Chain or Kango

Of the G-Collection games Chain and Kango, which would you folks recommend. To give you an idea of my tastes, here, in order, are my top 5 favorite bishoujo games:

1. Divi-Dead
2. Nocturnal Illusion
3. Season of the Sakura
4. Tokimeki Check-in!
5. Desire


[This message has been edited by Sharpe (edited 07-22-2002).]

Well, I can’t say for sure since I havn’t picked up Chain just yet (I’m still figuring out next months budget ) but from talking to the others, it would probably suit your tastes better than Kango. (Not that you wouldn’t like Kango I think…) Maybe one of the others who actually got all four games will chime in with a more solid opinion.

I got first two items: Kango and Kano. Later other two items: DOR and Chain.


Kango Shicyauzo has more fun than Chain. Chain has more mysterious (close to Eve Burst Error) than Kango Shicyauzo.

My opinion: I like more Kango Shicyauzo than Chain. But Chain has more several animated movies than Kango Shicyauzo.

Well, I’ve not played Divi Dead, but I have played Nocturnal Illusion, and I can definitely say that Divi Dead is serious. Given the nature of the two games on the top of your list, I think it’s pretty obvious. Kango Shicyauzo is like Tokimeki Checkin, only not as good; and while I’m not far enough in Chain to say, it seems to be pretty good and it seems to be similar in tone to the first two games on your list (this is like three quarters speculation here, you understand, based off my limited impression of Chain and my non-existent superficial impressions of Divi Dead).

That’s Okay Nandemonai, because to qoute a certain super powered mouse “Here I come to save the day!”. Having played Divi-Dead, and Nocturnal Illusion, and having played both Chain and Kango Shicyauzo I can whole heartedly recommend Chain, which is a serious detective story. Lot’s of well developed character interaction and a complex plot, you won’t be disappointed. I will give you one Caveat though. The game has only one ending and it’s more like a novel than an actual game per se. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you get it.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 07-23-2002).]

Thank you everyone for your input. Yeah, story is one of the biggest points for me, but I also like the “freedom” of wandering to find the next point (even if it is linear) presented in Divi-Dead, Nocturnal Illusion, and Desire. I guess the biggest point for me is a large cast in which everyone gets pretty well developed. (That was Tokimeki’s short-coming for me: The only girl who got much development was the one whose path you were on instead of getting to know all of the girls in one larger story arc.)

Originally posted by Sharpe:
Thank you everyone for your input. Yeah, story is one of the biggest points for me, but I also like the "freedom" of wandering to find the next point (even if it is linear) presented in Divi-Dead, Nocturnal Illusion, and Desire. I guess the biggest point for me is a large cast in which everyone gets pretty well developed. (That was Tokimeki's short-coming for me: The only girl who got much development was the one whose path you were on instead of getting to know all of the girls in one larger story arc.)

*smacks self upside head*

REPLY to message!

*looks around*
*sees everyone looking*

What? *coughs* A--anyway, moving right along...

I'd advise you to stay away from Kango Shicyauzo altogether then--even the character whose path you ARE on doesn't get much development compared to, well, most of the other b-games I've played.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 07-23-2002).]

I’m just wondering why he’s smacking his own head, most of us would smack him if he just asked…

Just kidding. Actually to tell you the truth, I’m glad I got Kango and Kana together. I really needed something “fluffy” after doing a couple of go throughs with Kana. I’ll have to see about picking up Chain sometime soon though.

Originally posted by Nobody:
Did you accidently try to edit his message? I've done that once or twice.

No, I hit "submit" after hitting "reply" without, like, typing.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
No, I hit "submit" after hitting "reply" without, like, typing.

I think I've done that once or twice. Usually when I'm distracted. I know I've hit the edit several times, but that's mainly when I'm not paying attention to the icons or not waiting for them to pop up. (Kinda scary when I don't wait for the screen to draw, I just click at where I know it will pop up.)

I would agree with what everyone else has said. Go with Chain. My Pre G-Collections favorites in English Bishoujo were:

1. Desire
2. Divi-Dead
3. Toki-meki Check-in!
4. Season of Sakura
5. Everything else :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So we have somewhat similar tastes, and of the 3 G-collection games I have played so far (Chain, Kango, and DOR) I enjoyed chain the most. Kango was a nice multi-ending game and I would definitely pick up #2 if g-collections releases it, but Chain’s story was much more absorbing and I began to actually care for many of the characters. It was a game I was sad to see end. Well, time to play Kana and then fill out g-collections reply cards ;P.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I'm just wondering why he's smacking his own head, most of us would smack him if he just asked... [img][/img]

Don't make me call security.