Can you fail in Eve Burst Error?

I just got this game, kick ass one I might add, but I had just a few questions about the Multi-Sight scenario: In Kojiroh’s first case, there is a time limit. Can the time limit expire if you stop whatever Kojiroh’s doing, switch to Marina’s Scenario, and then come back after the time limit has expired?

No because technically the only two times in the story where you have to be in the same time zone is when you hack into the JCIS database and when Marina and Kojiroh’s stories merge at the end. Remember Marina’s story starts a whole day earlier than Kojiroh’s so it’s recommended that you play Marina’s story first. Then try to stay stay on the same day for both characters so you aren’t playing catch-up for too long. It especially helps if you run into the other character while playing to switch to that character and play until you run into the other character again.

So, the best way to play this game is just constantly switch between the two scenarios? I solved Kojiroh’s first case, which I admit was a pretty tidy mystery, although not every piece has been solved yet, still very much on the earlier part of Disc 1, but this game has me really pumped with the same awesome storytelling I have come to expect from C’s Ware.

The best way? Make that the only way. Though the JCIA database hacking scenario is the most illustrative demonstration of the Multi-Sight System, it’s used throughout the game. At certain flag points, you’re forced to switch to the other character’s perspective to unlock the first character’s route. Mind you, you don’t have to constantly do that, but at certain times you’re not given much of a choice.

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
The best way? Make that the only way.

True, there is no way you can finish Eve without switching(and that's one thing I hate about Eve because it's so difficult to know when we have to switch).An advice, switch when your character need help like when Kojiro is trapped.

yeah actually there are a few places that you need to switch to advance the story. My advice is switch often or if you want to switch the minimum amount of times then keep playing until you reach a dead end and nothing you do will advance the story then you know it’s time to switch