Bazooka cafe

Whatever happened to Bazooka Cafe. I haven’t seen any posts about it on this bbs. Personally, I was put off by the big tits, but the story sounded like it might have some merit and I might be inclined to put my prejudices aside and buy it if there’s any good feedback here. I’m greatly influenced by what I read on this bbs when I decide to buy a game. Example: I love Crescendo, but not for the artwork. Those girls look like space aliens. So if all I had to go by were a few picts on the Jlist site, I probably would never have bothered with it. But then i heard a lot of good things about it here, and fell in love with it. I’m willing to fall in love again, you know?

BC has some very good storylines.

The only one I didnt like is the cover girl’s story… the ditzy co-worker who ends up at the cafe.

Cafe’s cook, Former Boss and Childhood Friend, were all good. In that order for me. The bonus harem story is a riot.

There isnt much more to say…

I was initially put off by the game’s appearance as well, but I did hear some good things about it, so I decided to give it a shot. I was quite surprised. I actually really enjoyed the game. I found it funny and entertaining, and the different paths have good storylines. Although like BettiePage, I could do without Mitsuki’s story. I didn’t really care for her character or her path, but she did cause some funny situations sometimes. And yeah, the Valentine’s Day special was hilarious. It was a nice little extra to include with the game.

The game is not difficult at all; the choices you have to make are obvious when you’re trying to focus on one girl. Big breasts aside, I do like the art, and I don’t have any complaints about the music either.

With that said, I’d recommend getting this game. It was better than I thought it would be, and I enjoyed playing it.

I didn’t really like the game. I didn’t really like the graphics and the huge boobs aren’t my thing, so the story was the only thing that mattered to me. The story was pretty forgettable to me (I didn’t even remember if I beat it or not until I read a walkthrough) and not too entertaining from what I remember. There are better games out there.

Thanks for the comments.

I went ahead and bought the game and started playing it. The story seems promising and I like the characters. I’m particularly amused by Misaki’s obcession with earning ‘love points’ and the boku character’s insistance that there’s no such thing. Well, there are love points in some games aren’t there? And maybe in this one, too I’m guessingOn the other had the artwork is unfortunately unattractive. Oh the girls are cute enough, but those zepplein-sized tits are just too much. In fact the girls are pretty chunky, over all. I suppose this indicates that the artist understood that a woman with mammaries that big was not going to be loli-sized everywhere else (altho that might have helped). I’m thinking of taping cut-outs of girls with smaller bodies on my computer screen while I’m playing the game. On the other hand, I’ve been playing Raidy for an month, and I’m getting pretty tired of looking at dark corridors and wooden doors. So Bazooka is a breath of fresh air in that sense.

Just to throw in my two cents on the art: I guess I find Kohaku Sumeragi to be a good ‘erotic’ artist from playing a bit of Bazooka Cafe and seeing sample CGs of his more recent work, such as ???, but I don’t think he’s a particularly good artist overall. Aside from the endless huge breasted characters, his work is a bit undetailed - it feels to me like most of his CGs etc are a bit rough and rushed. :?

I really Agree. its kinda why I didn’t Purchase that Bishoujo Game when i went on my Little Spree.

On the other hand, the game does feature some very attractive and tastefully done background art.