Cleavage - any updates?

Last I heard you guys had licensed it.

But it isnt on your status list. Any word on this?

hi, thanks for bringing it up because the latest news regarding the title just happened recently, and i believe that i should inform you guys about it after confirming it with peter.

we announced the title last year in our panel. unfortunately, we now have to put it in the can indefinitely.

the issue is, we are recently informed that the japanese end has (again) lost their original art files, meaning that we are unable to release this in an uncensored fashion. and plus with our big backlog of games in development, we have decided to put this title in indefinite hiatus mode for now. that’s also part of the reason why this title has not been listed on our product pages yet; the status is still a big question mark for us.

so thats the gist of it. we sincerely apologize to all the fans who are anticipating this title. but that said, i can say for a fact that peter does not want to absolutely cancel this title, and we are considering our options, although we may not revisit it for a while due to our other games in the pipeline at the moment

Was looking forward to it to a degree. Just to continue the line of the artist’s games being translated.

I don’t suppose there’s any point in guilting the Japanese company into giving you STARLESS in exchange for the screwup? =P

Yes, very sad news people. We are totally all over the Starless angle though and have already brought it up with them. Also, we’ll be making up for this small setback with some good news soon, I hope. Just wait for AX!

Sounds good, but first Empress will actually have to finish making it :lol:

If the script is complete, they might be allowed to start translating it though.