Can Anyone Recommend

Can anyone recommend any games that have :

  1. English text translation
  2. Yanderes


Bonus points if the yanderes are cute, young, and killing each other.

Thank you, and have a nice day!:slight_smile:

I can recommend you stuff that satisfies either of those, but not both. Don’t think any yandere games are translated. Yandere games are ridiculously rare anyway, and as far as I can tell, without exception they are ALL bad.

D***! That’s too bad. I hope they get translated one day.

A little off topic, but, if there are no games available can you recommend any good yandere anime where the cute, young yanderes are killing each other
 either English dubbed or English subbed is fine, just let me know.:slight_smile:

Gotta go somewhere in a few minutes, so this is gonna be short. Maybe I can write a longer post in a day or two.

The foundation of the yandere standard was originally established in: Kaede Fuyou from the anime version of SHUFFLE!, the bad endings in School Days, and several titles in the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni series. They essentially got people interested in these types of girls and the proverbial ball rolling.

This groundwork was improved and expanded upon by a pair of drama CD’s released by Edge Records: Drama CD 1 and Drama CD 2. Together the two CD’s explored 7 variations of yandere with magnificent voice acting. Nico Nico Douga is especially fond of them.

Most recently Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki (aka Future Diary) has honed the concept of yandere further, by introducing a type that doesn’t kill her desired lover when he spurns her - the act of pushing her away, only causes her to be more obsessed. It also shows what happens when you accept the love a yandere.

There’s some rumbling that Miyako Okura in Tokimeki Memorial 4 will be a new anchor of the persona, since it’s a “mainstream” bgame that will expose many individuals to a yandere for the first time – and without the actual visual depiction of blood and gore. Some would argue she isn’t groundbreaking as a concept though, just more exposure to the general masses, but its a nice nod from Konami that they acknowledge yandere.

Naturally this list is pathetically small, and none of these were the first to depict a yandere ñ but they are the ones that defined yandere. They are the standards to which all yandere are compared to, so if you haven’t seen/heard all of these yet, strongly recommend that you do. YMMV for them individually, but collectively they’re what everyone uses as measuring sticks.

This may be an unusual stance, but I don’t consider girls in denpa games to be ‘yandere’ no matter what they do. Yandere are shocking because their behavior is at contrast with the world they live in. In a denpa game yandere behavior isn’t even surprising.

School Days has a yandere heroine, but School Days is a terrible game so I couldn’t recommend it anyway =P. Ditto for the doujin “Yandere”.

You’re not the first. :slight_smile:

This is where the subclass of yangire comes into play.

Same here. It was an attempt to cash in on the yandere craze, and in the long term, best left forgotten.

If you want to read some hentai manga full of yandere → Kirintei (mangaka)

Isn’t Sakura from Fate/stay night a little yandere, at least in her route? I mean, she’s highly possessive, ready to hurt the main character to “keep him away from danger” :mrgreen:, and later on definitely crazy. She doesn’t use knives or any other cutting object, but well
it’s not like she needs to :smiley:

School days currently has a translation project. The anime is fully subbed.
Their was a project for some game called ‘Yandere’ but I don’t know of its progress.

The childhood friend in 11eyes smells like a yandere.

 Now that I think about it it’s almost the same character as the friend in Gift (released in engrish).

Pancake’s games generally contain some form of yandere. The two Strange Situations are pretty terrible, but Yugami Kairou, and particularly Hachi no Soko are worth playing.

(Incidentally, Pancake have recently released a voiced version of Colorful (no yandere though). Colorful isn’t all that great objectively, but if you want a free, fairly well put together light game with heavyish ero-content, then you probably won’t be disappointed.) None of these fulfill criteria 1 though. :?

A doujin game called Yandere is getting translated, I cant wait.

Game sucks. Just get the Drama CD.

She totally loses it @ 4:30 - but the insanity starts from the beginning.

Maybe if they get more money, they’d get around to making a 3rd CD. :o

Echoing about the Yandere doujin game sucking. As for earlier games with yandere, I could mention Gin’iro (neechin~) and 21 -TwoOne- (errrr, that would be a spoilers).

I now like Yandere girls :stuck_out_tongue:

is their such thing as a Yandere boy? (Reverse-yandere?)

As I understand it from reading reviews, it seems to be reasonably common in otome games for at least one (and possibly many) of the male romance leads to flip out and assault+rape the heroine if he feels slighted, but murdering her is less common.

This tends to put off a lot of English fans. I dunno what the Japanese girls think of it.

Personally, I would much rather read over-the-top sex slave scenarios or scenarios where the guy goes full-on nuts and murders the whole town than a setup where you’re dating a ‘nice’ boy who randomly loses his shit and assaults you, then apologises and you get married and have a happy ending. This is a) CREEPY AS FUCK and b) too close to truth for a lot of people.

However I could have the wrong impressions since I can’t read the games, please correct if so. :slight_smile:

Yes, I’ve seen this happen in otome games a couple of times. Hint: I don’t think the audience minds =P

But, yeah, never seen the protagonist killed by one of the winnable characters. Plus, for it to be yandere, the motivation MUST be jealousy, not any other reason. I’m sure you’d a scenario like this if you played a bunch of the darker otome games - Bloody Call maybe? Looking at the kouryaku, it seems to have a bunch of endings that could well be exactly that. However, I highly doubt it would be motivated by jealously, thus it wouldn’t be yandere. As I understand it, some girls find appeal in dangerous characters (playing with fire, etc.) and what could be better than a winnable character that can (and will) end your life if you don’t play your cards right? Again, this most likely wouldn’t be yandere, but who knows.

Have you actually seen any otome games like this? I don’t think I have. An otome version of Mugen Kairou would be pretty, uh
 actually, I don’t know >_>

EDIT: According to my member title, I’m now “OTAKU!”. Does this mean the Otaku Elimination Game will come hunting me down? Uh oh.

Off the top of my head: Leonard in Full Metal Panic.

There’s also a lot of evidence that Akise from Mirai Nikki (aka Future Diary) is one. He’s as obsessed with Yuki as Yuno is (only more openly calm)
 and been trying to pry Yuno off Yuki on three seperate occassions. In the alternate reality where Yuno died, it’s even more obvious. He just hasn’t “snapped” yet

The English audience seems to mind, at least the ones who will talk about playing such games openly. :slight_smile: While otome games are way too tiny for the Angry Media Brigades! to notice them, it is sort of further fuel for the fire of speculation and commentary on Japanese society still being kinda backwards when it comes to feminism and women’s roles.

There was a time when basically all English-language romance novels involved the heroine being raped by the strapping hero who then comes to love her. Really not so common anymore, I get the impression the average romance reader finds this highly distasteful.

Now, being raped by the strapping villain who then comes to have “What is this feeling of tenderness? IT CANNOT BE LOVE!” and eventually be dragged out of his villainy, this is a more popular fantasy. (Or for that matter staying villainous and keeping you as his slave forever. A lot of girls LIKE slavegirl fantasies.)

I agree that’s not yandere - Fatal Hearts has a couple of boys who may kill you but the personality is nothing like a match. But does it have to be jealousy, or does simple rejection count? I briefly mused about the idea of doing a sort of reverse-Carrie scenario where if you take the geeky boy to the school dance and abandon him to be humiliated, all hell breaks loose

No, I’m just using my personal scale of acceptable rape fantasy. :slight_smile: I suspect many people would hesitate to label a game about being a sex-slave girl as for-girls. Dress it up enough and you could end up with a Kushiel game though.

Maybe not in VN, but “the girl falling in love with the handsome-tall-rich-smart-popular guy who raped her” is the basis of every smut shoujo manga nowaday

On 4chan, people (men) often “joke” telling “as long as she cums it’s not a rape”. Nobody believes it but wen you read shoujo manga it seems it’s the biggest fantasy of a lot of women