Childhood Friends?

I was wondering how many people have friends that they have known since they were really young, like 10 years or under. Since there is almost one in every B-game, it got me thinking, is it just a fantasy thing or does everyone in japan have childhood friends. I’m thinking maybe japanese people don’t change address as often as people in the western world, because of the large population in such a small country, so neighbours get closer. I’m probably wrong but it’s all I could come up with. lol

I moved around a bit when I was younger so no cute childhood friends who secretly have a crush on me I’m afraid. Damn!

twitch twitch
I don’t know about the US, but here in Belgium (and maybe Europe in its entirety), we don’t move that much. My family moved where I live when I was 1 year old, and I was their first child. Before that we lived in an apartment.

I don’t really have friends from childhood. More like acquaintances, class mates.

That’s an interesting question… and one that’s hard for me to answer.

Right now, with where I’m living, I don’t have any friends from childhood. I’m the only one who really left town to go to college and then moved again to find a job. However, were I to move back home, I’d have several friends that I could call childhood friends…

I went to small school with a class of only 18 and we went through school together for 8 years and then all of us went to the same high-school for another 4 years (here in the U.S.)… so many of my friends from home and childhood I’ve known very closely for at least 12 years… and some longer. Were I to go back home I know doubt that I’d run into one of them or that we would end up hanging out again… (For reference there were 8 boys 10 girls).

Now… I’m not sure how much we would still have in common considering the passage of time since we’ve last really talked or done anything together… but we may find out as I may be making that trip home sometime in 2007…

Well I did say I was probably wrong Benoit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Childhood friends huh…
I had friends…or that is what I call them back then…
This is somehow unrelated…But I’ll post it anyway…
After I reached my 6th grade… I began to cut all my ties with my so called friends…
When I started my highschool… I met many acquaintances…But, for some reason I could not consider any of them friends…
Up to now…in my college semester…I still meet alot of acquaintances…and no matter how much I try…I can not seem to consider them true friends…
I haven’t moved to a different location since my childhood…
I still see some of my old childhood friends…
Yet I can’t seem to feel the old emotions back then when we were still friends…

Now… Why is that?

I am one of the biggest dorks in the history of the universe. Even if I HAD lived in one place all my life – which I haven’t – I probably still wouldn’t have many friends I’d known since childhood. Too content to sit around and amuse myself (reading, playing video games, etc.).

I’d say it’s a fantasy… but one that isnt really impossible. (Btw, I wonder if this has been fueled somewhat by the relationship between Ayano & Hiro-chan… out of the chilhood friend options I’ve seen so far, that was the best.)

I admit, there were childhood friends I had a crush on (when I was, like, 10), but that were ages ago, and I have not seen them since, nor would I know if they’re the same now. I hope though.

But, I have to admit with being a dork… could have spent more time doing other things, but, ah well… guess I have my own inerests.

Btw, Stretch, out of curiosity… did you just your avatar to that of Ms. Roger Rabbit for a few seconds. Nothing wrong with that(though I [refer the trademark sunset kiss)

[ 12-05-2006, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

I watched Who Framed Roger for the first time in around 10 years about 2 weeks ago. Haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. I changed to Jessica Rabbit just for the hell of it, but I missed my sunset so it’s back now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Stretch:
[b] I watched Who Framed Roger for the first time in around 10 years about 2 weeks ago. Haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. I changed to Jessica Rabbit just for the hell of it, but I missed my sunset so it’s back now. :wink:


Back on topic; I suppose it depends on the individual person.

One friend I knew had an actual crush on her neighbour, whom she knew for about a decade…, but, got over it. And, of course, the childhood friend idea isnt’ something really new; it’s a stereotype you can find in a number of romance, science fiction, hell, any genre you want. In fact, a children’s movie I saw the other day featured the relationship (no comment) And in anime, there was Abenonbashi and Boys Be, just to name a few.

But of course, not all of us have childhood friends who followed us until this day, and, even if they did, the feelings of platonic friendship may become a bit of a barrier (still can’t forget what it took to get Hiro-chan to see the ‘other’ side of Ayano. Maybe I should post it here for longevity) And, of course, there are so many other options, from a foreign woman, to your co-worker, your stepsister, or, if Samwise Gamgee had been a girl, the one who went through a whole load of shit with you.

Is Life like a visual novel/dating sim ? Of course not, but they do have their similarities.

My family was in the military when I was young and then my dad fixed computers across the midwest…we’ve moved atleast 5 times before i graduated from highschool.

At least in my part, I have friends that I have known since age 2.

I grew up in a small town (graduating class of 22 people.) Unfortunately drugs, along with other things, have killed about half of the people I knew in my hometown. When I do get to see them it is like I never left. We spend a day or two to catch up then enjoy whatever time is left.

Since college and moving back to Tulsa I would say I only have a handful of fairly good friends, mainly coworkers. Social things kinda go downhill when you have kids…nuff said.

I have one childhood friend since the age of 6-7.
He is a selfish egotistic normal swedish idiot who cannot keep a promise to me but value his outgoing party friends and “babes” every weekend if not everyday even though I come by there he lives for about 3-4 times in the year. They are more valuable then a childhood friend for the past 14-15 years…

But since I am a true friend and call be hopefull, I still put up with the crap because I remember the good memories.

As for childhood girlfriends ( not the girlfriend girlfriend, but girl friend. A girl whose your friend ). Had one, the first girl I kissed who attempted to suffocate me by sticking her tongue into my mouth ( was 4-5 years old! ). Met her again for about 4 years ago and wanted to meet her but she was to “afriad” to meet me in person. Also a sad fact is that she is a less intelligent girl. That’s sad…

Another girl friend I met when I was 10 years approx. She was very nice and cute. Met her for about 2-3 years ago as well and… I’m very sad when I think about her. She has ruined her body completly and I feel so sorry for her T_T
( Ruined as drinking, smoking - she stinks smoke miles away, and gained about 70kg more then what she used to look like ).

All my old friends I’ve discarded for new ones, good ones. However, I stick with my saying of “Friends are expandable for the one you love” because of experiances between 1-9th grade of school.

I’m sure I’m not a unique sample of such experiances either.

“It is man’s destiny… To meet and 'part with others… over and over… FOREVER…”

Another girl friend I met when I was 10 years approx. She was very nice and cute. Met her for about 2-3 years ago as well and… I’m very sad when I think about her. She has ruined her body completly and I feel so sorry for her

Hmm…sadly we share something in common Inoue Michiyo.

There was the most beautiful girl that was in my class, which will remain nameless. Me and a rival fought over her from about age three into our teenage years (she choose him, not me after it was all said and done.) She grew into easily the most gorgeous lady in the county. I just let it go and found love and happiness elsewhere.

Saw her for the first time in years just a few months ago. Geez…time has not been kind to her. Drugs, abusive men, and a bad lifestyle have really hurt her physically and mentally. I tried to smile, and make conversation with her because I …felt pity. No one else present would even say anything to her, and after hearing some of the things out of her mouth I think I understand why.

So, I wonder how turning left instead of right in the road of life changes everything. The irony of it all was we were both at the funeral of that winning rival from years ago, which we hadn’t seen for at least a decade…

I dare say I haven’t looked at a faded rose the same since.

That’s a really bad experience you had there.

(shamelessly inserts visual novel reference Well… that’s what made Crescendo powerful… Ryo had the choice to choose elft or right without awareness of the repercussions… quite thought proviking end visual novel reference)

But in the end, in the face of catastrophe and tragedy, we can only move on and try again until the very end. And there is always hope.

That is life after all.
Also had one I had a crush on, Mirk :stuck_out_tongue:
But she choosed friend too.

It’s life.
And life is just a long road with an infintive number of turn-offs that decides a new road with as much roads to diffrent directions that lead to new paths for an infintive number of beings.

It’s cool, what’s your next decision?

Me ?

I got to rewatch the last two episodes of Texhnolyze & watch all o’ Egro Proxy. ;D

But seriously, my next steps include clearing out the nonsense I can currently stuck in, before I can get into unviersity middle of next year (long story)

Til’ then, I got 12 anime to watch in full, Kanon to wait to finish before I see in full, as wella s keep a close eye on developments on the erogame translation.

Yes, just acquaintances. And what about “best friend”? I have friends and acquanitances, but I guess I never had anyone who I could consider him as my best friend…

I do have childhood friends that I still keep in contact with. Actually two of them to be exact. The first one is another guy. We’ve been friends since a few years after we met and we still keep in contact and make efforts to see each other even though we live in very distant parts of the country.

The second is a girl whom I knew up through High School then we drifted apart due to geography and different interests. We did make a pact to meet at the Statue of Liberty exactly 10 years after our high school graduation ceremony. I hadn’t heard from her in 8 years but I went anyway. She was there and we’ve been staying close friends ever since. (Not like that… I’m married to a girl I met in college. I suppose it could have been a different ending if you played my life like a game…) So, it’s a fantasy come true really.

… life may not e afairy tale, but it does imitate Art, just as Art imitates Life.

After all, is’t imitation the highest form of flattery ?