Bishoujo Game Secrecy?

I got a question for people here. How many here openly let their friends know that they buy and play these games? Just curious, none of my friends know that I play them, I just don’t know how they would react. They seem to think anime and hentai are strange (for lack of a better word). While it may seem like my friends must be shallow, thats not the case, I am sure they would not care that I play these games. Although I am sure I would get alot of shit about it… But its not like they would stop talking to me or anything. So how many of you are secret bishoujo game players and how many are open about it?

I am very open about it.

ya I am quite open too, 99% of my friends know that I play them…I just don’t tell my parents about them, which is of course a totally different story

I’m more or less open about it if the subject comes up. But I don’t usually go around to my friends and start up conversations with “Hey, I play bishoujo games!” So, usually it’ll come up if we’re talking about Japanese related things or computers or piracy, stuff like that. And I really can’t hide it that much since there’s a couple of reviews out there with my name on it…

So far, my friends just accept that I’m into it. At most, I get a couple of rolled eyes and maybe a joke or two. That’s about it.

Some of my friends had made it clear they didn’t want to know, about things like that in general. So I don’t bring it up around them.

Other than that, I proselytize to such friends as I think would enjoy them. But I don’t go bringing it up all the time either.

I keep it secret from all you guys.

Oh and I’m a woman baby.

I don’t wear any panties.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 11-12-2003).]

I don’t discuss much anime with the people who can see me, either. So, it’s the sad life for otaku. I just watched otaku no video. It showed that anime was also the underground hobby in Japan. It may one day become the mainstream interest, like heavy metal. However, I don’t see any light from it right now.

The video is not just about Gainex’s history. Most otaku from the interview had mosaic on their eyes, and their voice had been altered. According to the first interview, Japan’s college anime club is called Science Fiction study club. It surely sound more academic than a hobby. They also have many small clubs under the umbrella of the SF club. The people who liked school girls’ uniform is formed SF(sailor fuku) club. The people who liked adult anime and manga formed hentai club. So, it seems that hentai had already been used to describe the adult content by Japenese. Furthermore, this video was made during 80’s. Then, there are cosplay and doujin circles within the club.

Overall, all the people from the interview are men. Only two guys’ faces and voices are shown. The first guy was a foreign guy living in Japan(not Peter ^_^). He was quite comfortable to discuss his interest. The producers of the show call him as a true otaku. The show showing him carrying some huge shopping bags, and he was chasing by the cameraman.

There is also an interview with a guy playing adult anime game. He’s the embarrassment for otaku, I think. During the interview, he spent most of his time on looking at computer monitor. Of course, there was a naked anime girl on the screen. Most of his saying was “uh uh” “ah ah” and “isn’t she cute”.

There was one guy who ruled. He formed the network with people from other part of Japan. Japan’s local TV stations showed the different anime. You can see one anime show in one region, but you can’t see it from other region. So, they recorded every show in their region. Then, they shared the recoreded video tapes among their circle. I wondered it’s how those fansub got the title before the video/LD release.

I also wonder if they use computers to record TV shows now. Hard drives are dirt cheap right now. Computers have more benefit over video recorders. Other recorders, such as TiVo, are also good alternative.

My Mom and Dad know I play these type of games. I told them that I play them for the graphics and that the games are set up as logic puzzles. (Character motivation etc.) So they have been pretty cool with it.

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

I used to be very shy about it, but I’ve been becoming more open recently. I’ll tend to describe them as dating games (the way the new JASTUSA site does ), visual novels or romance sims. I don’t draw attention to the H side, although (these days) I’ll freely admit it if asked. This is unless someone’s actually asking about playing the games themselves - then I’ll make sure they won’t be nastily surprised by an H scene if they weren’t expecting any.

In fact I’m much more secretive about the occasional H anime I’ll watch than any number of bishoujo games… the games at least have a main reason which isn’t naked anime girls

A number of my friends are into anime and have heard of dating sims anyway, and so they tend to be vaguely interested.

And I have told my parents

Hmm, the subject’s never come up with my parents. Then again, for them, computers might as well be alien artifacts (I won’t go into how long it took with the VCR…) My Dad would probably be cool about it, my Mom not as much. Not that it matters since I live on my own now…

Awww, come on, not all adult anime are that bad. There have been some with good stories. Er, okay, I can’t think of any right now but there are!

When I lived with my parents, they didn’t care that much what I do with my computer. Even though some of my friends knew I played b-games, they never made any comments at all. Now that I moved out to another country and I am living alone (and don’t have that many friends, yet), nobody cares! (Please note, nobody, not Nobody)

I don’t advertise it but if someone asks or talks about bishoujo or hentai I have no problems talking about it.

It is nothing that I try to make public, but as others have mentioned if it comes up in a conversation I have no problem discussing some of my favorite games with other people.

Originally posted by fxho:
(Please note, nobody, not Nobody)

I don't think Nobody cares either, since I don't think he's here at this BBS anymore.

Usually, my friends are into what I am and B-games just come up pretty naturally when we’re discussing our favorite games or anime. Once I didn’t know a friend of mine was into them until he was posting reviews in his LiveJournal and I think we’re better friends because of it. Or at least we talk a lot more than we used to.
I don’t care what my parents think since I buy the games with my own money and I’m of legal age.
Though with some people in peer settings it is interesting because they think I’m very conservative and think they’re going to shock me by talking about B-games or adult anime. And almost always they have very ignorant views on the subjects and are shocked when I try to enlighten them or enthusiastically chat it up. ;D

I am very open…it usually comes up a lot, when people ask me what i do for work, and my website is my main thing, so it’s a pretty natural opener for the discussion

my parents not only know, my mom occasionally borrows games from me