Canada Hentai: a very mediocre shop

I tried to buy a cheap product, the “Creamy Angel vol. 2”, at “Canada Hentai”, but they refused to sell, arguing that they had many problems with frauds by Brazilian customers.

I think the country doesn’t matter. The most important is the trust. If the customer can proof he is honest and trustful, I don’t see any problems about selling a cheap product.

They don’t reply to my several concessions and questions. I DON’T RECOMMEND ANYONE USING THEIR SERVICE. I think who lives outside of U.S.A and Canada can’t buy at that tiny shop.

These following shops attend their customers very well, independently where the customers were born, where they live or their country origin (homeland):

Anime Nation, Anime Spectrum, G-Collections, Himeya Shop, JAST USA, J-List, Peach Princess, The Anime Corner Store (Robert’s Anime Corner Store), The Right Stuf International (TRSI) and more shops.

I’m really sorry if my words are very harsh and my apologies if anyone feels offended.

[ 04-06-2007, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

It is their right to refuse to sell to anyone they do not feel comfortable selling to and to countries they do not wish to send items to.

I see they based that on bad experiences in the past so, you really should be ranting about those people who created the problems not the company.

Just my two Yen!

That’s a very unpleasant topic because I don’t like to criticize anyone, but I must reply:

Yes, I agree, partiality, with you, but some companies (I’ll not cite their names), to avoid problems with frauds, they demand these documents:

  1. a photocopy of a recent credit card bill or utility bill showing the billing address and the name on the credit card;

  2. a photocopy of the front and back of your credit card.

I always got their approval and I bought many bishoujo games. The price of the “Creamy Angel vol. 2”, mere US$ 9.90, is very tiny if I go comparing to each amount I’ve purchased.

I have more than 130 original bishoujo games and I bought only through Web Shops (Brazilian, American and Japanese shops).

And I said to them (Canada Hentai), they can send the product after they receive the money from “Credit Card Administrator”, but I guess they don’t need a new customer anymore. Why? Because they replied once and never reply afterwards.

I don’t see any problems about my concessions. I think they act very partiality who lives in “poor” countries. It’s preconception. If you sell products, you must have a wide vision and a good sense, right?

If I can proof my honesty, honour, sincerity… Why can’t I buy at this shop?

Unfortunately, this shop is only who has the “CD-ROM version” of the “Creamy Angel vol. 2”. I have my pride, but I’d like to complete my collection of original bishoujo games.

Then, I repeat my words: I DON’T RECOMMEND ANYONE TO BUY AT THIS SHOP! Am I wrong? I don’t think so! They don’t have any excuses! I’m really disappointed and frustated with “Canada Hentai”!

I’m really sorry if my words are very harsh and my apologies if anyone feels offended.

[ 04-10-2007, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Again, and I am sorry to harp on this, it is well within their rights to refuse service if they feel like doing so.

Unfortunately, credit card bills and utility bills can be got a hold of by rummaging through garbages, I caught someone doing this to my neighbor a number of years back. And photocopies are somewhat easy to falsify.

Credit cards have been stolen or forged inumeralable times. Got taken once myself when I worked a sports store years ago, the card had been reported stolen but the card number hadn’t caught up with the system.

So my question to you is “Why do they HAVE to serve you?” As with any store, restaurant, or business they are well within their rights to refuse service if they so deem. This online store deemed that service to Brazil was something they were not comfortable with and they did not want to do it.

Also, how can they be completely sure you are legit. Look at it from their perspective. Sure, you can send this via fax, email, or snail mail but can they be assured it isn’t a phony. Yes, they have your word on it but is that enough for them?

Yes, it is upsetting for you but since there are lots of other places to buy the items you want then you can say “Oh well!” and move on.

While they do not specify they won’t ship to cerrtain places their web site does only mention a couple of locations for shipping costs. This might imply that they do not want to ship outside these areas. I would ask first before I ordered.

“Why can’t you buy at this shop?” The answer to that is simple. It is because they do NOT feel comfortable selling to you no matter how much proof you want to provide. And they are well within their rights to say “No, I’m sorry but we do not ship to Brazil.” or something to that effect.

There are places on the web I can’t buy things from because I live in Japan. Sometimes it is because of legal issues, like PP here, and sometimes it is because they do not want to ship to Japan. These are thankfully increasingly rare but they still exist.

Sorry, if I am sounding harsh and like I am coming down on you but I really do not feel that there is enough evidence to say that this company is a bad retailer. They certainly didn’t take your money and then say it was shipped and then refuse your emails. I understand you are upset by this policy, I might be as well, but you are not limited to just them so go elsewhere.

Just my two Yen.

now now now…you shouldn’t assume that they discriminate you for being in a “poor” country…like riverwatcher said it is most likely due to past experiences or that country is likely to be widely known for frauds

i just had an argument with my dad recently, who is totally new to ebay and complained about some of the auctions only ship domestically. here’s what i told him, from the seller’s standpoint:

if shit (aka fraud) happens…if it’s a credit card, the credit card company will most likely be standing on the cardholder’s side and demand the seller to cough up all the expenses

now that said, the seller is up for a huge risk, especially if it’s from a foreign country far away…because for one if anything happens they can’t get hold of you or trace you, and second the liability they have to be responsible for if a fraud really happens.

i have had a friend in the past who set up a online console game shop and ended up having to close his business because of a credit card fraud and the credit card company is literally kicking his butt to pay back the money

mystvan, have you tried searching at ebay for your stuff?

[ 04-10-2007, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]


I’m sorry if my words seem enraged and my apologies.

I understand the problems with frauds are very serious and dangerous for any online stores. I wonder if there aren’t a more efficacious system to control or handle these issues.

Don’t you agree if all the shops are very cautious like “Canada Hentai”, they never sell any products to outside of USA/Canada?

I understand your words, thoughts and worries, dear Riverwatcher and Lamuness. And I must give up by trying to buy at this shop.

I think the control system of credit card is very terrible and only the fraudulent persons become successful. That’s a sad situation…

Unfortunately, in my homeland (but my origin is asiatic), there are many cases of frauds, corruption and impunity (if the person is powerful or influencer)…

There are a few true original bishoujo collectors as me because of the piracy. Then, if I buy any original bishoujo games, I must go to foreign shops.

And most of the eBay sellers ship only to North America (except Mexico). And the transportation costs are stratospheric…

I’ll talk to Peter Payne why he had stopped selling and if he doesn’t intend selling the “Creamy Angel” series on “CD-version” again… The true collector wants a material thing as box, discs, etc.

My thanks for your appreciation and my apologies for any rude words.



[ 04-10-2007, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

No apologies necessary as far as I’m concerned. You are upset and I can understand that. You have told them you are an honest person and have offered them proof of your honesty and still they do not want to sell the items to you. It IS upsetting but remember that that is their choice and their loss not yours.

Yes, fraud is a big problem especially with certain countries and it makes it very hard on those people who are honest and happen to live there. So what do you do? Tough to answer. Paypal if they deal with your country if not then money order but that means added time to the order.

Yes, shipping is pricey sometimes. Ebay sellers like to charge a lot more than it should cost mostly to discourage those foreign bidders from placing a bid and then retracting it later.

I suppose retailers like the company you wanted to deal with figure they have enough business within North America and Europe to handle with a lot less headaches.

I am not sure I would agree with your “true collector” statement but I would be splitting hairs on that because I do prefer having the physical items as opposed to the item sitting in a file on my computer. That may change in the future though.

So, everything is cool on my side. You were understandably upset. Keep looking around you will find a retailer who will sell to you.

You know, Cream Angel vol.2 isn’t really a bishoujo game. :slight_smile:


I know, but they (online stores/shops) put them (“Creamy Angel” series) together with other bishoujo games.

I “consider” my “Borderline”, “Creamy Angel”, “Dream World II” and “Skin Conscious” series as “bishoujo games” only to make easy.

But, actuality, they are all the artwork on CDs or Doujins/Dojins, right?

[ 04-10-2007, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Yes, it’s all artwork on CDs. :slight_smile:

I’m still just learning about what a true bishoujo game is, but I’m guessing it isn’t fair to pile in those games with the bishoujo nature just to make it simpler. But I’m not much one to talk yet

In this logic reasoning, all the games (+15) from “Hirameki International” [AnimePlay], the “Viper” Series [Card games], “Love Love Show” [Card game] aren’t “Bishoujo Games”, but the stores put them with other “Hentai Games”/“Bishoujo Games”.

But I don’t mind because all their subjects are about beautiful girls, ecchi theme, how to attract these girls and enjoy playing.

That does make some sense. I’ll just leave it up to the experts though.

Hello, Riverwatcher,

I’m very surprised with your very good proficiency in compose texts in English language.

My old professor, who became a doctor by Yokohama University, said most of the Japanese people has many difficulties in learning foreign languages… I’m “envious” and happy to see that isn’t true in your case, right?

My words are very simple and uncultured. I hope I can write with more proficiency in the future. And I hate and avoid using any translator software, such as “Power Translator”, “Babel Fish Translation”, etc.

The best thing to do is probably just what most people have to do to buy stuff from Japan - either go to an area the shop serves to buy it, find someone who is already in the service area and pay them to buy/reship the item for you, or find a service that caters to helping out overseas buyers.

I quite commonly route purchases through a friend in the US because the seller either won’t ship to europe or wants to charge an arm and a leg for it.

That’s a good idea. I’ve already thought about this method… But all my acquaintances, in the USA, are very religious persons.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell them to buy this product for me… I’m a “lone wolf” in the work and in the “private life”…

Do you know what bishoujo means? It means “pretty girl”. So Hirameki’s titles and all that other stuff are bishoujo games. :slight_smile:

Hehehe… Yes, you are right about this stuff. I consult the “Wikipedia” about this.

“Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia” - Bishōjo game:

I’m confounding with sub-genres of “Bishoujo Games”. You’re absolutely right about the “Creamy Angel” series being artwork on CDs and the “Hirameki International”'s AnimePlay games being “Bishoujo Games”.

I’m a bit ashamed about this confusion…

[ 04-10-2007, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Well, I have to admit my secret, I am really Canadian and live here in Japan. That is why my English is pretty good. Now if we talk my Japanese then we are in a whole new area. I am continuing to learn Japanese but I suspect it will be a life long endeavour.

I would disagree with your professor. Japanese have no more trouble than any other country’s citizens. Yes, they have some pronunciation problems but as I have seen a great many speak a little bit of English, some a fair amount, and a few quite a lot in fact. I have met some Japanese who speak German, Italian, and Spanish to name a few. I sat next to one Japanese man who was fluent in Portugese. So they can learn but are often very, very shy about using what they know, at least that is my experience.

I do not recommend any translator software at this point. “Babelfish” seems to be one of the worst from what I have seen. The resulting translation is often horribly confusing especially the Japanese to English translations. I haven’t had experience with the other one you mentioned.

So, my “secret” is out, I’m a Canadian living in Japan. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. :wink:

Hi, Riverwatcher,

Sorry by “forcing” your secret and sorry again by attacks to your “fellow citizen” online store…

My good friend tried to get his mastership by Yokohama University. He has been influenced by my old doctor professor, but he gives up.

He had to decipher and understand many kanjis, studies and writes a lot, the exams were very difficult. That was a terrible nightmare.

I think the hieroglyph is more easier than kanji words = cuneiform characters = chinese characters = terrible nightmare. You must be a very good designer to write these incomprehensible kanji words.

The “Power Translator” is a very powerful texts translator. It translates to many languages, but has some problems in understanding its translations.

Good luck in living (and/or surviving) in Japan.