Bishoujo games that'll make good anime?

What about PSW 2048 AD? It might make a nice action-packed show.

Do explain further…
We doth not quite understand… Wasn’t it called “Sister Princess” ?

And whatabout “Hadaka Apron Gakuen” ?.. :confused:

Well it’s a visual novel, specifically a kenetic novel which the company coined and actually the term caught to represent anything like it that basically had no choices, but was visual in nature, specifically anime-based.

However, some of those mentioned here, specifically Desire, Eve Burst Error and Chain are also visual novels. You go from point A to point Z and it gives only the illusion of choice.

That’s easy: fans of the franchise actually completely disown the first series for being so mediocre and denaturing the characters and essence of the franchise. As a reaction to their losing fandom, Mediawork released the RePure series, which follows closely the stories published in G’s, thus respecting the franchise’s novels, published stories and game’s essence and feelings.

Which is not what define a “Visual Novel”. The word “Visual Novel” was created by Leaf for their “Visual Novels” series and used after the success of “ToHeart” to describe games sharing the same presentation – including gameplay. When Key created “Planetarian”, they felt the need to coin another term because it was essentially different from a visual novel¬ÅAsince there was no choice at all. Hence the “Kinetic Novel”.

Ohhh… Now we get it…

Now… In the case of our, we mean all of us… fav. b-games getting thier own anime counterparts…
Wouldn’t it be great if the choices are still present while you are watching the show and you just have to choose whta’s going to happen next… Base on the choices…
Tis possible in the future where televisions and cinemas starts to have functions such as these so that every viewer gets to see his/her desired flow of the movie/show or anime… And choose a different path if one didn’t like his/her ending…

Sounds like still a b-game only animated and you can play it with a timeslot on tv or while in a movie or even while watching it on your player… (DVD or VCD or Soon to be invented tech.) But containing an anime with multiple choices eats up alot of memory space… We don’t think that a DVD-ROM can contain it… I guess we’ll just have to rely on future inventions…

But when you think of it…
It’s just so damn cool!..

You are basically asking here for the original Hirameki-DVDPGs - probably with the slight difference of being fully animated, but still with the typical bad disadvantage of having no useful save-method and thus having to either rely on loooong save-codes that have to be written down and manually entered by the playerr - or worse: having to play again from scratch for every single path you missed so far.

Sorry, but my own experience with DVDPGs (even the really great ones like “Phantom of Inferno” or “Hourglass of summer”, which I both deserted because I felt too inconvenienced by their save-methods and lacking fast-forward for already umpteen times watched passages) makes me definitely disagree here!

It was terribly annoying in those DVD-ROM games, yeah.

What about a harem comedy anime in which through most of the series everybody is chasing the main character, and then the series stops and you buy the special OVA which has endings for each character, so you can choose whichever end you want?

Actually, there’s another (way better) alternative: fully animated games with choices, e.g. “School Days”. Only one game with such a gameplay so far, but there’s hope!

I’m not sure about a good bishoujo game that’ll make a good anime ( though Critical Point would be nice and have alternate endings as extras lol ). But a good anime/manga to game would be Sakura Diaries.

I really wish I could see AYAKASHI animated, more for the awesome fightscenes than anything else. ^_^;;

Graah, the OP movie…

You know… Now that I’ve had time to reflect on it, OLF is right: It doesn’t matter what the “source” of an anime is - it’s the director and his/her resources that define if an anime turns good or not.

If you got the perfect director, teamed him with the greatest voice actors, gave him the best script writers, and a massive budget for music and animation crews… well… he could probably take “why did the chicken cross the road” and transform it into the greatest anime in the history of mankind (with fanservice, gunfire, and giant mecha).

Shakespeare material are often quoted as the greatest writtings known to Man - look how many times those have been murdered with complete and utter ease by Hollywood.

WHO is making the anime is perhaps more important than WHAT the anime is being made from.

[ 08-16-2007, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Perfect Blue was absolutely awesome because Satoshi Kon is a genius. I mean, he’s absolutely brilliant. Look at the actual plotline – a stalker / slasher movie with an obvious fake for misdirection involving multiple personalities.

There’s actually a live action remake. I’ve not seen it myself, but I hear it was dreadfully boring.

He also did Millennium Actress - which makes Him God in my eyes. :slight_smile:

The TV series is planned already. My biggest news of Comiket so far!

It’s time you realize I’m always right, Narg. :smiley:

[ 08-17-2007, 05:48 AM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

I’d agree with you if you NEVER divided Hisui + Kohaku, like the Constance of the Universe intended it to be. :stuck_out_tongue:

I beg you to reconsider:
If you NEVER separate them, then there is also no hope for any of those really magnificent reunion-org… -err- … -scenes ever happening! :stuck_out_tongue:

…holy shit.

Thanks, Olf. My day has just been made. o/

I beg you to reconsider:
If you NEVER separate them, then there is also no hope for any of those really magnificent reunion-org… -err- … -scenes ever happening! :wink:

…Indeed…the choices gig would be slightly disadvantageous to those of us who wants to know the different outcomes out of those choices during the knid of animation we mentioned…

Demo ne…
How about… You can watch it on tv and as the story progresses…dicisions appear to let the viewer decide what he/she wants the characters to do or how will the plot go along…

And… just for the fun of it…
Let it just be a oneshot gig. So that the viewers would reflect on thier decisions and converse with others about the choices they made…

Tatoeba… Animes aren’t re-aired right after its first airing on tv… It usually takes a few years… Well, 'cept when you’s got cable…

Now, as fun as that sounds… It still doesn’t remove the fact that others would really want to know what could have happened if they made a different choice no?.. And it would also need a wide and broad network to be able to differenciate each and every individual’s choices at the same time while in different places…

Perhaps this could also be next to impossible with technology…