Cherry Soft

Does this company even exist? I’ve been looking all over the net for their website and haven’t been able to find one single thing. Can someone please tell me whether they’ve gone out of business or just don’t exist? Also the website would be helpful if they do exist. Thank you.

I don’t know if this is the Cherrysoft you’re talking about, but AIM productions carries a line of “Cherrysoft” adult games for the Palm OS. Mostly of the strip poker variety. AIM website is:

they are gone…like a year ago

No. Well do you know anywhere that still sells their games or can you give me a list of their games? I’m asking so that I may search for the CGs. I like to collect the CGs from games. That isn’t illegal is it?

Actually, I think it is illegal…

Collecting the CG from games is just as illegal as collecting MP3s. Of course, the company went under, so it’s going to be quite unlikely that anyone is actually going to come after you.

Will if you looking the CGs from cherry soft, you can buy the game and copy paste from the games. Or purchse the DVDs titles called “Darling” and “Sibling Secret” from right stuff or somewhere else…
Note: I don’t know about the DVDs screen scenes of anime can copy and paste…

Well I can’t really read Kanji and I don’t really like the genre of the games although the format of some of them look really cool. Sort of like Final Fantasy Tactics and Darcrows. A lot more interesting than the regular click and pick game. Also is it illegal to download Japanese games that are unlicensed in North America yet? Because I came across a website with BitTorrents to a lot of those. The people there seemed nice and the rules were no posting links to English licensed games, requesting something etc…

As for DVDs, I did rent a movie once from my friend. It had similar animation and said Double on the cover. It had a really interesting story. Something to do with angels. But thanks for the suggestion. I already have a program called screenshot Utility.

It doesn’t matter where the program comes from. If you don’t own the original version, the download of it is illegal.