It’s a sad but true fact, that Japanese anime has a serious deficiency of African blooded hotties to droll over. Having some chocolate in your diet is VERY important fellow fanboys. Therefore, let me direct you too BASQUASH!

Don’t be fooled by the name. Miyuki is the hot cocoa you need. Move over Claudia Grant: there’s some new brown sugar in the pantry.

The lack of Miyuki love around here, appalls me.

it is pretty cool so far still gotta see episode 2

It’s a little hard to express love for a character I know almost nothing about. Considering that the my anime viewing is almost entirely based on what I can watch without spending anymore than I already do for cable, it will probably be some time before I have an opinion on this character.

Don’t worry, I’m showing you everything you need to know.

Miyuki = Chocolate Love

Not all of us subsist on eye candy alone. Some of us actually require personality as well, and that can only be achieved in the watching of the series in which she appears.

I’m sorry… you lost me at “not”… :wink:

with the cliffhanger in episode 2 can’t wait for 3

saw the raw for episode 3 and it was pretty insane

I agree. The vanilla flavored offerings just got a lot better. 8)

haruka seems to have a foot fetish
but dan’s new trick is pretty cool

I think Haruka’s boobs are massive enough to sustain their own center of gravity - they certainly bounce like it. :twisted:

It’s the Nike shoes of course. Don’t you watch the commercials? :wink:

the 3 0n 3 game with the moded bigfoots was pretty cool

Haruka is freaking scary when she’s angry. :shock:

Dan also has SERIOUS imouto issues. :o

dan and the rest of the gang are in tryouts for the pro league

You forgot to mention the twins: Bianchi and Kate. :twisted:

Major Spoiler Guess

That dude who knows about Coco’s legs and goaded Dan into the league? I betcha he’s the bastard pilot who did it.

there are at least 20 episodes left in the series i bet there will be lots more craziness by the end

it is starting to get good with dan getting a few new tricks and his team getting ready to play the OCB