Botox on an 8-year-old: Child abuse?? … -gain-edge

My inital reaction? Disbelief, then horror.

This is so sad. This girl is going to grow up believing she never looks good enough, which will doubtlessly result in depression, eating disorders, addiction to cosmetic surgery, body dismorphic disorder, and more. We should be supporting our children and telling them they are good enough, pretty enough, and full of boundless potential … instead people like this pile their own psychological baggage on their children, insuring another generation of misery and self loathing.

Body dysmorphic disorder was my first thought as well. I think the child needs to be taken away from the mother. Of course, that isn’t going to happen; instead, whatever under-the-table source the mom is using to get the botox is going to be cut off from her, and they’ll make her agree not to ever do that again, and then she’ll go right back to being a horrible mother, just without anything that is obvious and easy to point to as clearly abusive.

It turns out it was all a hoax and a Tabloid paper payed the mom to act for their fake story: … al-center/

Well, isn’t that interesting? I’d almost believe that the woman was simply lying in an effort to keep custody of the child, but there’s honest to goodness forensic evidence that it never happened. That is a stunningly stupid move, both on the part of the woman, and the reporter who decided to fake the story.

The woman isn’t very smart because it should have been obvious that this is the kind of thing that gets Child Services to take your kids away. (And indeed, that’s why this hoax was exposed; she told the truth to get the kid back.)

The reporter isn’t very smart, because it should have been obvious that this stunt would be highly likely to unravel and be exposed very soon after Child Services gets involved. And when you get caught pulling a stunt like this, well, you need to find another line of work.

Its hard to figure who is lying and when :frowning:
Some parenting lesson this. The mom is so stupid to do such a thing… I mean the Sun is as shitty as tabloids get… but actually appearing on bigger things like GMA? I feel bad for the child though.