Bishoujo Games on iPhone?

mtrix’s Gift? Looks like it’s… MOON STONE’s Gift. I hated that game >_>

Anyway, uh, narcissu on iphone?

I doubt Apple is going to allow any H games on their store, so you’d have to use a jailbroken iPhone to play them. They might as well just as well make the games for the much less regulated Winmo/Android/Blackberry/WebOS (probably) OSes. Some of us will only use superior phones. :slight_smile:

True enough. I try and avoid Apple products like the plague.

Something we agree on. That’s a first. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know about you, but of the ones you listed, I find Android to be the most promising. Now if only someone would make a better phone that uses it than the G1…

And that’s where we differ again. :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t find Android particularly promising since Google is new to developing OSes and there’s a lot they still need to work out. It’s also not very revoultionary. WebOS on the other hand comes from a veteran phone maker and has lots of revolutionary features (real multitasking!). Blackberry is still behind since their OS isn’t really designed for touch, and pretty much everything is highly dependent on touch nowadays. Winmo is well… Winmo, an archaic OS.