Best story line

Actually, it was mentioned.

for me i Got way deep into Snow Sakura. not most of the Story but with Rei Y_Y i almost cried when it ended cause i didn’t want it 2 be finished and wanted more

Best story line? After quite a few great releases, it’s very hard to choose just one. I would have to say my number one though would be Kana. I also much enjoy the stories Zero and his brother have created that are post-ending for it. Very close to Kana though would be Crescendo, YMK and Snow Sakura. Critical Point would be a good honorable mention…sci fi is always good.

Great story in no particular order:

Ever 17
Eve burst error
Kana little sister
Figure of Happyness
Fate/Stay Night
Eve the fatal attraction
Phantom of Inferno

Today I finaly get my hands on Kana litlle sister…

After playing it for… omg 6H non stop, I saw the ending n¬∞5.
THAT’s what I call a good game.
When you play a game with a good story line like Kana, YMK, … you don’t want to see sex fest eroge in your collection.

I’ll be back to normal a few days after I finish all the endings.

Do you plan to use a kouryaku?

Because I bought “Kana - Imouto” when it was released - and I still haven’t seen endings 1 and 6 yet…

But ‘we’ all know how bad you are at getting endings anyway, Unicorn! :lol:

And then we kind of figure out that we play these because we do want to get off our ass to ook for one to begin with LOL.

But some endings really do get us worked up especially if they are particularly emotional. The first H-game I played was Kana and I was like 0_O the whole time. I nearly peed in my pants because I could not tear myself away from the computer. No way in hell. The disc is in a shelf known as the reverence shelf for keeping awesome games (is with Starcraft, YMK and Warcraft 3 where Footy Frenzy is my kind of fun. Currently waiting for Starcraft II so I can nuke some Protoss scum). However, i can never tear myself from good artwork which is why Zyx and Activesoft are among my favorite H-game categories. BB is dangerous…

I will venerate this game by making a wallpaper of Kana.

Kana with out a doubt, until I play Crescendo. I’ve heard alot of positive reviews about it. Look forward to playing it!

For me it’s Tsukihime and Ever17.

Kana, Crescendo (bonus girl story) and FOH are great too.

I hope they complete the complete translation for Fate/Stay soon.

Does Crescendo have an English version?

This might sound strange but Enzai has a really good story. And I’m the one saying this? I hate yaoi… whatever…
Of course the yaoi and the raperaperape might be a deterant…

You got that right Mrbigenns :smiley: “Crescendo” is a great game to play. Even though you play a few days before you graduate is still my favorite H-game, then Private Nurse, figure of happines, Sagara Family and YMK :slight_smile:

I’ve got a few candidates:

D.C. Da Capo (translation for Da Capo Plus Communication currently underway)
ef -a fairy tale of the two (Have not played)
Kana ~Imouto

Well, I’m going to have to go with Kana first - as the story is so unique for a b-game. (at least those I’ve played in english) I can’t play the game anymore, however, because I was left walking around in a trance for days after the first time … that game could kill me.

Crescendo is an excellent game, with beautiful artwork and the ability to really make one nostalgic. Not to suggest my senior year or friends where anything like that … though I wish they had been. The scenario with the “bad girl” was the best in my opinion because it fealt the least forced and made me feel good afterword. (not to mention the fact that I can empathize with people in her kind of position)

I wouldn’t say that. The scenario of the hidden character in Crescendo had me crying for upwards of 30 minutes. Granted, it didn’t hit me quite as hard as most of the endings of Kana, but nevertheless I don’t think I will ever hear Scott Joplin’s “Solace” again without thinking of that character.

Syarin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo has the best storyline of any visual novel I’ve played.

Out of VNs with an English translation… I guess Ever17?

Storyline isn’t everything for me. Characters and presentation are very important, too, and I found both lacking in Ever17 personally =p

In English, i would say Crescendo and Eve Burst Error.
In Japanese… Well i liked Air and Kanon (i prefered the all age version, i found sex was totally “uselles” in those two), i liked the Da Capo and Clannad two.