Black Rainbow censored?

:shock: :o :shock:

(Short translation: Black Rainbow’s latest game, Gitai Saimin, is recalled from the market because of contents violating EOCS (Ethics Organization of Computer Software) regulations.) … id/1013579

Fortunately I’ve got Gitai Saimin some time ago ( , this game IS definitely good), buy it fast if you hope to see the original contents :roll: .

It was made after the EN changes - only games in production BEFORE the incident, were exempt from the new rules.

I guess this means the new rules actually have teeth… or it’s just a publicity stunt (i.e. this game is so dark, it had to be undarked a little).


Hmm, although it’s hard to tell conclusively, it looks like it might have just been a mistake made by Black Rainbow when applying the mosaics?

Some studios are more liberal than others with pixelation. :expressionless:


Ah… so the game proper wasn’t tampered with, just some minor odds and ends.

(sighs in relief) Good thing I have a copy.

But those “odds and ends” must be significative if Sofurin raised its ugly head :roll: .

To say the truth, my initial guess for the ‘culprit’ was little Mari-chan, at the beginning of the second half of the game.
A female toddler in the background observing Murakoshi having sex with her brainwashed mother can easily attract the ire of censors, and that “???CG” and “???” don’t contradict my hypothesis yet…

However I’m relieved that the menaced censorship is merely a few additional mosaics (or panties :wink: :lol: ) in a CG or two.

So what did they do, add a mosaic over the toddler? :smiley: Or are you saying that ??? is not referring to the usual background images used when no event CG is used, but rather the actual background of a CG? Or does Mari-chan actually appear in a background CG and not an event CG.

Having read the old Black Rainbow fanbook, I know something of the problems they had with a True Loli :stuck_out_tongue: in From M (I’m sure it’s not a coincidence if later they changed the game cover).

Now we have a second Black Rainbow erogame sporting a VERY young looking girl in a sexual contest, and suddenly changing game cover :wink:

I DO know that the circumstances are TOTALLY different (no minors in Gitai Saimin’s old game cover, for example), but I DO NOT believe in coincidences, too.
If really someone requested a mosaicing of one or more CGs/backgrounds, it’s because of the toddler, in my opinion (by the way, “what did they do, add a mosaic over the toddler?”, FULL mosaicing of the loli is exactly the request sent to Black Rainbow years ago for From M :roll: … ).

(This scenario continues in the obvious way :twisted: with Mari in the background, but I leave the details to your imagination :stuck_out_tongue: … )

Mosaicing the toddler would be hilarious, in my opinion. They should so do it, haha!

It makes sense though. They could just remove the toddler all together. I haven’t played it but other than suggesting she’s already married removing the baby wouldn’t hurt the story.

Can’t remove the toddler because he’s using mimetic hypnosis to pretend that he IS the toddler.

And they say these games have no plot. They have madd plotz dawg! :o

I suppose with eroge, you can’t imitate 4Kids :lol: