Brave Soul: "And so it begins."

Well, this is it guys, I’ve officially begun work on Brave Soul English re-writes, so from here on out until I leave for Thailand at the end of July, I’ll be spending a majority of my nights on the game.

I look forward to it as I like role-playing games, but the overtime staring at a computer screen and all the time spent in my room does tend to affect you after a while. I’ll definitely be ready for the Thai trip by the time it rolls around.

No idea when official release is, or when editing will be completed, but I would ideally like to finish within a month. That seems long enough. More info to come when I feel I can release it without spoiling anything.

Best regards,
Made in DNA

Cool. Nothing wrong going a little stir crazy though. I think I’ve spent most of my adult life in that state…

I shouldn’t take long, because I already fixed and edited 99% of the text and there should be no reason why the game would crash. DNA is now basically doing final testing to see that everything runs fine. However, it will take time for him to get through all aspects of the game since this is an RPG afterall and you can’t just skiptext stuff you already read…

Anyway, please be patient with this title; we are getting there.

And since DNA is working on BS, that means I am done with my part on BS…and now to move on to LMM…hohoho

You should have cencored that last part… cuz even though we just got XC2 and BS is on the way, now we will always wonder “what about LMM” in the back of our heads.

Whoo hoo maybe we should get some chains and whips so we can make Lamuness work faster on LMM now

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Whoo hoo maybe we should get some chains and whips so we can make Lamuness work faster on LMM now [img][/img]

No problem, I have plenty of chains and whips to lend out. *blink* Er, I may have said too much... [img][/img]

And to tell you the truth, "what abou LMM" has been in the back of my head for quite some time now. Lots of space in there. It's been quite lonely... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
I shouldn't take long, because I already fixed and edited 99% of the text and there should be no reason why the game would crash.

Not to be pessimistic or anything (I know you've done tons of work on this)...but I'm a programmer, so it's pretty much a professional obligation to reply with...

"Heh. Famous last words..."


Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Not to be pessimistic or anything (I know you've done tons of work on this)...but I'm a programmer, so it's pretty much a professional obligation to reply with...

"Heh. Famous last words..."


I have to agree with that statement.
Famous last words indeed. One thing I do know computer games are known to be possessed even at 99.99% fixed.

Can’t agree more:
It usually takes 90% of the time of a project to eliminate 90% of the bugs of a program.

The remaining 10% of bugs consume the other 90%…

Is it survival of the strongest or sneekiest?

When was the last time you guys actually wrote a bug free program? I know I never had. You know that feeling when it something goes to production that you forgot something or the feeling that you could had done it a bit better if you had time. Remember this: BS and LMM will be running MS windows OS. At least they have a good excuse if it crashes or something like sound doesn’t work.

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:
When was the last time you guys actually wrote a bug free program?

"Hello World!"?

As a personal experience (in helpdesk), a good chunk of calls are bug related and, in those cases, sadly, there is nothing you can do about it.

Originally posted by fxho:
"Hello World!"?

You wouldn't believe how happy my friend was about getting "Hello World!" to work. It was really disturbing...


As a personal experience (in helpdesk), a good chunk of calls are bug related and, in those cases, sadly, there is nothing you can do about it.

Now now, they aren't bugs, they're "features"! [img][/img]

Hmm, for me, when I was doing help desk stuff, it was usually user stuff instead of bugs. Thank goodness I'm not doing help desk anymore, there'd be complaints all the time because of me. I can't help it. In just the past week, the phrases "I'm typing the letter zero", "so the numbers are all lowercase?" and "I can't find the files I deleted (on a UNIX box)" have all been spoken to me and I've had to resist the urge to swear in different languages.

Originally posted by Nobody:
This is supposed to be a happy thread, so cut the doom and gloom already, no matter how well-founded it may be. [img][/img]

Anyway, thank you for the good news and for all your hard work. I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy your trip to Thailand. [img][/img]

Mmm...Thai food....

*Wanders away wondering why the only Thai place near him had to close*

*Edited because spelling and grammar are important, sometimes*

[This message has been edited by Nobody (edited 06-26-2003).]

Much appreciated. After 7 years of school, and other 3 of working transient jobs (read looking for the right job), I have finally gotten somewhere. I have money, a car, a place to live and I am completely independant. I've done it all on my own. It's a good feeling. Now I want to get out and enjoy my life a little. This will be my first real vacation in 10 years. That's far too long. The Land of Smiles and sunshine seemed like the best place to do it.

Gob Gob,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Not to be pessimistic or anything (I know you've done tons of work on this)...but I'm a programmer, so it's pretty much a professional obligation to reply with...

"Heh. Famous last words..."



Oh yeah...

Made in DNA

Having started the original Brave Soul petition on this message board, This is good news indeed.

Originally posted by Doug:
Having started the original Brave Soul petition on this message board, This is good news indeed.

Don't you mean VERY good news? [img][/img]

But I wonder how Lamuness are goint to be able to work on LMM? "Mune" are not his style, it's more "Oppai" for him, so it might be hard for him to work on LMM [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Don't you mean VERY good news? [img][/img]

Forgive me for my inadequate wording, Spec. Very to trhe 100th power to be sure. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Doug:
Forgive me for my inadequate wording, Spec. Very to trhe 100th power to be sure. [img][/img]

Yup! [img][/img]. One of the very first bishoujo RPG's to arrive here for a looong time. It's certainly a big event, and some VERY good news, indeed [img][/img]. May the coming of BS bring more glory to the B-game genre!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But I wonder how Lamuness are goint to be able to work on LMM? "Mune" are not his style, it's more "Oppai" for him, so it might be hard for him to work on LMM [img][/img]

Just another burden he'll have to bear I guess. I'm sure he'll find some way to persevere through the adversity... [img][/img]