Chrono Trigger remake for DS

Only a teaser site so far. The clock is ticking down…

It looked so great. I played it with my SNES and Playstation. I still wonder if Chrono Trigger DS will have new ending like Chrono Cross’s Kid begining.

:shock: :o I may have to get a DS just for this. Even to this day Chrono Trigger is still one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played. :smiley:

Took me a while to notice it, but the clock shows what time it is in Japan. :stuck_out_tongue:

Game appears to be a port, not a remake. They might add more gameplay events to it, but this does not seem to be a Final Fantasy 4 extravaganza. This all according to some footage and a closed door demo. :frowning:

Someone asked if Secret of Mana 2 will ever see a DS port, as the title has a huge fan base and never saw the light of day in the US, despite Square officially commenting that a full translation was made and then canceled during production. Evidently a software tech was at the interview, because he mentioned that there were statistic bugs in SoM2 that were coded in to the base game engine itself, presenting some problems to correct them. He then followed that statement with, “No comment.”

Damn you Square-Enix. Stop teasing us with things like that… you’ve already done it with the PS3 quality demo movie of FF7. :x

I dunno if anyone Else Remembers but some Fans where working on a Remake for Chrono Trigger awhile Back and you can still find Trailers for it but it got Shut down.

I have seen the FF4 for the DS. it has me Really thinking about Legend of Legaia. Espically if you compare the Graphics.

FF7 Remake… ahhh yes but when i read the Articles it seems it isn’t an Top Priority Case. They have many different things in progress First.

Hey what do you Guys think about Dissidea??

This doesn’t suprise me. It’s one of their most popular non-FF/DQ games and has been talked about on the likes of some great works of fiction by many. I only hope they are adding more to it than just the 1 dungeon…and making it so you don’t have insane load-times like the ps1 version.

There is suppose to be some secret in that dungeon revealed…maybe hints of the long awaited Chrono Brake/Break?

On SM2…if no one knows how all those bugs were coded, it is possible it’s not worth the time and effort to root them out. It seems too far out to be some made-up excuse why they haven’t done anything with a remake.

“Long awaited”? It doesn’t exist, man, you’ll be waiting for a long time :smiley:

I hear someone in Square-Enix doens’t really like the series and won’t approve making more; this is just a rumor. What I do KNOW though, is that we never had any indication other than Square registering Chrono Break as a trademark. No statements, no leaks, no screens, nothing. And then like a year ago, Square allowed the trademark to expire without paying to renew it. Most probably explanation? They were considering it vaguely (it’s common to register names as trademarks in situations like this when something’s very preliminary), but decided against it.

That’s true, but it is also one of the most wanted sequals ever, second probably on to Duke Nukem Forever that never appeared. Even today you have old and even new fans wanting a sequal (although the latter isn’t as much). This might be a way of testing how popular the CT franchise would be since they’ve recently changed their market strategy to a more global outlook.

I think it’s more that Horii and Sakaguchi can’t stand to work with each other and they are reluctant to create another game without both of them do to how Chrono Cross was received. Probably other things as well.

I’m totally serious when I say that I believe we will see Duke Nukem For Freaking Ever released before we see Chrono Break released anywhere.

It costs money and time to register a trademark for something. Especially when you do it as thorough Square-Enix (across different countries).

This process takes place before actual game development, but after conceptual presentation and during the process money is invested towards its creation (i.e. you’ve sold the idea to the board, and you’re selling the idea for more money). Chrono Break may not have made an actual beta game, but there was most likely SOMETHING created. In the least a “developer’s manual” outlining what the game would have been like. Whatever the reason for it’s failure to continue forward - that nothing else has been revealed, proves that either Square-Enix is REALLY tight on security for that title, or that only a handful of people were involved (since fewer people keep a secret better). My vote is the latter.

I wouldn’t rule out the former given the “politics” this game has though. The fact they won’t even confirm or deny they will make a sequel, which they have confirmed not making others, plus the fact their PR team must realize it’s still a popular game in Japan and the states, leads me to believe it might also be part of the former, though you are probably right that only a few members were in on it seriously.