BBS April Fool archives

Just for the curious ones who have only joined the BBS recently, this thread is an archive of April Fool pranks Peach Princess and their staff have pulled in the past with links to the appropriate discussions at the time.

It is company policy not to make any real-sounding pranks, so most of these jokes are not meant to fool people with, but instead something for people to chuckle on.

Since this is an archive, please refrain from making responses here as they will be deleted.

Finally, I have lost the originals for the Little My Snow Drop screenshots. If anyone somehow have saved copies of it, please let me know. I’d really appreciate it.

April Fool 2003

  • Brave Soul’s release date is now set to UNKNOWN. Although it is tentatively set for release for A-kon as well, BS is now seriously delayed due to Lamuness’ (me) Hard Drive crash. I lost all the files…Forturnately the translated script files are backed up, but testing and editing will have to be started from scratch. Sorry guys…

And some stuff I scooped up during email exchanges with the japanese staff before my HD crash:

  • Sweet Basil will tentatively be working on Little My Maid 2. It will not be a sequel to the first LMM, but more like a “another story” with a whole new different setting and characters etc.
  • Crowd is currently working on a new XC title. Like LMM2 it will be a “another story” with new setting and charas, ie no more Takuya. And also, as you know…Peapri’s bestseller is XC1, and for Crowd themselves their bestseller is also the XC series. Therefore, due to the series’ popularity, XC3 is tentatively set for a simultaneous english/japanese release next year.

April Fool 2004

We also have a new title to announce for all bishoujo fans, particularly of those who loved Snow Drop and are anxiously waiting for Little My Maid to be released. Entitled Little My Snow Drop, this is one of Will Japan (the original developers of Snow Drop and Little My Maid)'s abandoned projects that will be revived due to the success of Snow Drop and high anticipation of Little My Maid in the english market. A cross-over bishoujo comedy game involving characters from both Snow Drop and Little My Maid with more than 30 endings, you will be in Little My Maid’s Sea Dragon Mansion where you get to sexuallly train the Snow Drop girls as you would in Little My Maid. In this game you get to train Shizuka, Kyoka and Homani from Snow Drop while the Little My Maid characters will provide advice and support. Here are a few preview screenshots so you can see what the game looks like (click to view larger image).

The product page for Little My Snow Drop will be available very soon for pre-orders so check back often for updates on this great parody training simulation game!

(Note: Screenshots missing. If anyone still have copies of them please contact me)

April Fool 2005

First we have a new and exciting working title from Crowd. Due to the huge success of our bestseller title Brave Soul, Crowd and Peach Princess have decided to bring you the second Brave Soul title - Brave Soul Alternative! The game takes place shortly after our hero Rudy has defeated the Dark Lord and continues his life as a Hunter with his ex-rival Cobden as his partner. When the comedic duo spend more time together day and night, love starts to spawn between the two of them. How will they deal with their diginity as a man yet satisfy their desperate sexual desires and needs? How can Rudy convince his father and friends to accept him and Cobden as sexual partners…or perhaps lovers

The game system has been vastly improved for this highly-anticipated sequel. While the basic 2D-scrolling system remains the same, battle effects are completely redone with visually-pleasing 3D effects. Besides the core RPG element, there is also an AVG section where you can choose to play from Rudy or Cobden’s perspective on their relationship. In addition, with only Rudy and Cobden as your playable characters, Brave Soul Alternative now supports network play! You can now fight monsters and explore dungeons with your friends and loved ones for non-stop real-time man-to-man action! Click on the thumbnails below for some working screenshots.

Brave Soul Alternative will be our first Boys Love/Yaoi title, and will serve as our first step into the English yaoi gaming market. We hope to bring you more of the best yaoi titles from Japan in the near future so keep checking our page for updates!

April Fool 2006

Since Lamuness was very sick with a bacterial infection in his respiratory system, April Fool for 2006 was scrapped

April Fool 2007 - Part 1

With Yume Miru Kusuri’s shipping date rapidly approaching, we are very excited to announce our next working title from Crowd. With the increasing popularity of our critically acclaimed X-Change series, Crowd and Peach Princess have decided to bring you the next installment to this best-selling saga: X-Change Unlimited!

The game takes place shortly after X-Change 3, when our poor Takuya escaped his fate of becoming a girl and managed to change back to his male self thanks to Asami-senpai’s potion. While everyday life was back to normal and Takuya and Asuka are in good terms again, Asami-senpai didn’t feel too happy though. Having a crush on Takuya the whole time since junior college, her jealousy towards Asuka as Takuya’s girlfriend had never diminished. With some leftover potion at hand, Asami decided to use it on Asuka, hoping that Takyua will reject Asuka when she turns into a guy. However, things didn’t turn out to be exactly what Asami-senpai expected. While she successfully lured Asuka into drinking the sex-changing potion, Asuka didn’t turn into a man as Asami-senpai would have hoped. Instead, a penis grew between Asuka’s legs, turning her into a dickgirl! How will Asuka cope with her new self? Will she be able to resist her sexual desires with her new giant throbbing penis? What will happen to her relationship with Takuya? Will Takuya be able to accept the fact that Asuka has a bigger penis than his? What will happen to Takuya’s rear end? More importantly. will Asuka ever find a way to turn back, and possibly plot a revenge against Asami-senpai? Click on the thumbnails below for some of our teaser screenshots. (Note: The graphics for these in-development screenshots are still censored with mosaic. The English version for X-Change Unlimited will be 100% uncensored when released)

While the theme of dickgirls (hutanari) was also explored in our recently released title Yin Yang: X-Change Alternative, X-Change Unlimited is our first game to explore this theme from a girl’s perspective. That’s right: in X-Change Unlimited you get to play from Asuka’s point of view! A new an refreshing bishoujo gaming concept, X-Change Unlimited will be available soon for pre-orders so check back often for updates on this highly-anticipated game!

April Fool 2007 - Part 2



California - April 1st, 2007 - Bishoujo game publisher Peach Princess has decided to cancel the release of their upcoming title Yume Miru Kusuri :: A Drug That Makes You Dream, after the company filed a report with the local police that their corporate headquaters was broken into, and the Golden Master for the game was stolen. It is suspected that a recently hired employee named Shingo was responsible for the vandalism.

On March 31st, Shingo was caught stealing the Golden Master by Senior Project Coordinator Lamuness and CEO Peter Payne. Lamuness attempted to stop Shingo from escaping but failed and was injured severely. Payne watched in despair as Shingo ran away from the building with the Golden Master. Below is an image recorded by a security camera on site:

Lamuness was sent to the local hospital’s Intensive Care Unit for life-threatening injuries, including severe bruises and scratches, bone fractures, crushed genitalia, and other internal wounds. However, after having his face buried in the bossoms of a well-endowed nurse, he has fully recovered and was released from hospital this morning.

“I always had my doubts about this Shingo guy from day one,” commented Lamuness. “He is always late for work, and flirts with the female staff all the time, even the janitor. Then he spends most of the day here surfing the net for porn, watching youtube, and chating with people on IRC. He never gets any work done at all.”

“The other night I noticed something suspicious in the data room, so I informed my boss Peter and we went together to see what was going on. After seeing Shingo taking the Golden Master all hell broke loose and the next thing I knew I was in ICU with my face buried between a set of nice titties. Man, did you see the size of those massive milk bladders? I can die a happy man now.”

Shingo started working at Peach Princess in mid-January 2007 as a translator and game editor, but his background check was only completed recently. Upon review it was discovered that Shingo is part of a major software piracy ring.

“It all makes perfect sense now,” said Lamuness. “Shingo was sent here as a pirate spy, do nothing but fooling around at work, and wait until the right moment to steal data from our upcoming games so the pirates can distribute them across the internet illegally even before the game is officially released.”

Payne, the CEO of Peach Princess, was very concerned about the incident because with the Golden Master stolen, the company is unable to release the game.

“There are a lot of fans out there eagerly waiting to get their hands on this great game” said Payne. “I hope the police will find the culprit and retrieve the Golden Master soon, or else the fans will be very angry at us for not getting the game released. The Golden Master was just about to be sent out too, before that little son of a $*&#% stole it from us. What have I done to deserve this?”

“Piracy has been a huge problem for us, especially when we have put a lot of hard work on these games. There are pirates, some of them even minors, who just illegally download our games for free from torrents and what not, but this has to be the first time where a pirate physically infiltrated into our company and stole the actual Golden Master.”

Payne is considering doing extensive background checks on all current and future staff to avoid similar incidents from happening again. In the meantime the company has decided to cancel the game’s release and put all orders on hold until the Golden Master is recovered.

The term Golden Master is often used by the gaming industry to refer to the completion of a working title, when the final version of the game is ready to be sent to the duplicators and printers for mass-production and packaging. Without the Golden Master, the game cannot be released.

April Fool 2007

We want to thank everybody for their support for our very popular JAST USA Memorial Trading Cards, and to show our appreciation, we have a big surprise for you.

Due to the extreme popularity and demand for the cards, we are happy to announce the JAST USA Memorial Card Expansion Pack!

In addition to the 55 cards that we offer with our current collection, we are including extra collector cards, for a grand total of, you heard it, 999 cards!
Not only will the new cards offer hints and information for our upcoming and unannounced titles, but also secrets and inside scoop about JAST USA itself! This
expansion pack will feature the high-quality hard-plastic printing and blind packaging so it’s a different surprise every time you open a packet.

We know you are all curious as to what kind of cards will be inside the JAST USA Memorial Card Expansion Pack, so below is a sneak peak of what some of our new cards look like:

(click on thumbnail to view larger image)

The cards are currently under mass printing and production and we will have it available for online order very soon, so check back again soon for updates!