best bishoujo-dating-sim game?

It’s “Shirokuma Bell Stars?”. Seriously, questions like this are silly, I’d rather suggest you try to find answers yourself, with help of VNDB for example.

i know but the transletor wont translate the name i know only a little of jap so it is hard for me read a japan website

hmm Shin Koihime Musou got 52 characther? :shock: link never see a game soo big

edit someone got a walkthrough for Shin Koihime Musou english traslated if possible thanks

You shouldn’t need one. The “gameplay” is fairly basic, with a lot of trial and error, and once you win a battle once you never have to play it again. In regards to the characters, you simply select the ones you want when presented the opportunity to do so, though bear in mind that some characters are only available a certain number of times.

hmm you are righ any way thanks

edit: a walkthroug for Majikoi ? :smiley:

Be advised though that all of Momoyo’s H-scenes are in her after story (accessed in the omake section), which you can’t gain access to until you finish her route.

thanks hope i wont lose my self since i am using agth and atlas

any help whit Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai cant understod how to chose a route trying to get in the Momoyo route but i am playing the game for like 2 h and there was no progress is it normal or i wrong something? i see thare there need to be a thing liek this … =350&h=263 but i never see anything liek this before hmmm :frowning:

There are no choices while you’re still in the prologue. The first choice occurs immediately after the OP plays, like with Tsuyokiss.*

Yeah, I liked their approach to this; the game is already insanely long (it actually has more voice files than any other VN), but it manages to stay interesting and never bore because they don’t include the extra unnecessary story required to create enough context for including H scenes within the route itself.

*by choices I mean the character selection screens. the other choices don’t really influence the route you get on IIRC

Correct, and if I remember the prologue was actually fairly long so just keep at it until that corny OP movie plays then you can start making your choices.

:shock: 2 h and more of prologue? wow i like this game soo long ^^ anyway thanks

Asdu, I’m curious. Why are you asking for guides to untranslated games? Are you going to play these in Japanese with help of machine translator, or just skip through all of the text and look at HCG?

well no i dont skip the story i just ask what i dont uderstod 3 h of gameplay and no 1 selection of the route i have watch the tutorial today so now i have understod how the game work i am using AGTH and atlas and my little knowledge of jap :slight_smile: well i cant understod the game like when it is english traslated but i can understod what they want to say or what is hapening

someone can help im trying ??? getchu can some one give me a english walkthoug i have tryed some time but i got only bad ends

Welcome to the world of Japanese gaming. For most games there are no English walkthroughs. If you’re lucky, you might find an English forum thread somewhere that discusses the game, and with some sifting you might be able to find some useful information. Try a Google search using the game name, first using the romanization and then the name in Japanese characters. Otherwise, you’ll just have to parse the Japanese walkthrough sites using translators.

Here’s one of the more comprehensive walkthrough sites:

Look the game up there. With some practice you’ll learn how to navigate the site.

what the hell is the point of an english walkthrough to a japanese-only game?

people who can’t read a japanese walkthrough can’t play the game anyway

Well, technically you can play the game, but I don’t see the fun in playing a game that relies heavily on text to tell the story, and not being able to read the text.

Depending on the combination of how perceptive a person and how visually descriptive the medium, it’s possible for an individual to understand the general gist of what’s going on, without understanding an ounce of the language being spoken.

I agree though: YMMV on the entertainment value of such a scenario. :stuck_out_tongue:

I play H-RPGs without understanding enough Japanese to fully translate a typical sentence. With translators, it’s very doable. Walkthroughs, even Japanese walkthroughs, can be very helpful though, particularly when the game doesn’t have a good in-game tutorial. I don’t follow them word-for-word, but just an outline of the system along with some basic strategies can go a long way. I do typically avoid pure visual novels in Japanese, unless there’s something about the theme that’s incredibly eye-catching. Such niche games usually aren’t very long though. I avoid games renowned for their intricate writing for obvious reasons.

