Best game story

Out of all the Bishoujo games released which ones have the absolute best story new and old

Kana-little sister is a good game story wise, even though it’s sooooo deperessing. So is divi-dead if you want an older game. chain as well i think has a really good story line.

(BTW this is my first post)

I think the entire Eve series from C’s Ware tops in intruiging plot followed closely by GinIro or Kana.

Desire / Divi / Chain are good but not top notch IMHO.

From the translated games that I have played, Giniro: Silver does have some of the best stories in them… though they can be very sad tales. Desire and Critical Point also have fantastic storylines. Snow Drop is an amazing retelling of the Japanese Snow Fairy, fairy tale

My current personal favorite is a tie between Desire and Snow Drop. Both stories had me slackjawed on numerous occations because of suprizes or twists. And I still remember both very vividly. To me, a tale is a great tale if you can remember it years after you played it.

C’s Ware Eve. Surprised me at the end.

An older favorite for me though is “Nocturnal Illusions.” A little slow, but still my first game with a more serious story than; “Get all the girls.”

Originally posted by Carerra02:
C's Ware Eve. Surprised me at the end.

An older favorite for me though is "Nocturnal Illusions." A little slow, but still my first game with a more serious story than; "Get all the girls."

I'll agree with you on Nocturnal Illusion, sort of. The game DID reduce to 'get all the girls' in the end, but there was more to the game. With a game like Paradise Heights, the game doesn't waste time on anything that doesn't lead to more sex. Nocturnal Illusion had a lot of time devoted to enhancing the mysterious atmosphere and the backstory...but you did help, then bed, every girl in the game one after another (except the Mistress and Misao).

Still...Nocturnal Illusions has one of the best b-game settings, and their setting was rich enough that it could have sustained a LOT more than they did.

As for best story in a b-game; I haven't beaten Kana yet, but that one's definitely up there. Snow Drop is good in that regard, but a little skimpy. Chain could have been great, but was marred by the 'must have scene with every female in the game, except for minor bit characters. Some of.' thing that it had going. Also the philosophizing that the main character did I felt actually detracted from the game in places.

Hmm...overall I'm going to have to go ahead and say Kana. (Or, if you really want to get into one heck of an argument over 'define b-game', the first Silent Hill.)

I’d have to say EBE, dividead, nocturnal illusions, chain

I agree with the others on most of these – my personal favorites are Divi-Dead, Season of the Sakura, Chain and Desire.

Originally posted by cdog21:
Out of all the Bishoujo games released which ones have the absolute best story new and old

PLease, define "best story", because there are different aspects of a story that are differently good developed in each of the games.

However, of all the english localized games I liked most the story of "Eve Burst Error".

Originally posted by Unicorn:
PLease, define "best story", because there are different aspects of a story that are differently good developed in each of the games.

However, of all the english localized games I liked most the story of "Eve Burst Error".

C'mon, Unicorn, 'Best Story' obviously means 'Best Story' get with the program! What, I need to spell it out to you?

Best Story:

'B-o-k-m-e-o-w-'s F-a-v-o-r-i-t-e'

That was easy, tee hee.

I always liked Desire, but Makoto’s part of the story was so distasteful to play, it marred my overall opinion of the game.

Really liked Nocturnal Illusion, EVE burst error and Chain the best. Kana was just too depressing, although good. Divi-Dead was great but it got real confusing near the end of the game. (I also liked the cel style art of Divi-Dead as well)

my vote’s for Nocturnal Illusion.

Originally posted by Doug:
I always liked Desire, but Makoto's part of the story was so distasteful to play, it marred my overall opinion of the game.

Really liked Nocturnal Illusion, EVE burst error and Chain the best. Kana was just too depressing, although good. Divi-Dead was great but it got real confusing near the end of the game. (I also liked the cel style art of Divi-Dead as well)

I think the same. DESIRE have a very good history, but the Makoto's scenario really sucks! This game and EVE BURST ERROR too could to be multi-ending, that is, to have differents final decisions to other girls Endings, like NOCTURNAL ILLUSION.
DIVIDEAD is awesome, but needs some improvements too.
If you ask me, I think Himeya have other games with better story, like VIST and LUV WAVE.They could to be translated too.
I liked very much the story of CRITICAL POINT, thought.Have great endings.

Geeze everyone listed my choices already Guess that’s what I get for not logging on in the weekends. Heh but I like desire, divi-dead, Chain, and Kana. But if I wanted a lite funny story I’d probably say totemmoe pheremone was enjoyable. Hey I’m the first person to list a Trabulance game as one with a good story

Gotta thank Doug for that great comment. Makoto’s scenario really ruined the game for me. I pretty much hated what they did with her part, but the rest was good, so thats why it’s not on my top story.

As for EBE, I think I am one of the people here that don’t mind not having a multi ending game. It seems most of the multi ending english translated games I have layed really don’t hold much story. I mean EBE was multi ending because you could die hehehe, but I could play EBE over and over since the story was so great. The ony thing I liked about EBE better when comparing it to chain was that you actually had to choose places to go, sometimes it might get a little repetitive, but it really added a little to te gameplay. Instead of a flat out virtual novel, you got to move around, and figure out where to go next. I think Chain could have used a little more interactivity, but I was extremely happy with the game for my first buy from G-collections. I hope they release some more ZyX titles by character designer behind chain.