Bishoujo Gaming News

oooh! begins to fit this newfound monthly expense into my budget Very nice.


Wow, this sounds almost too good to be true! It’s not an april fool’s joke, is it? Well, I’d better start start saving some extra money anyway, just in case I’d be REALLY tempted to get one of those new games (Haven’t decided if I should get Private Nurse or not yet…). Oh, that reminds me… Goddess, how soon might we except to see some reviews on G-collections games on your site?

Well, I hope we hear more about those games soon anyway .

Originally posted by joe_kun:
"Although we're not ready to give away any secrets, we want you all to know that we
have 6 more titles in the making! We intend to launch a new title almost monthly. Get ready, here we come!!"



Gaww dankit, I jeth repwathed thith damn thin.

In another news, from J-List mailing list,

"For bishoujo gaming fans, we’re happy to announce two new preorder products. First, JAST USA Memorial Collection is a total re-engineering of three classic games: Three Sisters’ Story, Season of the Sakura and Runaway City. The new game collection features a completely updated game engine with new effects including anti-aliased graphics, re-sampled music and many new features. You can get all three games in one package for $24.95. Then, Milky House Memorial Collection brings you three more classic titles: Nocturnal Illusion, May Club and the original Borderline Collection, all for just $19.95. All game work with modern Windows, including Windows XP. Preorder for free shipping on these titles (US/Canada; half price for
international shipping) when they come out! (There’s a $5 rebate for people who have purchased these games before, too.) "

Now, now, if they can get True Love, too… (Yeah, I know it is from Otaku/Parsely).

Hey finally I got to use my ten dollar coupon and then factor in the five dollar rebates for having the original games your gettting six games for a good deal.

Wow. I’ll definitely buy both of those, although I’m more interested in the Milky House collection. Nocturnal Illusion was not exactly the greatest game, and it didn’t have a very good translation in some parts. But it got what it wanted quite well–the style was excellent.

well, my plans so far concerning G Collections games are that i am going to cover in full Kana and Chain…i have received a couple of reviews for G collections games and i am going to post them in the misc section during my next update

i know i am really dragging my ass with the new update, i’m sorry

sounds like the Jast package has some kinda graphics enhancement
i wonder if the Milky House one was anything special like that?

Hmm… Interesting… I will pick them as all of them since I have new computer (Window XP) sigh

Originally posted by fxho:
First, JAST USA Memorial Collection is a total re-engineering of three classic games: Three Sisters' Story, Season of the Sakura and Runaway City. Then, Milky House Memorial Collection brings you three more classic titles: Nocturnal Illusion, May Club and the original Borderline Collection, all for just $19.95.

*Maniacal laughter*
*Some more hysteriucal maniacal laughter*

So, I might have been a fool to buy "3 Sisters Story" and "May Club" to the original price last month!

But since I am still missing some of the other games in the packages (Runaway City, and Nocturnal Illusion, to be more specific) and these Versions might be even have some enhancements, I am going to buy them as well...

*Getting buy-mania*

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
i wonder if the Milky House one was anything special like that?

I hope, they have at least rebuild/corrected/stabvilized the engine of "May Club".
The original version that I got last week crashed my WinXP-system, so I had to install it on my Win98 in order to play it.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
So, I might have been a fool to buy "3 Sisters Story" and "May Club" to the original price last month!

I don't know, they might have collector value. But they're always nice to have.


*Getting buy-mania*

You mean you didn't already have buy-mania?!? [img][/img]

I still want the origional versions of the games --. I need to find all those old games with their boxes, and not just thre recent releasen with just a jewel case ;;. I would pay a fortune for the og of nocturnal illusions. I’ll settle for the rerelease to play them though.

pokes everyone to see if any copies fall out

Originally posted by smog:
*pokes everyone to see if any copies fall out*


Ooops! No, that was just my original Sailor Moon themes soundtrack CD. Keep your hands off!


takes mental note not to poke Unicorn anymore

Originally posted by Unicorn:

Ooops! No, that was just my original Sailor Moon themes soundtrack CD. Keep your hands off!

I'll take a poll: should I ask him where he was hiding that CD, or no?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I'll take a poll: should I ask him where he was hiding that CD, or no?

Someone around here once gave the good advice, not to ask questions, if you don't really want to have answered.

Could that by any chance have been you...? [img][/img]

Come to think of it, it was him. Weird…

Of course my question would be “where did he poke you?” But then again, I’m insane…

Actually, should be interesting to see who says what on the GameFAQs boards with those games coming back in the collections. Especially those quick to call them “abandonware”. (And let’s not get into that argument again please.)

Think I’ll pick up both packs myself, just to see how the enhancements worked out. Besides, who can blame me for spending money on bishoujo stuff right?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Someone around here once gave the good advice, not to ask questions, if you don't really want to have answered.

Could that by any chance have been you...? [img][/img]

Hence I am taking a poll to see whether we, as a group, really want to know.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Come to think of it, it was him. Weird...

Of course my question would be "where did he poke you?" But then again, I'm insane...

Actually, should be interesting to see who says what on the GameFAQs boards with those games coming back in the collections. Especially those quick to call them "abandonware". (And let's not get into that argument again please.)

Think I'll pick up both packs myself, just to see how the enhancements worked out. Besides, who can blame me for spending money on bishoujo stuff right? [img][/img]

*restrains self from launching into the abandonware argument, with no small effort* topic...

gaaaaaaaah digress...rising...rising...falling...rising...

[on topic]So, are you sure you want to know where he got poked?[/on topic]