
From the creators of Guilty Gear, comes what some people say Guilty Gear 2: Overture should have been in the first place.

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Vampires? Lolicon? Nuns with Guns? Emo Bisho that Kick Ass? Fan service? Heaven or Hell? Fuck yea. 8)


Wow, I haven’t been this excited since I saw the real Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Codes trailer.
But there are a few annoying things there:

  1. Wierd name, makes me think of… things…
  2. Its a new Sol and Ky.
  3. We got a new Potemkin.
  4. Whargarlgbe.
  5. Rachel Alucard? Oh wow.

Hmmm… dark magic wielding swordsman, girl with big guns, vampire loli… I sense huge quantities of win in this sector.

And Overture can rot in hell with Daisuke in tow.
I’ll never forgive him for that blasphemy, and not to mention the DizzyxKy.

This game was shown at the LA anime expo. Kicks serious ass. Pretty much GG on steroids - nothing ultra revolutionary or anything… but still kick ass.

Gun-Kata Nuns are smexy. 8)

And vampire loli’s are smexyer…

But nothing beats the 3 year old loli with huge tits, black and white angel wings, a great and powerful tail, guardian spirits, demigod level power, unstable mutations and god knows what else… and a mother with a huge blue penis between her legs and not to mention the psychotic fire daddy :smiley:
I fucking love Dizzy.
#1 on my list.

I had a chance to see the actual arcade in action. I don’t care what video you’ve seen of this game… its beyond all words of awesome to play this divine beast. As we’d all assume, its basically just Guilty Gear taken to the max: but it makes you cry to know 2D fighters aren’t dead. Everything about BlazBlue proves that 3D is only HALF of the future… 2D is that other side.

I love it… God how I love it…

Can’t wait to see the upcoming King of Fighters that’s 2D as well… but honestly I can’t see them beating BlazBlue. Story setting. Character designs. Visual artwork. Music… OMFG the music.

On a sidenote, there’s dialog in BlazBlue that seems to hint at the existance of alternate realities and a means to cross them (obviously forbidden)… do I hear a Guilty Gear VS BlazBlue in the winds? One can only pray. :smiley:

Seeing as I just got and finished the game this week I felt a need to resurrect this thread.
This game is one of the best fighting games I’ve ever played. It’s got a good plot (somewhat confusing at times), fantastic graphics and awesome gameplay. The story is done in Visual Novel style, complete with choices, alternate paths, dead ends and a final true end. Personally I place it well above Street Fighter IV. Oh yeah, and if you still aren’t sold, a major character is a twin-tailed, tsundere, goth loli vampiress. I may not be very good with her but I’ll be damned if Rachel didn’t easily become my favorite fighting game character EVER.
Get the damn game and revel in it’s awesomeness.

To me this is like a perfected Guilty Gear, I absolutely enjoy the story mode and characters, especially Bang (best ninja character I’ve come across in a while), Tao, and Rachel (a vampire tsundere with electric frogs who looks and acts alot like Shinku from Rozen Maiden and, whether you play in Japanese or English, has Rin’s voice. Complete win :smiley: !). This is without a doubt the best 2D fighting game I’ve ever played and I eagerly await the sequel and/or DLC. I echo everyone else on this board by saying, GET THIS GAME AND GET IT NOW!!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to try to find some doujinshi for this :twisted:

I am pretty impressed with BlazBlue thus far. And this is coming from a guy who broke his Guilty Gear disc in two after I got fed up with the shitty hit detection on Axel’s super vs my friends ridiculous good Dizzy/Mai’s unending whale juggle combination. The Story mode is a nice change up from most fighting games, also love the route execution, and all those great VN features available in the story mode. (auto & skip ftw) Although I find using the right stick for specials/supers makes it harder for me to combo them in, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it.

The “teach me sensei” omake clips are great, they’ve got some serious humor packed into them.

I have yet to go online with it, but from what I can tell in story mode/ arcade mode the characters seem pretty balanced in an overpowered sense, with Noel and Nu being my current favorites. They’ve both got a lot of flash and bang going on, which makes me feel good about myself as I beat up CPUs, and Nu’s Astral Heat finish is just too cool animation wise. Although the life leeching Ragna isn’t far behind. I haven’t quite gotten a handle on Rachel or Carl, and Litchi’s supers are giving me some beginner’s issues. I think the only character I don’t like is Tager, but the only heavyweight I’ve ever liked is Zangief anyway.

I’m not sure if your going to play Ranked Matches or not but if your are learn how to manually do your supers cause the right stick is limited when you play in that mode. And the use of it can also be turned off in Player Matches but that’s a setting and up to the person that made the lobby.

Yes, I’ve discovered that ranked matches ban the right stick EZ mode specials and supers, which is fine with me tbh. Now I don’t have the crutch to worry about and can keep my timing without worrying about hitting the right stick to the left.

Although I’ve discovered that 2 days doesn’t make me a master by any stretch of the imagination, 30 matches in and I’ve only managed to win 10 of them. In any event, I’ve pretty much given up on using Noel, since it seems EVERYONE uses her and just mashes her Drive button. I’ll probably go back to her once the game gets old, but I somehow find myself unable to play FoTM characters.

Just got the sequel to this masterpiece, Continuum Shift, and it’s even better than the first. They only added three new characters (4 with DLC) but they added a number of new modes and the Story mode is actually better done this time around (don’t have to win fights with Distortion/Astral finishes). Some of the joke endings this time around are freaking hilarious as well. If you liked the first one, this is a must buy.
While I don’t have the Makoto DLC yet, her Astral Finish alone is worth the cost.

OMFG! Valkenhayn Hellsing!! [url=]Just freaking Valkenhayn Hellsing[/url]!!!

You know… that vampire hunter butler, who could kick Rachel’s lolita ass if she ever stepped over the line - he’s officially the next DLC character. Rawr.

I hope he fights like Walter from Hellsing (fun fact: his Japanese VA is the same person who does Walter for Hellsing). 8)

Because of his crest and theme song name, as well as tidbits in the game, some think he’s a werewolf.

I’m still not sure about that. He’s clearly one of the six heroes, but so is Hakumen, and Rachel can clearly match up well against him so I can only imagine that if she actually went all out she could probably take on anyone in the game, possible exceptions being Jubei and Saya. Putting that aside, I was hoping he’d be playable from the get go in this one.

I really wouldn’t be surprised by this as he doesn’t seem like he would be a hand to hand style character like Tager, Tao, and Makoto. Plus, if he IS a werewolf they could save that for his Astral to contrast his normal style/appearance, kind of like what happens with Tsubaki.

I don’t think “Power Level: 9000+” equates to automatic winning: there are several story canon BlazBlue match ups, where a character is defeated by someone who is weaker than them. Just because you’re more powerful, doesn’t mean you’re going to win. Besides… rarely is a vampire hunter, actually stronger than a vampire (especially the Japanese versions of them): successful vampire hunters just capitalize on all the weaknesses that a vampire has, and studies their opponent before going into battle.

It’s pretty safe to assume that Hellsing knows what Ratchel can do. He’s served several generations of her family, and by that context, outlived several generations. The man is already centuries old, given when the Beast was defeated. Also, since we know that Ratchel is head of the vampire race, it’s telling that someone or something killed her parents (and their parents, and their parents, and their parents). If vampires age and die in the setting, Hellsing is able to outlive them. There might be more to Hellsing than he lets on… Of course plot-wise, from what we’ve seen, it’s doubtful Hellsing would attempt to kill Ratchel at this point, as he’s fairly loyal and fond of her (he gets rather pissed if someone insults her; thinks that Ragna isn’t worthy of her; etc). He’s basically her stepfather.

As for who is more powerful than Ratchel in terms of raw strength, I’d say that list would certainly include Bloodedge, the Imperator, Black Beast, and Jubei (in that specific order). Bloodedge fought the Black Beast, by himself, for years. It’s even stated he lost on purpose. The Imperator is practically God. Jubei is denoted as the most powerful individual on the planet, but even he couldn’t fight the Black Beast alone. Terumi is likely equal to her, all things said and done: it’s mention several times, that in a straight fight, she’s one of the few who actually has a good chance of beating him - though it’s implied that’s not a real guarantee. It’s perhaps likely that even Terumi isn’t using his full strength, given that he’s working within the constraints the Imperator has laid out.

Forgot to mention that Hakumen isn’t fighting at his full potential either. He’s only able to access a fraction of the armor’s real power, and it’s one of the original units (of course, Ratchel has the second, though it’s entirely defensive in nature). It remains to be seen if he’ll ever push the suit to it’s limits.

Here’s some pics of the Six Heroes. Everyone is accounted for: Hakumen and Jubei are obvious, the witch is Nine, Terumi is the spikey haired guy, and the robed figure is Trinity. The last one is rather conflicting: in the mural that’s his staff, or it’s a forward reaching fist - also worth noting that he has a ponytail and goatee like Hellsing.

I wish they’d release a vid of Hellsing in combat, so we can tell what the hell he’s supposed to be. All we have is this, and it reveals nothing at all, except he’s got no staff. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d say the mural is depicting his fist, not a staff. Seeing the screenshot makes me really hope they go the Walter route, but his stance doesn’t really support that style. Comparing Rachel to the Black Beast just ain’t fair in the first place, it required the six heroes to beat it so of course it’s tops in power. The Imperator is clearly badass as she can order Terumi around, and Jubei’s always been referred to as the strongest. The question mark for me is Bloodedge. Considering some of the things Ragna said, I wonder if Bloodedge was actually a future version of Ragna that somehow got sent back into time, like Jin/Hakumen, and ended up fighting the Beast. If so it’s possible that the current Ragna will end up like that, or it could be a Ragna from another timeline. The whole storyline can really make your head hurt. I am curious as to how the sickly Saya became so badass, though considering how her brothers turned out I guess it’s not surprising. That’s one hell of a bloodline there.

There is also a rumor that Platinum will become a DLC character as well, and the art for her makes her look like a Mahou Shoujo.

Hype Dog is the true evil mastermind. :wink:

I don’t think it’s a normal attack stance for him. IMHO he’s either landing from a jump or charging up. One logical thought, because most of the BlazBlue characters have a Guilty Gear counterpart – fighting mechanic wise – is that Hellsing will be like Slayer.

Found the Famitsu source: … l4y8l.html

Yea. She has a theme song on the CD, and there’s a game data file named “platinum” too. Some think she’s going to be the “it’s a trap” character. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have nothing but hate for the Arcade mode boss. Unlimited Hayama took me like an hour and a half to beat after going 18-0 in the previous 9 matches. That’s on normal…I can only imagine what he’s like on Hell Difficulty. I mean, story mode he’s somewhat easier but my god, he counters EVERYTHING and he uses his damn kick super to punish like ALL DAY. Add in his absolutely broken life-steal aura and it’s absolute murder for me to go up against him with just about anyone I actually like using. Haven’t tried Tager against him yet, but I doubt he’s gonna let me bounce/pull him all over the place. As for the new characters, I’m interested in playing Tsubaki, just for the sword/shield combination ala Cassandra from Soul Caliber… though I’m not sure I’m thrilled about her drive just powering up a separate meter for “D” class specials.

I seriously had to take a break when I was running through with Noel, I was about ready to throw my stick at my TV, which would not have been good.

Other than that, the only problem I’ve had with the game thus far was it would freeze when I was clearing the tutorial modes, but that got solved with a 6 GB install on my 360. Story mode got a serious upgrade (ie, no need for Distortion/Astral finishes is way awesome), and the “Bad Ends” are funny as hell. Teach me Ms Litchi makes a return, which is also sweet.

The game is great, I just HATE Hayama/Terumi and he needs to commit die.

Agreed, the only character who can counter his life drain at all is Ragna, but most of the time you fight him AS Ragna you can’t use half your attacks anyway. That was the biggest gripe I had with Terumi, aside from that damn kick of his. The plus side of Arcade Hazama is that if you lose you can just retry an unlimited number of times.

The funny thing with Tsubaki is that even though I didn’t think I’d like her, I find that she’s one of the characters I’m better at. I generally don’t use her drive much anyway and her attacks seem to chain pretty well. On the downside, her Astral’s range isn’t what it could be (especially for a rushing one), although I have to admit I’m rather fond of listening to the English VA + Astral Finish music when it comes to her. It just sounds…right. Unfortunately that’s really the only time I prefer the English VA’s, but that’s a personal thing.

Ugh…just played through Arcade as Rachel and I have to revise my opinion on said boss. I’ve had relatively little difficulty beating him with other characters, but fighting him as Rachel was just… :evil: I ended up not even KOing him, I’d just whittle his health down with range attacks and her frog and pray he didn’t get close. Now I don’t claim to be good as Rachel, I’m not, but when all the other enemies are beaten easily only to get curb stomped by the boss in that fashion…let’s just say I almost had a hole in my TV by the time I finally won.

I agree because I have to play on Easy (Since I suck @ fighting games) and found only the boss fight harder than crap on easy, all the others I can get through with a little strategy and win but the boss yeesh. I hate bosses that use cheap moves / tactics to be able to to be called a “Challenge”. Still a great game overall and I’m not disappointed with the purchase.