Bored. Don't Speak Japanese. Want a Sex Romp.

My love of eroge is two-fold; I can appreciate one with a good story, like Kana, Crescendo, Figures of Happiness (although my complaints with that title are not insubstantial), YMK, and (most recently) Princess Waltz…

I also like a good sex romp, but seem to have exhausted the JAST-USA family lineup - of which I found Sagara Family and Amorous Professor Cherry most compelling. Those in the MangaGamer catalogue that appear to fit the description (My Sex Slave Is A Classmate, Tasty Shafts, others) I’ve just found limited, repetitive, and asinine, even compared to second-tier JAST products like “Do You Like Horny Bunnies?” Their more recent, high-profile releases like Kira-Kira, Da Capo, and Shuffle all strike me as story-centric rather than sex-romps based on the descriptions.

With that in mind, I’m looking for two games, and I’m willing to pay PaletWeb prices for each:

One sex romp, featuring a wide variety of images/acts and a cast hopefully at least as extensive as Sagara. I’m well aware that the United States’ market receives only a subset of the games released for the Japanese market, so if you know of a Japanese-exclusive title that does what Sagara or Amorous Professor Cherry did, only better, please suggest it. True non-consensuality, rather than the ultimately consensual dominance seen at times in AMC and Sagara, should be limited, and the heroine selection model should be dialog rather than directly statistic-based, given my unfamiliarity with the language. I’m not so asinine, however, to prefer a click-on-the-portrait-of-the-girl-you-eventually-want-to-see-naked mechanic, and I’m easily obsessive-compulsive enough to fully explore the dialog trees and see what goes where.

Another sex-romp title, featuring primarily or exclusively lesbian acts. The other criteria listed above also apply here.

Three more things:

  1. Please, no shudder tentacles.
  2. I’m aware that any non-localized eroge product will have mosaics… and I don’t mind.
  3. I’m having a Narg moment here, but twincest++.

For the first title, I think Atelier Kaguya would be the best company to look at. Realistically, any of their titles are likely to be better than those of ZyX, but two of their 2010 releases might come close to what you’re looking for, TEAM HEARTBEAT’s Kiriya Hakushakuka no Rokushimai and CLASSY?CRANBERRY’S. Kiriya is the largest/most characters/CGs/ero-scenes title that Atelier Kaguya have released, but on the other hand, they are the dark eroge sub-brand of Atelier Kaguya, and the game’s almost certain to have a sizeable proportion of non-consensual scenes and bad endings. CLASSY?CRANBERRY’S is kind of closer to The Sagara Family in terms of sexual content, but they’ve scaled back the amount of ero/increased the amount of moe from the writer/artist pair’s previous two titles (I’ve played the original Kanojo x 3, and it doesn’t really have much to offer outside of the ero-scenes and the art, although it does both far better than The Sagara Family.) I can’t offer a personal recommendation or specific details for Kiriya or CLASSY?CRANBERRY’S, as I haven’t played either yet, although I’m familiar with earlier games from both staff teams and have a reasonable idea of what they’d be like. Someone else on the board might be able to offer a few more specifics.

Lesbian/yuri focused titles are very rare, and all of the sex-romp ones that I’m aware of are short, 2-3 hour games (the few full price ones (eg. Katahane) are relatively light on ero and heavy on story, and couldn’t be recommended without Japanese knowledge), and I’d have difficulty recommending something like the Sono Hanabira games as sex-romps, as the scenes in them aren’t particularly good. I guess I’d opt for this then, as it’s yuri, unusually high quality for a free work, and it’s meant to be coming out later today. It’s not a sex-romp, but I imagine it’ll have at least a few scenes in it.

This game by the makers of Sexfriend might fit your description for #1. Other than that, I’d have to agree with Ignosco that your best bet is probably going to be Atelier Kaguya titles.

CLASSY*CRANBERRYS or Prima Stella from A-Kaguya. Might also want to check out Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 (despite its name it seems to be largely consensual) and Imouto Paradise largely due to their staggeringly high okaz scores on EGS.

There is nothing that fits your description for a yuri game.

EDIT: Also Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 has twincest

Another of Atelier Kaguya’s games I’d reccomend would be Magical Witch Academy (if you saw the OVA, don’t worry that piece of crap has about as much in common with the game as Dragonball Evolution has with the Dragonball anime), quite a number of ero scenes and the heroines don’t seem to mind the use of magic to make things kinkier, lol. It also has a good story for a nukige, especially in Arucia and Lyra’s routes. Tsukasa is also a bit of a change from the norm as he’s quite a bit more studious, hardworking, and competent than your typical eroge hero, plus the relationship he has with the heroines is portrayed very well and also feels genuine.
Picking the heroine is simple, just choose her icon when it comes to which heroine you wish to spend time with
Sadly no twincest, even though we do have twin lolis who aren’t winnable…
There is one tentacle ero scene in Sylvia’s route, and to be honest that’s the only major flaw with that route as the scene seems more there for shock value than anything else. You can easily skip it (hold Ctrl down) and not miss anything storywise, and don’t worry none of the other routes have that.
Technically the game does have yuri as there are a couple ero scenes where magic is used to change our (admittedly already efeminate) hero’s gender for the scene.

Thanks for all your help.

After much consideration, and given the “sold out”-ness of many of the suggestions listed on the paletweb store, I settled on Classy Cranberry’s and Imouto Paradise, which are now bought and paid for, and (according to latest correspondence) shipping ASAP.

dlsite and getchu, where many suggestions were linked, is intriguing, but the content of the English side does not seem equivalent to that of the Japanese side, and I had such trouble navigating the latter even by reference to the underlying Javascript, HTML Markup, and file names (which, as with most Japanese-language sites, are actually in pretty clear English) that i didn’t even try any purchase from them… especially because any attempt might be easily detected and refused by reference to my non-Japanese billing address.


Oh, shit; simply did not see the news until like two minutes ago. I hope that everybody from Japan who lurks on this forum is okay, with their friends and family.

I’ve bought something from Japanese-side DLsite without issue, it just required being able to read the form well enough via auto-translator to know what data to fill in where. It was Home, not Maniax, and I don’t know if the H-ness makes them more picky about out-of-Japan things, but I had no problem with my IP or billing address being rejected.

(And yes, thoughts are with those living in Japan right now.)

The same account is used for both sites (all of DLsite except Eng, in fact) so there’s no issues with using any of DLsite if you can buy stuff from Home.