Censorship releases opinion poll?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Are you implying, "Kana" is only low- or average-quality?
In that case, I would be pretty happy with average-quality, after all...
(BTW: I was also happy with "Kango Shicyauzo" that would in that matter perhaps been graded rock-bottom-quality...)

No, "Kana" was the very first good-quality released game. As I wrote when it was announced, it was praised even in Japan. I meant that I was glad it was released because it can satisfy those "we want the best" people!

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
No, "Kana" was the very first good-quality released game. As I wrote when it was announced, it was praised even in Japan. I meant that I was glad it was released because it can satisfy those "we want the best" people!

Why are you glad or care that Kana was released in English since you can read Japanese?

…deja vu…

I’ll simply quote what I said almost a year ago…


but for the whole “mosaics are bad” thing I will just say that many people equate mosaics with “censorship” and are thus less likely to buy a product that has it. It may not seem fair, since the original Japanese product has mosaics, but then, the Japanese are used to mosaics. Americans are used to seeing everything displayed in it’s glory (albeit airburshed ).

If certain types of erotica seem to sell despite mosaics, understand that they are both more established and more unique: adult film has a much larger customer base - everyone at least knows about it, even if they insist they don’t purchase it ; and Japanese erotica offers a number of fetishes that you don’t seem to find in American adult films (probably the largest being the fetish of just asian performers).

True, shoujo isn’t just about the explicit CGs, but that is the hook it has over more traditional pc games. It’s a selling point, and to weaken it would be a mistake.

my two cents… keep the change

Originally posted by Unicorn:
That's, why I told of a "[b]noticeable bigger demand for quality titles than porn titles".
I have to stop before I sound like Kumiko-sama, but a noticeable and unsatisfied demand is a so-called "cash-cow". (At least, if the demand could be satisfied by making some profit. That's where "noticeable bigger" kicks in.)[/b]

Why are you referring to a made up PR person with -sama?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Read it slowy [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]. Most of the adresses in there have expired, but you could find the Dokusen movie demo at Ruf's new page. and if there's anything about that thread you're wondering about, feel free to ask ^_^.

But the problem with that game is that Will has lost the sexual scenes CG to that game, as well as the orignal game data, I think, which means that while they could rebuild the game, that could cost an ungodly amount of money (and time), and it's also impossible to redraw the CG's without the original CG's which means that the mosaics would have to remain in an english version of the game.

Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't have read it. Six pages worth of posts to get me interested in a game that will probably not be released over here. Damn! Looks like a very pretty game. But no time to complain right now... back to Snow Drop!

Originally posted by gaogao:
Why are you glad or care that Kana was released in English since you can read Japanese?

Ic an at least think of three possible reasons:

1.) Olf-san thinks of all the others who have not that ability and is happy for them
2.) Being able to read japanese doesn't mean, it's as easy as understanding english, so it's more convenient, even for him
3.) It's a major improvement to the public image of the genre, providing a title that is as far as possible away from simple porn as a striking example, what bishoujo really can be

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Why are you referring to a made up PR person with -sama?

Because this made-up person still was nominated goddess while we didn't knew about that fact, perhaps?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Ic an at least think of three possible reasons:

1.) Olf-san thinks of all the others who have not that ability and is happy for them
2.) Being able to read japanese doesn't mean, it's as easy as understanding english, so it's more convenient, even for him
3.) It's a major improvement to the public image of the genre, providing a title that is as far as possible away from simple porn as a striking example, what bishoujo really can be

Point 3 mostly, though point 1 applies a bit as well. Another reason is price: translated games are usually cheaper than their Japanese counterparts (BTW, and I did write "I meant that I was glad it was released because it can satisfy those "we want the best" people!")

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 11-28-2002).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
How ever don't the CG's have to be re-drawn any how even if they have the orginals?

That's the point: They don't have the originals, so they can't redraw anything.

Originally posted by Faust:
Hmmm... maybe I shouldn't have read it. Six pages worth of posts to get me interested in a game that will probably not be released over here. Damn! Looks like a very pretty game. But no time to complain right now... back to Snow Drop!

Well, it's not impossible that we might see Dokusen at the english market, but I think it's more likely that we'll see Utsukushii Hime http://www.gamelexgs.com/gameinfo/2001/a/utsukushi/index.htm or Kairaku from Will than Dokusen. I think they still have the material to those two, anyway.. However, I can't be sure about that, and I don't think Lamuness knows the answer either.

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 11-28-2002).]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, it's not impossible that we might see Dokusen at the english market, but I think it's more likely that we'll see Utsukushii Hime or Kairaku from Will than Dokusen. I think they still have the material to those two, anyway

Well, Utsukushihime looks very cool. "Item making" seems like it could be interesting. Of course, what am I saying, I already got stuck in Snow Drop. Blah. Well, after I play through TCI (which I truly enjoy) a few more times, I'll try it again (I really liked what I played). Now that I think about it, I don't think censorship in the games would really bother me at all.

But I guess I can't really complain about games that haven't been released yet when I haven't played many of the games that HAVE been, neh?

Originally posted by Faust:
But I guess I can't really complain about games that haven't been released yet when I haven't played many of the games that HAVE been, neh?

I guess so [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. Of course, even if you do indeed play every game so far released at the english market, that doesn't mean that every one of them is as good as some games that som far haven't been released, so I see no fault in longing for some new games other than the ones so far released to the english market [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img].

Originally posted by Faust:
Well, Utsukushihime looks very cool. "Item making" seems like it could be interesting. Of course, what am I saying, I already got stuck in Snow Drop. Blah. Well, after I play through TCI (which I truly enjoy) a few more times, I'll try it again (I really liked what I played). Now that I think about it, I don't think censorship in the games would really bother me at all.

But I guess I can't really complain about games that haven't been released yet when I haven't played many of the games that HAVE been, neh?

Hehe. But it IS more or less true that most people who play these games for more than just the sex wouldn't really care about the censorship. I know *I*'m perfectly happy with my limited edition Critical Point.

The thing is, most people still play these for the sex.