Champions Online

So I’ve been playing Champions Online. Anyone else been on the beta (closed or opened)? Official launch is Tuesday. Basically City of Heroes 2, since it was made by the same people. Has a lot of issues, and the content is kinda limited, but there’s a LOT of potential to be had. Eye candy galore, that’s for sure. Still chugging along… haven’t made it to the Nemesis System yet (that’s at level 25), although I’m told it’s not as great as everyone was expecting (the customization isn’t as deep as making a hero). Kinda disappointing if that’s true, but they can always fix and update that flaw, in the next issue. :o

I wasted hours of my life in the costume maker, designing characters. I’m such a nerd. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just wish it wasn’t online… online games rarely hold my attention for very long and either become a black hole of monthly fees or simply sit and look pretty on my shelf.

It is such an interesting concept so far.

Was in the closed Beta, and my machine can barely run it , so I’m passing on it.

There are a lot of things I still don’t like about it.
-Endurance Mechanic
-Costume Creator isn’t as intuitive as I’d like. (Still an improvement over what they had before)
-Too much non instanced content and your character is fairly Railroaded through the game.
-Ugly Graphics
-Trying to be too WoW like with the Quest Systems
-Half assed implementation of Crafting and Enhancement items etc.
-In trying to make all powers available to everyone, You really can only make a long range attacker (Blaster), or Melee type (Scrapper)

Good Things
-Power Progression selection
-Costume choices (including a lot of Furry options)
-lots of Travel powers that can thematically fit a lot of ideas.

I had the same problem too¬Ö which was weird given my “moderate quality” 1GB video card. Figured out it was my drivers package. Although now I’ve discovered, City of Heroes won’t display properly with the changes. I think it’s a conspiracy. :wink:

I actually like the Endurance Mechanic. At first it was annoying, but after several days I got it down to a science. More action-ish than turned based-ish. The concept is really neat – no button cool down – but I agree the application could use a bit more smoothing out.

Oh yes. Compared to CoH, it’s pathetic to the extreme. Having YEARS of content, gives CoH a massive edge in this department. It’s also because they plan to sell costume parts on their online store for real money – a ploy they stole from The SIMS it seems. I hate that idea. In the case of the The SIMS, the REALLY good stuff can only be found in the store… the stuff that comes free seem like left overs. I kinda pride myself on being rather talented with costume editors, so I feel I can still create good outfits with what I’m currently given in Champions Online… but my anger at Cryptic exploiting this is very high. A major selling point of Champions, was the infinite hero design possibilities… now it seems you have to pay extra for that. :frowning:

Aye. Another issue with the quest system, is the lack of incentive to actually party. You can solo this entire game to the final missions. Now don’t get me wrong… solo-ing is fine, but this is an MMO. There should at least be SOMETHING that makes you wanna play with others.

They’re better than WoW. :wink: Different art style, but I don’t mind the graphics.

The incredibly LOW money gain is also horrible. I understand they want to avoid having millionaire Chinese money farmers, but sheesh… it takes one week of farming to respect a single power… and that’s not expensive to what’s really costly.

Yea. What’s the point of making a healer or buffer in this game? In fact, you’d be a moron to even try it, since there’s no reason to party with others. People LAUGH at you, when you propose joining a team.

I’d also like to add:

#1: Testing of level-up powers before committing to them. Not only is it kinda like the Danger Room from X-men, but pure win mechanically. No blind choices. It doesn’t totally remove the need of respec’ing later in your career, but very helpful in not scrubbing a toon, because you don’t like how something looks.

#2: First pick powers remain useful throughout your entire career. Not like say… ahem… Brawl from City of Heroes. Hell… my first pick powers, are still my main powers. :stuck_out_tongue:

#3: Nemesis System. Not perfect… but still cool. There’s a TON of potential in this.

#4: I feel like a REAL hero. In CoH, I was some second string wannabe who was always reminded, I was a rookie. In Champions I single-handedly saved the setting’s version of Superman in the first hour of playing, and given FULL props as a true hero. Towards the end you’re touted as one of the greatest - if not THE greatest - hero in the world. Not like CoH where they make it seem like I had a lot of help, somehow cheated, or just got lucky.

#5: Powers look really flashy. They really had fun with this, and it shows. Munitions is gun-kata madness and Acrobatics traveling is something outta a ninja anime. You just LOOK cool doing stuff, not matter what it is. 8)

#6: Interactive environment objects. [color=green]HULK SMASH!!![/color] Hulk pick up armored 18-wheeler (that’s cab AND trailer) then Hulk throw it at puny weaklings! Hulk beat down ecoterrorists with shitty gas mileage SUV. Rawr!!!

As for additional negatives:

#1: PVP is… well… PVP is a mess… It’s horrible in CoH, and it appears Cryptic didn’t learn a thing since then.

#2: One plot only. Like you said, it’s a railroad. You play the game once to see everything for a first time. Play it with another toon to get everything right the second time. Play it a third time to guide someone else new to the game. And then… well… you’re done. If this is how they plan to handle things, Champions needs new content on a frequent basis. At least once every 4 months. I don’t think we’re going to see that… not if we want the quality to be good. So it’s going to be 6 or 8 month thing… very tragic.

#3: Everything feels like they ripped off CoH. Understandable being the sequel… but sheeh… Rikti again?

#4: Waiting in line for an NPC. I hate escort missions… especially the ones where only ONE person per map, can do it at a time.

#5: Setting is sorta meh… I’m not an old school Champions RPG fan, so the characters and world are lame to me. Doctor Destroyer is not fearsome to me. Defender is a dork. And don’t get me started on Ironclad… Of course making my own hero and arch rival fixes that somewhat… however I’ll take Lord Recluse and Statesman any day over these rejects.

Overall I’m impressed with Champions Online. It won’t put CoH outta business, but it certainly offers some new options to the table. I’ll be subscribing to both games… for now Champions takes all my free time, but I’m not done with Paragon City quite yet either.

CoH does it too with their Booster Packs. At least the Booster packs are thematic though. (1st was Tech, 2nd was Magic, 3rd was Science) They will have a booster pack for each Origin. At least it’s not a single item but you get a few costume items linked to the specific origin of the pack, some costume change emotes , and a special gimmick power related to it.

Narg if you are using an ATI card for CoH got to the Tech help section of the CoH boards and they have the Driver settings to use with CoH.

Well… Champions is live now. They did some major changes on the final hour. XP gain has dropped, item drops are up, they nerfed defensive powers, and they REALLY nerfed passive powers. Major bitching going on. Personally I see it as no big deal… nerfs are an MMO regular, plus the higher XP thing was granted as a unmentioned benefit for the beta preorder. But people would complain if God changed the color of grass. :stuck_out_tongue:

However the game population hasn’t dipped whatsoever, and the surge of new people this week, will REALLY be interesting. :slight_smile:

LOL… you’re right… I even bought one of them… How could I forget? :oops:

I’ll go visit that thread. Not playing CoH right now, but I plan to get back for a few when issue 16 goes live.

I would like to try it out first, but it seems that they dont have a trial :frowning:

lol… looks like the forum bitching worked:

Personally the power changes didn’t do anything to me, and I kept out of the flame wars (I made characters along the lines of design concept, not min-max or PvP), but seeing how I get a free respec outta this circus - I still win.

I get a free total respec on two characters I created. Makes me sorta wish I made more: :stuck_out_tongue:

People have already started perfecting the various God Builds (aka Nerf Magnets).

But they’re cool to look at in action. :shock:

And yes… he is getting bigger and the target is getting smaller. Enrage + Miniaturization Drive. 8)

A superhero team I joined some time ago:

We obviously get a lot of attention during these events. :stuck_out_tongue:

That was a pretty neat video. Super Sentai Action FTW!

If I wasn’t playing Aion, I’d be playing this after watching that video.

Hell, I may start playing after seeing that vid, it was absolutely awesome, lol.

Just sent ya a PM about that. :slight_smile:

I just figured out there’s an option to turn off the ugly “comic book” look and make the game look normal. 500% better. 8)

Here’s one of my character with that Comic Book Mode turned on (which is activated by default).

Here’s the same character with the Comic Book Mode turned off.

Now image that difference on every character, object, and building shown on the screen. What’s even better, turning the Comic Book Mode off makes your graphic card run faster. :slight_smile:

Free weekend trial this weekend (i.e. right now):

Check it out if you want.

I didn’t mind the comic book look … depends what you want for the character - I left it on for some, turned it off for others.

Yeah, will have to check it out over the weekend and see what they have improved and what they’ve made worse.

Evil always finds a way…


It’s another freeplay weekend for Champions Online – starting now. :slight_smile:

On another note, the beautiful Revolyutsiya had a first encounter with her capitalist pig-dog nemesis, Liberty. Like the greedy American that she was, Liberty paid no heed to the welfare of the People, and fought with innocent bystanders watching.

In the end however, the Glory of the Soviet Union and Champion of the Proletariat prevailed. Unfortunately the American swine was able to escape… but Mother Russia shall have justice one day!

Yea… I’m bored. Forgot to turn on the bling-bling shadow effects too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome read. Basically it’s about the failure of CO, STO, and questionable future of Atari and Cryptic.

No… I haven’t jumped ship: I still like CO. However info like this is so awesome to me. :o

Original Sources: … -4840.html … -4858.html

Preorder Going Rogue on the official site, and get Dual Pistols early:

It’s an AoE based set. Looks better than it plays (if you’re one of those min-max types)… but it looks damn good.