rio (GEN 13, DV8, Exposure, etc.) which explains the Scott Campbell-influences you saw in that art.

I think I was halfway through drawing the first issue with Wunan before I moved to the U.S. and saw Al’s work, and he volunteered to do back covers for my book. A swell guy.

I’m a Filipina. The style of the BANZAI GIRL series is my natural style, coupled with Japanese artist Wunan Wilson Tortosa’s work on the pages. We’ve submitted samples, together and separately, and editors constantly said we were “too manga” for their needs. This, despite the fact that manga isn’t always what some Americans call “Speed Racer eyes.”

I didn’t consider what I did “manga,” but editors were telling us that. “Sure, why not?” I thought, given how Blade of the Immortal looks nothing like Gunsmith Cats, or What’s Michael doesn’t look like Shadow Star. Different strokes for different folks.

And what the heck, Wunan is now the artist of Top Cow’s BATTLE OF THE PLANETS, and Sirius and Wizard (in their “Manga Mania” section, where I’m interviewed in #131) are big on BANZAI GIRL, so I hope we’re doing something right. What’s in a name, anyhow?..The important thing is, is it fun, enjoyable…?

In any case, I hope to see you drop by my site, chat with me on the Message Board, and let me know what you like in the concept, photos, and artwork, and what else you’d like to see. I’m having a lot of fun doing this book, which will premiere at ComiCon International: San Diego on August 1st, and I hope the fun shows!

Jinky Coronado

Welcome to Peach Princess BBS, Jinky.

My hobbies: collecting comic books (both American, Japanese, and Hong Kong), video games, media (tapes/movies). I do know who/what most artists styles like Ben Dunn, Fred Perry, David Campbell, Jim Lee, others. I have few autobiology comic books like Dan Jansen, Qusada (sp), etc. I have no lucky to meet any women except Janet Jackson (not musician, she is comic book writer). I am American Born Chinese.

See you at the Comic-con then. I will let you know that I first met you here on Peach Princess. Good luck with the book.

For anyone interested, I will be attending Wizard World Chicago Con on July 5, 6, 7 – wearing the various BANZAI GIRL costumes at the Sirius Entertainment booth. I’ll be signing free autographs, talking up the series, and posing for pictures.

Wizard has also asked me to be onstage handing out awards for the Wizard Awards ceremony on Friday night, and I’ve accepted the invite.

Also, a website called LadyBWare, where I bought a black catsuit, decided to run photos of me from the Motor City Comic Con.

Meantime, I hope you all like my BANZAI GIRL project when it comes out. I’m open to comments, advice, suggestions…

– Jinky

Oh boy!!! I can’t go to Chicago, and San Diego for Comic Convention.

I always go to New York City Comic Convention. Because I am living in Manhattan (my birthplace).

Uhh… I am stuck in college too. sob I am 30 years old without girlfriend… Wah!!! NO GIRLFRIENDS!!! Oh well… my friend gave me good advice, not worrying about it, that I will find right lady. Heh…

Hey everyone!!! Say Welcome new member Jinky!!! Do now or soon!!!

Welcome Coronado-san! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us!

Originally posted by Jinky Coronado:
(…)I didn’t consider what I did “manga,” but editors were telling us that. “Sure, why not?” I thought, given how Blade of the Immortal looks nothing like Gunsmith Cats, or What’s Michael doesn’t look like Shadow Star. Different strokes for different folks.
shrugs AFAIK, “manga” is Japanese comic books and can include other Asia comic books as well, produced by a Japanese company, mostly in Japan, by mostly Japanese artists (i.e. you can NOT be a Japanese and work for a Japanese comic book company, thus making manga; on the other hand, by definition, if a Japanese manga artist [Kya Asamiya someone?] were to move and work for a US comic book company, he’ll be drawing comics and not manga anymore), as “comics” is the equivalent for the US and “bande dessinÈe” for the French-Belgium comic book style.

Jinky: My friend and I thought you were really cute at Motor City. Your booth was uber neat too! That poster with the tentacles was neat. I would like that on the back of the door in the studio. We’re saved from evil because Banzai Girl is guarding our door. :slight_smile:
You probably don’t remember the girl in the magenta short kimono (me) or the girl in the navy blue sailor school uniform (my friend).
We hope to see you at Motor City again soon!

Welcome Coronado-san! (Or would you prefer Jinky-san? We’re flexible here. ) Whoops, welcome to David-san as well. (sorry, sometimes I lose track of who we’ve welcomed and who we havn’t.)

Sigh, one of the few downsides of moving from Chicago. I used to live in Rosemont and my apartment was a 20-30 minute walk from the convention center so it was real easy to attend the Wizard World convention each year. Though I did find out that it’s not a good idea to buy a sword at the convention then walk through Rosemont with it slung over your shoulder, the Rosemont police don’t like that for some reason. (Darn, and Stan Lee is the guest of honor this year as well… )

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 06-06-2002).]

dosn’t look good. I like anime drawings

Once again, I show my reluctance to open a new thread and instead, go and dig up and older one!

Well, “Banzai Girl” showed up at my comic store yesterday and I picked up a copy. (Actually, they had just unpacked it and put it on the shelf when I came in.) After a brief bout of geekiness where I exclaimed “cool, it’s finally here” then went into an extended explanation of why I know about the title at all (The people at the shop have recommended I try to interact with people who aren’t from this BBS. I can’t imagine why I’d do that), I then picked it up. So I was just wondering who else has picked it up the title and if there were any thoughts about it. (Or you can just ignore me like usual and I’ll sit here and make faces at you through my computer monitor all day! )

Yeah – The full-color $2.95 BANZAI GIRL #1’s regular edition is out. The variant edition, autographed and with a photo cover, should be on sale in two weeks, although anyone who bought it off Banzai’s online store has it already. The Banzai Girl poster is also out in stores, and issue #2 of the comic is due out by Halloween!

The Banzai website is hopping these days with lots of new art and Jinky photos, over at

– David

I got mine. very nice art.


I kept forgotten!!!

I better run… must buy… Banzai Girl#1 (both regular and variant edition) soon as possible…

I will finish college then go to comic book store… pant… pant…

Better hurry. There may not be many left! Lots of stores UNDER-ordered. Fortunately, you can ask them to re-order, because the publisher did overprint for just such an emergency.

Fortunately, I do have extras available on my website, that I can personalize to whomever gets them.

Let me know what you think of BANZAI GIRL #1!

– Jinky