Brain tumour causes uncontrollable paedophilia … print=true

"The sudden and uncontrollable paedophilia exhibited by a 40-year-old man was caused by an egg-sized brain tumour, his doctors have told a scientific conference. And once the tumour had been removed, his sex-obsession disappeared.

The cancer was located in the right lobe of the orbifrontal cortex, which is known to be tied to judgment, impulse control and social behaviour. But neurologists Russell Swerdlow and Jeffrey Burns, of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, believe it is the first reported case linking damage to the region with paedophilia."

Wow… so there might actually be a medical basis that would cause people to engage in these behaviors? Or is this just an isolated case? Discuss!

As the article says, this is a unique case. It proves that damage to the brain can cause this sort of reaction, but most pedophiles are long time offenders demonstrating a prediliction throughout their lives. The human brain is a mysterious and still poorly understood thing, and it may later be discovered that people prone to this sort of behavior exhibit some underdevelopment or damage to certain areas in the brain; or it might be influenced through chemical poisoning during the fetal period, as there are a wide variety of things which can go wrong in the womb … but I would suspect it has more to do with trauma in early development - the same as sociopathy/psychopathy.

i’d say its more of mental issues than physical brain damage, although that can do it too. part of the brain that wasn’t quite developed enough in certain aspects like jack said.

Well from the way the article states the man was looking for sex from anyone attractive…not just underage women, so i wouldn’t classify this as paedophilia…

Human instinct to want to have sex with people he found attractive. The tumor caused him to act on those instincts? I guess that tumor fucked up his judgment pretty bad. Well, it was the size of an egg after all! I bet he had splitting headaches.