Brand new to eroge, wondering what to expect


You know what? I’m tired of new guys posting up threads about which games they should play. Why doesn’t someone posting up a summary thread about Recommended Games for New Guys so they always have something to refer to, not necessary to posting new threads. Agree?

It all depends on your tastes. Erogames is just a kind of games. Amidst them, you have all kinds of theme: rape, adventure, thriller/detective story, love story, comedy, love comedy, sex feasts, mecha action story, tragedy, horror story, etc. Tell us what you like (as far as reading and watching are concerned), and we may tell you what would suit you best.

I’ve found you can’t go wrong with this thread. Best on the entire forum. 8)

Now be nice Panzerhaust: Santa is making his list, and you don’t wanna be left off. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Why don’t you actually try helping out the newcomer rather than shooting off a comment like that or make a “newbie” thread since it seems to bug you a lot. That kind of behavior actually drives away users from forums, especially if they are new here. I’m not trying to be harsh here either, but it gets me down when I see veterans act like that.

I’m sure there are a couple past posts pertaining to this question here already, but times change and with that new opinions are formed by the members which could change from the past, which would result in different replies to this question later on.

As for

Sagara Family is probably the best title by Zyx (the maker of the game), generally Zyx game’s aren’t the greatest in my opinion. However, since it has gif scenes (a scene thats sorta like an animation) it’s kinda cool. From my knowledge of PP’s lineup only the Zyx games has such a thing. Is the game the best that PP here have to offer? That is subjective, if I were asked. I’d say no. However, if you’re looking for games that is mostly sex-fest, Zyx’s is pretty much the way to go.

I really enjoyed Yume Miru Kusuri, since it has a good story and the hscenes are well placed and not something that’s in the end of the game only. Snow Sakura is a decent “pure love” title, but it falls in the category where there is only h scenes until near the end of the game only, which for some might be a bad thing since you don’t get to view how it might impacted them later on. Currently the best “drama” that PP has is Kana, it’s a definite tear jerker. There is probably one or two others you might consider too.

As for future titles, Princess Waltz is considered a “top tier” game, meaning it’s a game made by a respected developer in the industry, as well as a game that has been received well in Japan. Another is Family Project, however it is an older game (2001), but is said to be one of the best games ever because of the story.

Right now you are pretty much new to the market, you’ll find tons of different stories, some amazing and some downright trash. You also might come across some disturbing things as well, because in eroge there is a “light” side and a “dark” side.

Light Games
These are games that are generally titles that are pure-love, however the definition is sort of vague. Most here consider “light” games as ones where the characters are involved in consensual sex, which means no rape.

This type of game is definitely not for the newbie if you ask me. This usually involves rape, taboo issues, and the most extreme form of it (in my opinion) is guro. Guro means sex in which blood is involved, now don’t think that means defloration, but more like bodies being torn apart like beheadings.

Personally I can’t handle Dark themed games, even after being one who has been playing it --eroge-- for years, as it’s quite disturbing for me. The “darkest” I’ve played fully would have to be Bible Black, however I wouldn’t really call it that disturbing even though it involved raped.

As for what other games you should play in the future, try out the ones like Snow Sakura, and whatnot. I recommend playing if you can before going to titles like Kana, Princess Waltz, and Family project. Why would I suggest holding off on the more respected titles? I say that because I think it’s important that you play some of the decent titles first, so that when you finally reach titles like Kana, Princess Waltz, etc. You can gain a better understanding and respect for them. Personally I think if you went straight to the more top tier titles, you might develop a taste in which you can only satisfy every so often. Meaning, if you started a title that’s considered “decent” after playing only “amazing” games, you might not even be able to finish it because you expect too much.

Hopefully I helped you out a bit, and keep in mind that my last paragraph isn’t meant to scare you away from titles like Snow sakura, and that’s considering it’s something within your budget. If you’re tight on money – especially with the economy these days – try out YMK or something. You’ll eventually develop a taste such as sex-fest, story oriented, pure-love, renai, etc. Usually the more titles you play, the more you will probably like story-oriented rather than sex-fests. However, there are some here that LOVE sex-fests.

We discussed the matter already, but… no. “Light” and “dark” are about the theme, mood and atmosphere, not the graphical nature of the game or its immorality. “Fate/stay night” would be dark, and no one would say that something such as “Narcissu” (which deals with the theme of suicide) is “light”.

You forgot “twincest”! No one can expect to survive here without acknowledging the place of twincest as a whole genre in the erogames market!
[size=30]…or we’ll have to bear with Narg for days! :o [/size]

I’m not exactly bugged when new guys make a new thread, but i feel kinda sorry for them, you know. They’re new, they don’t know where to start because there simply is no guide for them to look at, and for a moment i asked myself what if there was? Let’s say our new guys Paradox comes in, sees a Good-for-beginner games thread stickied (updated from time to time, perhaps), then “Oh nice, this is convenient, now i don’t have to make a new thread to ask regular guys”. Problems solved, happy ending :smiley: Weird things just pop up in my mind for seconds, but you know, just an idea.

And to get straight to the point, here are the games for ya Paradox

  • YMK (Yume Miru Kusuri) - Snow Sakura - Edelweiss (ugh, the grammar :?) - Figures of Happiness - Kana Little Sister - Crescendo - HinataBokko (kill me for recommending this) - Snow Drop (and this one) - Little My Maid (okay, not this one :P) - about every Hirameki games (except for maybe Ai Yori Aoshi & Tea Society of the Witch) - doujin VNs in common, which reminds me that today is day 4 of al|together2008
    Pretty summed up every games we all agree that is beginner-friendly, and if i may add, some of those hard-to-find fan-translated games.

Sex-fests in common are just not suitable for beginners.
[size=30]And i’m sure Narg heard ya olf[/size] :lol:

I think there’s something more basic to be asked before anyone can really make a recommendation. What do you expect from these games? Story or sex?

I already asked from him: “Tell us what you like (as far as reading and watching are concerned), and we may tell you what would suit you best.”
We may just want to give him time to reply before posting more?

Panzerhaust a veteran? Don’t make me laugh. He hasn’t even been here six months. Hell, I don’t even think I qualify as a veteran, even though I am rapidly approaching the threshold for having “Veteran Member” under my name here. Might I suggest that you consider the term “regular”, or if you prefer, “forum regular”?

Getting back to the issue at hand, I think some further clarification on what others have said is in order. While we often throw around the term “dark” for a game, there are actually two types of dark in my opinion. The first, is where you play a good (or at the least, not evil) character in a dark world. That is to say, all kinds of things like murder, rape, occult practices, etc. are happening around you, but you are not committing these acts. The other kind is where the protagonist you play as is commiting such acts. Of course, there are some games that can fall somewhat in between.
As for “light” games, they are generally about ordinary, good intentioned people, often living their ordinary lives, when all of a sudden romantic love becomes part of their lives. Supernatural elements may be present, such as in Figures of Happiness and Princess Waltz. While I say “ordinary”, that’s not to say it is boring or that there isn’t any conflict. On the contrary, some of the best translated titles out currently (Kana - Little Sister, Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream, Crescendo, and Snow Sakura to a lesser degree), incorporate issues like the social taboo of incest (or in many cases, pseudo-incest with an adopted/foster sibling), love triangles, and psychological/emotional issues. Rape can sometimes occur in a game considered “light”, but in my experience the big difference is that either it is committed by someone other than the protagonist, or it is something that the protagonist deeply regrets doing.

As others have said: I think even you disagree with this suggestion, since you are “someone” and yet you didn’t start such a thread yourself :smiley:

More seriously, though, it’s hard to give blanket recommendations because tastes are so different. Some people want as much sex as fast as possible, some want gameplay, others graphics, others story, and some have no idea which of those first few categories they’re in.

EDIT: Before we find out more, though, I can explain some of the terms you’re likely to find. Of course, someone else is likely to jump on me if it’s wrong, but it might not be 100% accurate.

ADV and AVG both mean the same thing, roughly. Adventure game. The long and short of this is that the game plays roughly like a choose-your-own-adventure novel. You read/listen to the dialog/look at the pics, then periodically the game arrives at a decision point. You select one of the choices, and proceed down the path you have selected. By far the majority of games released in Japan are of this type. This also holds true for the US market.

If you want games that have more gameplay than just this, unfortunately, there are not that many options. Brave Soul, Raidy, and Pretty Soldier Wars are the only ones available right now. Princess Waltz is also one, but it’s JUST been released; some here have played the Japanese original, and rave about it – but no one’s played the US version yet to confirm.

You might also see things referred to by various genre descriptors, most of which I’m not all that qualified to explain. Yarugee is Japanese for “do-it game” and means what it sounds like: a “Oh my god … it’s SO HOT in here … are you HOT?” game. Renai I’m not too sure what it actually means, but it refers to a type of game where there’s not a lot of sex and few dark elements, and it focuses heavily on the relationships.

There are more than a few brutish games released: this refers to games where the main character is an evil bastard, generally behaving in evil and/or abusive ways.

Much thanks for clarifying the terms “ADV” and “AVG” Nandemonai. I would have done it myself, but even I didn’t know for sure. Also, I love your description for what a yaruge is about. That was highly amusing. Your description of ren’ai is fairly good, as what they are exactly is somewhat hazy. As for the word ren’ai itself, as Peter explains in his newsletter on February 22 of this year:

It should be noted that I have often seen ren’ai simply translated as “true love”.

I think ADV also is considered a style of gameplay.

ADV = The style of gameplay in which the art is displayed with a textbox near the bottom of the screen, which doesn’t obstruct the art much or at all

NVL = This style is which a large transparent text box overlays the entire screen, think Fate Stay Night or Kana as an example.

Maybe ADV also means adventure game. I dunno.

Sagara Family is an enjoyable game; I liked it. It actually manages to be funny, and it’s a good sex romp title. There are reasons your friend likes it a lot. Other good sexfest titles include Kango 1, Do You Like Horny Bunny 1, and Come See Me Tonight 1.

If story is something you’re interested in, I would recommend Ever 17 (non-ero) (but it’s out of print) and Nocturnal Illusion (but it’s out of print). I do recommend Critical Point, Tokimeki Checkin!, Heart de Roommate, Kana, and Crescendo. There are other story-heavy titles that are strongly recommended, but I’m a bit behind (been swamped with a lot of other stuff for a long time)

Since you’re more into the story department, I’d recommend the following.

Ever 17. This one may be hard to find now, it doesn’t have sex, but it has a great story, a lot of CG, and a lot of content over all. On my top ten.(English)(Japanese)
Kana seems to be a favorite with a lot of people. Though be warned this is a ‘depression’ title.
Crescendo. Good story over all, with an interesting method of implementation. On my top ten.(English)
Yume Miru Kusuri. Very good title over all, each route provides a completely different story and plot. Also on my top ten.(English)(Japanese)
Edelweiss Is another good one, however the English translation and editing at sub par, but if you can over look that I do recommend it. On my top ten. (English)
Snow Sakura Good story and good humor. Be warned that it’s a ‘slice of life’ type read, and can seem pretty slow at the start. Most recommended path on average is Saki. On top ten (English)
DiviDead A horror type story. It’s a bit older, but it’s a good read. On my top ten. (English) Link Added
Figures of Happiness Has some interesting paths, and the story can be enjoyable. Personally I don’t like the art style.
X-Change Alternative The story is a bit more lacking compared to others I’ve already listed. If you like humor, this can be an enjoyable one. This is the only X-change title that you can avoid male interactions and rape, but does also include it for those who want it.
Bible Black Seems this one has already been commented on.

The following are all Japanese titles but have English fan translations available. You’ll need to import games and run your PC in a Japanese environment to play these. Most of these games can be close to impossible to find anymore, or rather expensive.

Utawarerumono Great story, good CG. Contains strategy/RPG game play elements. On my top ten. (English)(Japanese)
Castle Fantasia 2 R Another fun story that contains strategy/RPG game play elements. On my top ten.(English)
Tsukihime A long, dark, story. Can be a very enjoyable read, though some consider it a ‘depression’ type based on some of the endings. On my top ten.(English)(Japanese)
Wind - A breath of heart Decent enough story.
Fate/Stay-Night Long story, interesting read.(Not on either of my top ten however.)

No, I don’t agree. A new person has every right to post asking for recommendations, and MOST of the people on these forums will be more then happy to give them based on the type the person likes. As has already been mentioned, not everyone likes the same thing. These forums aren’t swamped with activity so there really isn’t any problem with posting new threads like this.

Last but not least, welcome to the forums Paradox057.

If I had to pick one starting title I’d recommend Yume Miru Kusuri. The story, characters, music and graphics are all good, and although overall it’s a rather dark and serious game, there are still many amusing moments, and quite a few ero-scenes. It will probably help you to determine where your tastes in eroge lie.

I never said i was a veteran, someone gave me that title :lol:

My bad my bad, it just popped up in my mind for a moment :stuck_out_tongue: After the endyear works i’ll make something, do a little research on common tatses and do a summary. These time of the year sure is busy =_=

We always forget two great games : Narcissu and Red Shift.
No sex, but they are free.

Might as well add True Remembrance also then.

True Remembrance is a brilliant piece, we can’t ignore the work of Shiba Satomi and the effort of insani.

Btw, today is day 6 of al|together 2008 with LEAVEs. My hand is full recently with these doujins, veterans or beginners or regulars, whatever, can’t leave this event out of their attention :smiley:

I agree, no objection. At least by this thread i can remind people that al|together 2008 is (or was) just being held during this time :smiley: I don’t just play licensed commercial games, you know :lol:

Oh and LEAVEs in day 6 is an eroge (despite being a doujin kinetic novel), if you’re interested :smiley: