Buying Japanese used games

Since i know most companies/individuals won’t ship to the US, i’m trying to find a way to get the Popotan DVD version. I found it available on amazon. I don’t really want to go through Akibado as i’m still waiting on some stuff for a while and Himeya said they couldn’t find it last time. So anyone know where?

It’s a year since I’ve used FDJP, but last week I asked their help to buy two h-games and now my shipment is on the way, I think their fast&efficient services are still operating.

And it’s exactly because of DLsite and FDJP if this year I do not have “Winning Codes” :wink: from recent games for you. I hope your inherent luck is enough :smiley: :lol: …

LOL @ Baldo. :stuck_out_tongue:

You might wanna keep daily tabs on the inventory Paletweb has. I’ve seen used copies for Popotan creep on there from time to time, but they tend to vanish on the same day.

how often? I registered now so i’ll be checking the site daily. Every day possible. Wish i could get an RSS feed when it came in.

given a check for several other games i’d like to have it doesn’t look like they do that many older games. I’m wondering what the chances of finding Popotan here is if I can’t even request it.

A little off-topic, but will Crowd ship to America?

Probably not. They do have a lot of titles for sale via download (can be purchased through Japanese dlsite), or if it’s a relatively new title, Himeyashop would probably have it in stock.

Meh, reason being is that I’m hoping to get the X-Change R and 2R pack.

I’ve been watching the Palet Web daily for another title, and I included Popotan as well, but I haven’t seen either as of late. The title I’m searching for is out of print, so that makes it hard to find… is Popotan out of print too? I’m assuming so, if Himeya Shop is having trouble. :frowning:

They don’t at all. Peach Princess is their “American partner” as I understand things.

When they put “Sorry, This page is Japanese only” on their official site, it also implies they only deal with Japan.

You could always hope DLSite picks them up, if they ever make a Professional section on their English site… although if Peach Princess is their Western partner, that might not happen. Plus there’s no sign that DLSite will do a Pro page anyways…

Mergh… I really want this… … xcbox.html

On a side note, how does Peach Princess “uncensor” images? I’m guessing with the X-Change series that the original art is provided for them to use as replacements.

Which leaves me wondering if I could learn the file format and uncensor Japanese games I own the English versions of…

Or better yet, someone talk Crowd into giving me the uncensored R artwork to use in my imported copy. (Yeah… right.)

Hmm… they have an ononlnie shop I MIGHT be able to download it from, but I don’t understand what I need to do… , and that’s only if I can’t get the special edition linked to above and at

Side-note… does Peach Princess have any plans to translate this? … fudol.html

Basically, they don’t. Their business partners – the original companies – do, and they simply pull up their original artwork. And retouch it: sometimes the censored version is the only version that was retained, sometimes the artist didn’t draw the censored area very clearly … it usually needs work.

Since the original company has all the original assets, and usually either still employs, or can contact, the original artist – it’s usually not a problem. And unfortunately, given the realities of the market, if it IS a problem (artist says no, original CGs are lost forever, artist is dead, artist severed relations with the Japanese company, whatever) then that particular title simply cannot be translated.


Do not want! :cry:

Okay, I can’t read Japanese, so what’s wrong with it, other then the one urination scene I just noticed? … .com/?p=11

Yeah, Erogamescape liked it more… … ?game=3914

…but it’s definitely a waste of time and electrons.

Pester Peapri for THIS, instead :wink: .

The web archive page doesn’t display images properly, sadly. The game you linked to does look great, however. is a great resource, but I suppose that preserving the old images from the defunct sites is impossible when you have “85 billion web pages archived” in your hard disk :shock: .
Unfortunately, I’ve discovered the ruin of the old too late to make a site backup (I use Junshu as my “webspider”) :cry: , and Nargrakhan is apparently too busy for re-uploading the old reviews on the new , therefore I can’t help here…

That’s CROWD’s Sodatete Miryu?, an old favorite of mine (but NOT of Lamuness, I’m sure :stuck_out_tongue: ) which also had an interesting history on this forum :wink: :lol: . For details see:


Interestingly, it’s in the above thread that Nargrakhan and made their first appearance :smiley:

good thing this thread wasn’t buried. i formatted my HD because windows couldn’t access the net and forgot to backup my Firefox links.

So there’s no reasonable way to export or download from them?

Well for downloading if you can get an account setup on DLSite Japanese you can do that. The English site only has maniac section which does not have any of their proffessionally done games. If you can set up an account on the Japanese site, or if someone does it for you, you can download them. They won’t give any support in English though. They also don’t have everything.

Another option is to go through Himeya.

Well looks like i might have found a copy of Popotan on Amazon…much over the original retail price (but considering it’s hard to find and the franchise is decently popular it might be reasonable)…but now i’m not sure if i should wait for something to show up on Paletweb or not (as the item is new)? I also can’t tell if this person will ship outside Japan or not, and ifnot, what seems to be the best service that’ll order stuff from and ship to the US.