Can Anyone Recommend

Boy, glad I don’t read shoujo manga then. I’ll stick with my seinen thank you very much.

Yes, but that’s not SEX SLAVE, that’s what I was already talking about a few posts ago as being quite common in otome games. I’d personally find it more acceptable to me if it were over-the-top sex slavery rather than just “it’s my fault he raped me, now I love him!”

Rape is a common fantasy. How common, in my experience, depends on how repressed someone is. Girls who feel really guilty about sex seem to be more likely to go for the rape=love scenario because ironically enough the fantasy rape preserves their innocence. They didn’t have to actually express desire for sex or be ‘naughty’, they were FORCED to do it - even though it was the thing they really wanted anyway. So they don’t feel dirty.

Obviously, this sort of rape fantasy is only romantic to them if they already wanted to have sex with whoever it was, and therefore bears no relation to real life.

But a lot of this “rape romance” stuff is because they’re afraid of being branded a slut if they actually pursued anyone themselves. (And some people are really STUPID about it - I’ve heard of girls who never use condoms because taking the time to negotiate safe sex would mean that they actually talked about/consented to the sex act instead of being able to claim it just ‘happened’ and wasn’t their fault)

There’s also girls who go the other way and enjoy feeling as dirty as possible, so get off on fantasies of being raped by horrible trolls in the sewers or something. Their fantasies are very different from the other sort!

I have my own theory… :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s even wearing a suit. That guys got everything going for him.

so Cifar from Love Drops is a reverse-Yandere?

Pretty much he rapes you cause he couldn’t get with your grandma…and the girl likes it XD

As a note, “yandere” doesn’t isn’t a gendered word, so “reverse yandere” would be quite a silly calling; “male yandere” would work better. :slight_smile:

Yandere love ketchup foods. :slight_smile: