Closing on Finality - Thoughts on X-Change 2

i’m not using an alias. My name is Kevin Sarchet. If I were using an alias it would be Troll as that is my nickname.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Man, I didn't know that you are B****...or at least I didn't know that Made in DNA was your alias.

Anyhow, it's good to hear that XC2 is almost done, but we have BS to work on me when you are ready (meaning, when you have rested enough from XC2)

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Sorry about that. I have been using Made in DNA for... god, 8 years now. It's the only alias I have ever used. It's also the pen name I use to publish my short stories.

Yeah, funny thing was, I remembered BS as soon as i posted this. How did those files I worked on come out for you? You know the inherent problems of translating as well as I do. Did you have any problems with what I sent?

Made in DNA

Originally posted by ekylo:
And that's definitely a little statement that will perk some ears up among us. I think a lot of us also hope you guys can get out as many games as you can. [img][/img]

I do too. THANK YOU EVERYONE for your support. Believe me, Peter and I are working hard at getting stuff out for you. Actually, this is one of the reasons I was hired: my translation skills, my native English ability, and the fact that I know anime and Japanese culture as well as I do.

Best regards,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by bokmeow:
How come all Peach Princess and Jast USA personalities use aliases? It's like there's something embarassing to hide or something. The Dave E/Kumiko thing wasn't hard to figure out because the Dave E I spoke to at the Big Apple Anime Fest had the exact same persona as the one manifest by Kumiko.

Now I'm even skeptical toward the Peter Payne name. Come on, a comic book like name?

Hi! Sorry if you felt we have something to hide. Honestly, I don't. I'm a writer and translator by nature and when I publish, it's always under this moniker.

Peter Payne's name really is.... Peter Payne.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by Lamuness:
well gee, elyko, you know B****?

The question is... do I know elkyo??????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am not so sure. Someone got a quarter? I need a clue!

Made in DNA

Originally posted by kmusky:
It's good to hear that XC2 is on it's way. I fell bad about the griping that I did on some other posts.
And for the record, Kmusky is not my real name either.

Hi Kmusky,

Don't worry about it man, we COMPLETELY understand the fan/player's POV. To wait 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord. I'd be pretty upset too. I haven't been here for the whole haul; in fact, I just joined the happy family in November of last year, so, in about two weeks, I'll be celebrating my sixth month here at the company. I hope in the next six, we'll be able to bring you something new once more!

Made in DNA

B****, the files are fine thanks, although I had to open it after I came back to Canada because I do not have japanese windows until now and I am afraid opening your RTF files in a non-japanese OS will corrupt important japanese codes. As of now, all files for BS are cleared and ediited, it should be bugless…but I want fresh minds to play through the game to spot any errors for it

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Well, because if these are representatives of the company, you'd much prefer that they seem up front about it. Problem with Dave and Kumiko was that he hid stuff all the time, he wasn't being forward, and he was like a really spoiled Bishoujo game fanboy much like the ones I see on BBS all the time. Plus, I think a good number of people on the BBS know my real name already anyways.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 04-12-2003).]

Well, I don't know Dave at all I'm afraid, but you'll find that the LAST thing I am in a fanboy. I think Lamuness can vouch for me on that. I don't know that I'm going to get personal with you, but you can ask me what you like. I'm not hiding anything, but I have put a lot of effort and time into cultivating the Made in DNA name, if you search GOOGLE or your favorite search engine, if my moniker isn't number one, it's in the top 10, I would even go so far as to say top 5.

Best regards,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by ekylo:
Not personally no. But when he first showed up, the "Made in DNA" handle sounded familiar, it was only after he mentioned working on the English edit of XC2 that I remembered his name from the "About J-List" webpage and put two and two together.

As for aliases, for a direct resprentative you do usually want something a little more formal but like Lamuness-san says, he's not a "real representative" for the company. Plus, if I recall, he's not a full time employee of PeaPri, he's more of a freelancer for them. And I sort of gather that Made in DNA-san's not really here in an "official" capacity as part of the company. (Though I did see the [][/url] show up, now that's pretty offical right?)

As for gender, I usually do tease the others when we make an automatic assumption of a person's gender, but unless someone comes right out and claims a specific gender, we really don't know. Or even if they do claim to be a certain gender, not like we can really check right? Heck, for most of the regulars, I kinda know which gender they are, there's only a few that I suspect but I don't have any proof either way.

I am an official member of J-List, JAST USA and a representative of Peach Princess. I hold email addresses at J-List and JAST USA. And I get email from a variety of other email addresses straight to my desktop. =)

Best regards,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by Lamuness:
elyko, ya neither me nor Made in DNA are real employees of Jast USA .

??? =P

Speak for yourself. =)

Originally posted by Lamuness:
am I hot? please, seriously, don't have any sexual fantasies over me. You WILL regret it.

As for relationships between companies, actually I don't know the answer myself. You expect an errand-boy to know stuff like this?

JAST USA and J-List are the same company. Peach Princess is company with which we have affiliation and contract with to sell Japanese games in English.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by Lamuness:
B****, the files are fine thanks, although I had to open it after I came back to Canada because I do not have japanese windows until now and I am afraid opening your RTF files in a non-japanese OS will corrupt important japanese codes. As of now, all files for BS are cleared and ediited, it should be bugless...but I want fresh minds to play through the game to spot any errors for it

Okee, guess that means I'm up to bat soon. =)

Made in DNA

shrug I sort of understood the relationship between J-List and JAST USA, I really didn’t understand how PeaPri fit into the whole thing although I knew they were related in some way. So does that mean you’re here in an “official” capacity Made in DNA-san? (Not that it matters, you’ll probably get bugged as much as Lamuness-san does in either case.)

Heh, and like I said, I don’t know you personally, and I doubt you’d know me, unless you’ve spent a lot of time in either the Midwest or Hawaii. (Even that’s iffy.) Plus, I’ve used “ekylo” for quite awhile and it’s simply my first initial, two middle initials and last name put together, so if you don’t recognize that, you probably won’t recognize me from anywhere on the net.

(My gosh, this has pretty much become your thread hasn’t it? )

Originally posted by ekylo:
*shrug* I sort of understood the relationship between J-List and JAST USA, I really didn't understand how PeaPri fit into the whole thing although I knew they were related in some way. So does that mean you're here in an "official" capacity Made in DNA-san? (Not that it matters, you'll probably get bugged as much as Lamuness-san does in either case.)

Heh, and like I said, I don't know you personally, and I doubt you'd know me, unless you've spent a lot of time in either the Midwest or Hawaii. (Even that's iffy.) Plus, I've used "ekylo" for quite awhile and it's simply my first initial, two middle initials and last name put together, so if you don't recognize that, you probably won't recognize me from anywhere on the net.

(My gosh, this has pretty much become your thread hasn't it? [img][/img] )

Am I here in an official capacity? Well, if you mean, can I take orders? No. Can I help you with gaming problems? Sure. Can I help with software problems? In some ways. Can I tell you why you haven't gotten your shipment yet? No. It's a mixed bag really. If something goes wrong, or you ask me about any problems, I simply turn around, ask the boss and then reply with his reply. Sounds rather puppet-like, but in fact, the "problem" is that I'm new, so I'm not familiar with all the inner workings of everything. This is one way to find out. Plus, I popped in to meet the gamers, the reason why we work, the hand that feeds, et al. I'm here to meet you all and discuss gaming. =)

I have lived in the Midwest. I'm originally from Iowa, and I went to high school in Illinois.

Nice to meet you,
Made in DNA

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
Am I here in an official capacity? Well, if you mean, can I take orders? No. Can I help you with gaming problems? Sure. Can I help with software problems? In some ways. Can I tell you why you haven't gotten your shipment yet? No. It's a mixed bag really. If something goes wrong, or you ask me about any problems, I simply turn around, ask the boss and then reply with his reply. Sounds rather puppet-like, but in fact, the "problem" is that I'm new, so I'm not familiar with all the inner workings of everything. This is one way to find out. Plus, I popped in to meet the gamers, the reason why we work, the hand that feeds, et al. I'm here to meet you all and discuss gaming. =)

I have lived in the Midwest. I'm originally from Iowa, and I went to high school in Illinois.

Nice to meet you,
Made in DNA

Okay, since we're doing self-introductions now...I'm insane.

No, wait. Freudian slip there. Let me say what I meant to lie my ass off ab--*cough*

I'm Dayton. I moved all around, ended up in Chicago, and went to college at the U of I in Urbana. I'm one of the silliest people on the board, here. And your description of yourself reminds me of my job, really...I spend a lot of time doing this, that, and the other thing to get familiar with the system and how things work and all that.

As for meeting the gamers and finding out about us...this can be both useful and limiting. The thing to remember is that we're the choir, so don't gauge by us. (For those of us not in the States, preaching to the choir means trying to persuade someone who agrees with you already.) Most of us (at least claim to) play the games for the story, which puts us apart from, apparently, the general audience of this genre anyway. And I at least am an utter weirdo.

Aside from that, one important thing to realize is this--most of us here on this board got our start by pirating Jast USA and others' titles. I will, um, have to take the fifth amendment regarding that myself. (For the record, I became interested in Peach Princess titles because I had already 'acquired' the TCI! CG set and felt guilty enough to overcome my nervousness.) You can draw any conclusions you like; I personally feel this demonstrates that 'putting the word out', so to speak, has curbed piracy, and also that the market has expanded.

Oh, and I think I forgot to mention I'm a rambling geek.

I think he figured out the rambling geek part already Nandemonai-san.

Usually when you’re talking “official capacity”, that means the person’s statements can be taken as part of the company’s policies and viewpoint. “Unofficial” means you’re here respresenting your own viewpoints, you just happen to have inside information. Not that it matters as much to me, I was just mainly curious.

Hmm, I doubt we ran into each other in the Midwest. I spent 5 years at Purdue then lived in Chicago for a couple of years. I then realized I don’t enjoy walking through the snow all that much so I moved back to Hawaii. But it’s a pleasure to meet you as well. bows

Hi. I am a lunatic as well. I actually take medication for it. Pretty pills… but I digress. I’m back in El Centro, CA after spending about 6 years in the United States army in the early 90’s. Most of my military time was spent in Europe. I have been a fan of Anime since the seventies with Gatchaman, Astro Boy, and Speed Racer… go figure. I only recently got into playing bishoujo games, but after testing the waters, dove right in. Like most of the others here, I eagerly await all the title I preordered to come out. I read lots of Science Fiction and Fantasy, so these are probably the story types I would like most, though I will likely buy anything ported as only so much can be made. Keep up the good work.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Okay, since we're doing self-introductions now...I'm insane.

No, wait. Freudian slip there. Let me say what I meant to lie my ass off ab--*cough*

I'm Dayton. I moved all around, ended up in Chicago, and went to college at the U of I in Urbana. I'm one of the silliest people on the board, here. And your description of yourself reminds me of my job, really...I spend a lot of time doing this, that, and the other thing to get familiar with the system and how things work and all that.

As for meeting the gamers and finding out about us...this can be both useful and limiting. The thing to remember is that we're the choir, so don't gauge by us. (For those of us not in the States, preaching to the choir means trying to persuade someone who agrees with you already.) Most of us (at least claim to) play the games for the story, which puts us apart from, apparently, the general audience of this genre anyway. And I at least am an utter weirdo.

Aside from that, one important thing to realize is this--most of us here on this board got our start by pirating Jast USA and others' titles. I will, um, have to take the fifth amendment regarding that myself. (For the record, I became interested in Peach Princess titles because I had already 'acquired' the TCI! CG set and felt guilty enough to overcome my nervousness.) You can draw any conclusions you like; I personally feel this demonstrates that 'putting the word out', so to speak, has curbed piracy, and also that the market has expanded.

Oh, and I think I forgot to mention I'm a rambling geek.

Nice to meet you. After high school I was an exchange student to Japan ('89), and then came back and spent 7 years at two different universities; a private in Iowa where I studied acting for four years, and a public (CSULB) in California where I studied Japanese for 3. I have a degree in Japanese. I moved to Japan in '99 and have been here since.

I enjoy roleplaying games, board games, computer games, computers, the Internet, girls, travel, music, movies, collecting junk, manga/anime (very picky about what I read/watch though), and more than is suitable for writing here.

I also write (for fun and cash) and translate (for fun).

I tend to ramble too, and sometimes I can be a bit of a "Japan-snob". Don't let me seem like too much of an @$$h013 before putting me in my place though. I'm really quite a friendly person. I guess I just come off a bit short in posts. I think that's one of the inherent, nasty points of the Internet though.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by ekylo:
I think he figured out the rambling geek part already Nandemonai-san. [img][/img]

Usually when you're talking "official capacity", that means the person's statements can be taken as part of the company's policies and viewpoint. "Unofficial" means you're here respresenting your own viewpoints, you just happen to have inside information. Not that it matters as much to me, I was just mainly curious.

Hmm, I doubt we ran into each other in the Midwest. I spent 5 years at Purdue then lived in Chicago for a couple of years. I then realized I don't enjoy walking through the snow all that much so I moved back to Hawaii. But it's a pleasure to meet you as well. *bows*

Probably not, but one never knows.

HAAHAAHAHAHA! Having grown up in it, I find it altogether refreshing at times, but I understand what you mean. Here we get very little snow, so I tend to miss it.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Made in DNA

Originally posted by ksarchet:
Hi. I am a lunatic as well. I actually take medication for it. Pretty pills... but I digress. I'm back in El Centro, CA after spending about 6 years in the United States army in the early 90's. Most of my military time was spent in Europe. I have been a fan of Anime since the seventies with Gatchaman, Astro Boy, and Speed Racer... go figure. I only recently got into playing bishoujo games, but after testing the waters, dove right in. Like most of the others here, I eagerly await all the title I preordered to come out. I read lots of Science Fiction and Fantasy, so these are probably the story types I would like most, though I will likely buy anything ported as only so much can be made. [img][/img] Keep up the good work.

Wooooooooooooo! Pills! Love SF myself, but I haven't ever been a big fan of fantasy books. Somewhat odd, I know. Though, I LOVE roleplaying fantasy more than SF. Not sure why that twist either. Some of my good buddies spent time in Europe in the Air Force.

We'll do our best to get those titles to you quickly!!!

Made in DNA