Champions Online

Executive Producer for CO has changed:

Seems like they fired Bill Roper and put the Lead Programmer in charge.

For those who don’t know about Bill, he was Executive Producer for Hellgate London. You know… one of the few MMO’s that actually 100% failed.

Too bad, too, because Hellgate:London was actually a pretty good game - very reminiscent of Diablo in many ways.

Game content expansion is now on the main servers:

Basically it’s about vampires, werewolves, and a powerful fallen angel in the bayou.

Dude needs to stop stealing my ideas. :stuck_out_tongue:

These are the voyages of the starship Infinicest. It’s mission: to boldly breed where no one has bred before.


I see what they did there.

Being pretty blatant about it, too. The Supreme Serpent even looks like Serpentor.

To quote the old GI Joe Commercials…

SERPENTOR!, Serpentor. The most evil foe of GI JOE!”

It’s Fumbles. It was always Fumbles. :twisted:

I still haven’t figured out if she shaves or not. :stuck_out_tongue:

What a bored Narg does. :wink:

Well… they shit canned him out the company all together:

That it happened the same day that City of Heroes launched their newest expansion, is likely no coincidence.

I believe the server population on CO dropped to abysmal levels these last 48 hours.

The other project he headed, Star Trek Online, has also been running into the gutter. Most everyone there, is waiting to abandon the MMO as soon as Old Republic is out.

Hellgate: London was actually pretty decent … though they never should have tried to add an MMO element to it.

That is lame about the game bottoming, here I was looking forward to them getting the thing fixed so I could play it again. (played the beta before they nerfed everything one day to launch and was thinking if they fixed the problem and gave it another year of testing maybe it could be salvaged)

Say Narg, by the way, how is your L5R game going?

I hear it’s coming back, as Hellgate London: Resurrection, but was bought out by a Korean MMO company. Not sure if that’s good news or bad news…

Yea. CO never recovered from that launch day nerf… I mean it’s had some good times, but they’re not outweighing the shadow of that screw up. The CoH update proves that the CO community, is looking for anything to escape. They want a Comic Book MMO, but something fresh (as CoH and CoV are dated). When DCU Online is out, I think CO will officially die a slow death. :frowning:

I’ll update in the l5r thread. :slight_smile:

lol… didn’t play CoH because the two servers I use are full (kept getting disconnected).

Screenshot of when I tried to log on. :shock:

I suppose that’s good and all… but I can’t play with my friends. :frowning:

The game will be F2P next year.

Link to FAQ

Link to Q&A

I was wondering how long that would take. Me, I’ll all for it … after the god awful release I have never gone back, but this is just the sort of thing that’ll encourage me to give it another shot. And, if the game is better, they have fixed all the problems that made to run away from it in the first place, I might even become convinced to upgrade to a pay per month service until TOR comes out. I look forward to it.

Oh, and rereading the last few posts reminded me - how is your L5R game going, Narg?

As per Atari’s latest financial release, Cyptic Studio is to be sold to another company immediately. If Atari cannot sell Cryptic, then they are to be terminated.

Champions Online and Star Trek Online are the IP’s Cryptic holds.

It is not a recommendation: it’s a corporate order.

Well, maybe whoever buys Champions will fix the problems and turn it into the game it should have been. STO … I doubt anyone will want it.

Found the official doucment in question.

Cryptic is responsible for losing MILLIONS of dollars. They’re considered a complete and total failure. Guess the F2P plan failed. :lol:

I don’t think someone can divide Champions from Cryptic… Cryptic owns Champions (as in the entire comic and rpg universe). Atari is selling (or dumping) Cryptic, but only Cryptic can sell Champions.

Star Trek Online is license to Atari though, IIRC. They just hired Cryptic to make it. I assume though, Atari will include STO as part of the same package.

You think anyone would want to buy them with their track record at the moment?

Chinese company called Perfect World bought Cryptic and all it’s IP assets.

Price? $50 million dollars.

Heh… all three [u]American[/u] comic book MMO’s are owned by [u]Asian[/u] countries:

Champions Online is Chinese
City of Heroes is Korean
DC Universe Online is Japanese

Go figure…