
I have since discovered that Astral Finishes/Losses are necessary for full route completion on a few characters in Story mode.

Ragna’s bad end requires a loss to Rachel, as does Jin’s (though I think any loss may be acceptable in his case) and his gag reel requires at least one prior playthrough. Tsubaki’s gag reel needs a loss to Jin, and her BAD END requires you to use Astral Finishes (I Astraled Carl, Jin and Noel to get this)

Took on Hazama with Tager after I cleared arcade mode with Noel. Hazama was no match for the ingenuity of Russian Science (ie, backstep, 360 dpad B) and also had an “easy” time with Lambda… if you count spamming D swords and running away like a little girl an easy time of it. I’ve just about given up on trying to clear Carl in the arcade mode, as I’m horri-bad with him and basically rely on Nirvana for…well, everything. He’s too squishy as well…and his 10 second countdown on his Astral isn’t doing me any favors when Hazama can just leap over it, beat the crap out of me, and laugh when the explosion finally goes off.

Hazama suffers from the classical SNK Boss Syndrome, though recalling the madness of I-No, I wasn’t caught off guard.

Hard as he becomes on the highest difficulty levels, at least he never gets to the Soulcalibur 3 level of cheapness. In that game, the AI actually reads your button inputs… therefore it always perfect counters or blocks… even attacks a split second before you do, because it reads the button input faster than the television screen can redraw your character’s movement. shudders

:cry: Don’t remind me of that horror. There’s hard and then there’s WTF IS GOING ON HERE?! In regards to Hazama, I’ve found that as long as you can hit him outside of his life stealing aura, then rush in and combo him you will vastly increase the damage you do. Obviously some characters can do this with a lot more ease than others. It could be worse of course, they could have made you fight Unlimited Mu at the end. As bad as Hazama is his ranged attacks are easy enough to counter, lasers shooting from multiple angles on the other hand…

Weak American Power versus Real Soviet Damage

Need I say more? :lol:

Valkenhayn teaser is out.
No Walter style for him unfortunately, he’s pure hand to hand. His werewolf form is activated through his drives and has a recharging meter like Nirvana. You know he’s badass because he’s got a pink ribbon on his tail in werewolf mode.

Coolness. Though not using Walter is a major disappointment, it looks like they still used a badass Hellsing influence: The Captain :twisted:

Being a true werewolf, explains his seeming immortality.

September 9th is the start of the AOU in Japan. Valkenhayn will make his general public debut there.

DLC release is expect to be on September 9th, to coincide with the AOU, or September 15th: which is Valkenhayn birthdate. :slight_smile:

The new trailer has clips of Platinum the Trinity…shooting missiles. I guess that’s one way to level the playing field. Her bit is right at the end.

Fixed that for ya. :o

Western release for Valkenhayn is the 21st of this month.

You don’t screw with immortal werewolves.

You don’t screw with combat butlers.

You don’t screw with master vampire hunters.

So you certainly don’t screw with immortal combat butler master vampire hunter werewolves.

[url=]Just saying[/url]. :wink: