Catalyst Game Labs -- Major Corruption

There evidently has been some MAJOR fraud and corruption going on at Catalyst Game Labs: … ss-release

Unfortunately I came late to the party, and there’s been a whirlwind of post deleting on the official forums. Seems that a former employee who was let go, unleashed the cat out the bag. Interesting stuff… and very disheartening considering it’s from a major pen-and-paper RPG publisher. Trying to learn more. If anyone knows a good link with the juicy rumors and allegations, please post. :o

I hope this doesn’t seriously screw up Battletech or Shadowrun. :expressionless:

Nevermind… it will. The person who orchestrated the fraud is none other than [url=]Loren L. Coleman[/url]. :cry: … stcount=11

I guess that be like Lamuness using JastUSA money to buy twincest slave wives from Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
I’m watching you Lamuness: I put in my bids for them first! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn. That sucks. (And apparently has happened before? I especially like the posts going ‘so I note the irony of a game like Shadowrun having this happen … again’)

Yea. FASA (original creators of BT and SR) had some $$$ problems during 2000, then finally closed shop in 2001 without paying everyone what they were owed. FASA then became WizKids (more or less), who licensed their IP for others to make games about.

Enter FanPro - who reprinted and reimaged FASA stuff for five years. In or around 2006, FanPro stopped paying the licensing bills to FASA. Their failure to pay the bill also hit again in 2007 and 2008. Reasons were never stated, but was really nasty it seems, because WizKids told FanPro to shove it and get lost. They then licensed their stuff to Catalyst Game Labs.

And now this happens.

BT and SR are cursed with corruption… kinda ironic, considering both games are all about corruption (BT = political and SR = economical).

That’s a shame, I really like what Catalyst has done with Battletech. Their introductory boxsets make the game really accessible, with miniatures and everything. I was hoping they’d be able to get that Clan Introductory Boxset out soon.

And I appreciate their fresh RPGs like Eclipse Phase and Cthulhutech. I think Eclipse Phase might become my favorite tabletop RPG ever (OK, just because I’m a hardcore transhumanist. But it’s so less stodgy than GURPS Transhuman Space). I worry about those more, because really, with the hundreds and hundreds of Battletech and Shadowrun sourcebooks out there, how many more do we really need?

Their license has expired. Lawsuits have flown. CGL’s end is likely neigh, if they can’t get Battletech and Shadowrun back. They’ve lost two major lines now. :expressionless:

It’s D-Day…


Found the actual law suit documents. Narg has recently become good at that. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: They name… err… names. … 66.1.0.pdf … 66.2.0.pdf

All this hoopla for $58000… seriously…

In the past couple of years, a large number of courts have been making vast amounts of new paperwork available online.

Some courts only have a few select “general public interest” case opinions available, typically relating to big cases that have attracted news interest. Others actually have more or less everything recent up. Very few have nothing at all.

The documents were all public records before, but it wasn’t as simple as spending 10 minutes with Google - you had to know where the courthouse was, and go in person and request a copy of the paperwork. Or you had to buy a very expensive bound volume. Behold, the Power of the Internet.