Castlevania: Mirror of Faith

Awwwww fuck yea. The game is for 3DS, uses 2D sprites, has co-op play (features two main characters), and been in development for 36 months.

Now for the potential bad news… Iga is NOT at the helm. It’s the company that made Lords of Shadows: MercurySteam

Oh… and there’s gonna be a Lords of Shadows 2… but screw that 3D shit, I want my 2D Metrovania bitches!

I have to play Lords of Shadow. I’m not sure where it is, unfortunately …

But hells yeah! Been waiting for this … Of course, the last few have had some issues, which I hope these can deal with.

It appears we’ve been lied to… or someone needs to explain to MercurySteam what 2D sprites mean. :roll:

Screenshots of Mirror of Faith

Takes place in the rebooted 3D universe, with a rebooted Trevor Belmont. I suppose the second character will be Sypha or Alucard.

Do not want.

Help us, Iga-San Kenobi; you’re our only hope! :cry:

remembers the recent pachinko Sypha

Ah yes… he did that, didn’t he? On second thought… Castlevania is doomed…

So both Castlevania and Devil May Cry are gone…did we do something to make God hate us?

Well… there is one bit of info I might have that would make you feel better. Have you played Koumajou Densetsu and Koumajou Densetsu II? Doujin… but some of the best you can find. Basically Castelvania + Touhou + 9001 things borrowed from gothic anime/manga (like Hellsing and Jigoku Shoujo). Great shit.

I want to play those. I have actually beaten MegaMari, which is just … words cannot express the awesome. I would have never thought to combine those two particular genres, but damn if it’s not awesome fun.

Okay… having seen some of the gameplay, my stance on [url=]Mirror of Faith[/url] has warmed. It appears to play like the 2.5D remake of Rondo of Blood that was created for PSP… only a lot faster paced.

There might be hope after all…

Just some info. If anyone is considering of getting these games, I recommend this set:

Koumajou Densetsu I & II Premium Pack

You don’t have to order it from Palet, but I included the link cause it has the package picture.

Anyways, I recommend that set because it includes both games (including the Engrish version), the soundtrack to both games (in MP3 format), and the artbook to both games (in big JPG format).

And yes… I know it’s kinda costly and one could just pirate the damn thing… but I’d like a Koumajou Densetsu III one day. So buy it. :o