Bishoujo Suggestions

Chain is pretty cool, but its single story/path.
I’d say go for Snow Sakura if you like slice of life and light romance-comedy. Yume Miru Kusuri and Kana: ittle Siater on the more intense side. Princess Waltz is good too.
Other stuff I can say is Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, Bible Black.

Critical Point is a solid choice. If it caught your eye, go for it.

Other story heavy titles: Kana Little Sister, Crescendo, Hourglass of Summer (non-H, involves time jumping and has a mystery factor to it), Yume Miru Kusuri, Ever17 (non-H)

I assume you’ve only taken a look at titles sold by JAST USA. You also might want to check out, if you haven’t already. They have a few good titles as well, though they’re download-only. Their translations aren’t quite as good as JAST’s, but they’re acceptable (for the most part–the early titles had terrible translations).


If you like serious stuff, you’ll like Phantom : phantom of inferno (non H)

Shuffle’s alright. If you liked the anime, it’s more of the same. Kira Kira is supposed to be really good. People keep telling me I need to play it.

Howdy, fellow newbie! I think you’ll like what everyone else has mentioned (especially Kana, Yume Miru Kusuri, Ever 17 and Hourglass of Summer). Another one that you might really like is Figures of Happiness. You can only buy it as a download now from J-List; but if you try Amazon you can still snag a CD-ROM copy like I did. I certainly didn’t regret it!

Good choice. I think U’ll really enjoy YMK and Cresendo. These 2 kept me thinking for a while after I played them.
On the lighter side Tottemo Pheromone is pretty good. Private nurse is another great, underestimated (IMO) game. Also there are Figures Of Happiness and tears to Tiara which have been recommended, but I havent gotten them yet.
Oh and while still on the topic, try not to use a walkthrough, IMO that is more enjoyable :slight_smile:

Unless you’re playing Hourglass of Summer. You really, really, REALLY don’t want to get into the homestretch of a 12hr game and suddenly realize your choices a few hours earlier have netted you a bad ending.

I got through Hourglass of Summer without a walkthrough. The backtracking actually doesn’t take that long. The bad endings conserve most of the same scenes, so you can just skip right past them. Hourglass of Summer is admittedly one of the worst games to have to backtrack though, simply because it lacks a “skip read text” feature.

But yeah, don’t use a walkthrough for a game like Critical Point. Dying is part of the fun. :wink:

Sometimes I’ll glance at a guide to see which characters are “winnable” before I start. It’s rather irritating to get your hopes up going for a particular girl, only to find she’s not winnable at all, or not winnable the first time through. Sometimes there’s even a strict order to unlock paths; without a walkthrough you’re just probing blindly.

As already mentioned, more than a few H-games don’t allow you to earn the “real” ending on your first or even several plays through. Kana, Crescendo, Figures of Happiness and Ever 17 being the ones that come to mind. So there’s your incentive to play them more than once! :smiley:

Also, concerning Kana, since you’ll be playing it a few times anyway, keep in mind that her real ending is number 6.

Well It was meant as a personal opinion anyways.I kinda feel that I enjoy a game more when I try to complete it(atleast first few times) on my own.Thats it.

Just a note since you mentioned Casual Romance Club: It is quite a bit different from the other games you have tried. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but some have found it disappointing because of the different format it uses. Essentially, the difference is that the game is focused more on interaction between you and the girls than it is on trying to tell a story.

Mayumi in “Shuffle!” :cry:

Hopefully +essence will be translated soon after japan release

Anyway, all the suggestions are good, YMK and Snow Sakura being my top 2 reccommendations. Figures of Happiness, Kana - little sister, Shuffle!, and Hitomi - my step sister, are also good. I have yet to play Crescendo, Critical Point, or Princess Waltz yet though.

Now it’s time for us to recommend Cross Channel (since it’s fully translated now).
I just started playing it last night and it reachs my expectations 8)

Heck, I wanted Nadeshiko- Sensei…

That and its non-narrative. All text in there is someone talking if its in the main text window.