Care to help me a little? ^_^

Yesterday, my teacher asked me to writte an essay about the origin of the Japanese language (and some more). So, I wonder if anyone here can tell you anything about this that he/she knows or point me to a couple of webpages where things like that is told/displayed? I also want info like what Unicorn said in another thread:

"I am still trying to tackle the 1880 Yoyo-Kanji. The japanese kids learn them over a period of at least 6 years (starting after elementary school)"

So if you know where to find info like that, or if you can tell me anything yourselves, thne please do .

I would really like to help you, but I am not sure where on the web to look. I tried doing a search for information about Feng Shui and I Ching, but only got adds for books.

It would be easier for me to just go to either to the two local (San Jose, San Fransico) Kunikinya (Did I spell that right?) bookstores, for the answers.

I can help that, but can you tell me more specific? THANKS.

How long do you have till the paper is due. I took a class on early asian societies a couple years back. I could dig out my old book and find the info, or send the book. Do you have a preference?

this page might help a little.

haven’t had time to confirm if all the info is accurate. At a quick glace it gels with what I can remember from class.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
this page might help a little.

haven't had time to confirm if all the info is accurate. At a quick glace it gels with what I can remember from class.

Ah, that's right, it's pages like that I need... More specific? Well, I wan tinfo about the oriogin of the Japanese lanugage, how it has developed over yje years, and how the original pictures looked, things like that anyway. And how the process of learing all those things is done nowadays...

The essay must be done next Thursday.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Yesterday, my teacher asked me to writte an essay about the origin of the Japanese language (and some more). So, I wonder if anyone here can tell you anything about this that he/she knows or point me to a couple of webpages where things like that is told/displayed? I also want info like what Unicorn said in another thread:

"I am still trying to tackle the 1880 Yoyo-Kanji. The japanese kids learn them over a period of at least 6 years (starting after elementary school)"

So if you know where to find info like that, or if you can tell me anything yourselves, thne please do [img][/img].

I find the site you looking for. Is it this will help you? here is the web address: If I find more I will post.

Originally posted by Computermania:
[BI find the site you looking for. Is it this will help you? here is the web address: If I find more I will post.


Thanks, that will help!

Also, have you any URLs to pages where you can learn Japanese (kanji, hirgana and such). I'd like to know that so that I have something to display too.

What do you mean exactly by “read”? You mean display or actually learn the language?

If you mean display the language on your screen it all depends on the OS you have. I going to assume you are using win9x. Go to Windows update and simply select the Japanese language pack at the bottom in the language section.

For XP is even easier. Go to your control panel and then the go into your region and language section and click advance and install Japanese. It will ask for you CD.

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:
What do you mean exactly by "read"? You mean display or actually learn the language?

Both [img][/img]. I've seen pages where the symbols are displayed and you don't even need an OS or XP to see them...

How many sites do you wont? I find the sites for you!!!

There is lot of sites you looking for. Here is the search sites for you!!

Thanks! That’ll be a great help in making my school essay. I just hope that I can make the teacher happy, or I’m a dead man…

I have something that might help you.
Right now, I can not send any email, but perhgaps tomorrow, things will return to normal and I will send it you then.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I have something that might help you.
Right now, I can not send any email, but perhgaps tomorrow, things will return to normal and I will send it you then.

Good, thank you very much! [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I have something that might help you.
Right now, I can not send any email, but perhgaps tomorrow, things will return to normal and I will send it you then.

I'm assuming you're talking about real life, because if you're going to wait till things return to "normal" around here, you're gonna have to wait must longer than a day... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I have something that might help you.
Right now, I can not send any email, but perhgaps tomorrow, things will return to normal and I will send it you then.

What is this 'normal' thing people seem so hung up over?

I know I answered this before. Check the other threads. the definition is somewhere in there. Remember the whole SANE set of posts that came about from it.

Well, today I held my speech on my essay about the Japanese language, and since people here were so kind to help me, I throught that they might want to know about how I did on that ^_^. Well, it was a success! In my speech, I told my classmates and my teacher a lot about Japanese, about Hiragana, katakana and finailly Kanji, how those are used, how the japanese learn them, what exactly you need to learn in order to understand all those symbols, what the history of the language was, etc… Overall, I got asked plenty of questions that I did my best to answer, and when the whole thing was over, my teacher said that she was impressed (she is kinda interested in the japanese language and has a few kanji-tattos). So overall, I’m statsfied with my hard work, and I thank all of you for your kind help! .


(So, we need no longer to worry, about losing our lemon-tamer )

Congratulations. I’m sure you did the Bishoujo-Goddess proud…