Closing on Finality - Thoughts on X-Change 2

Ahhhh, it’s nice to finally be able to relax this weekend. With all the editing done on X-Change 2, I can actually kick back and smile.

For those of you who have been waiting for this much anticipated game, I can easily say, that if you enjoyed the first game, you are going to love the second. It comes packed with new characters, old characters, storyline continuity, sexy graphics, and more.

As the first official hentai game I played (granted for editing purposes), I can actually say it was an interesting ride. I don’t play love-simulation games at all. I’m more of a FPS player myself. I use them to relax, and I’m not really concentrating on winning. But there was a lot of thought involved in this game. The paths (and there were quite a few I must say; with 23 endings, it was impressive!) ran the gamut of emotions, sexual fantasy, and fun with the main love interest, old “flames” and surprising trysts. Side stories were logical and added a sense of imagination that admittedly, most FPS I play, simply don’t have. Nor could they have. It was, in a word: refreshing. Kind of like an old friend I haven’t seen in a while, ala Zork or the other text-based games I grew up on.

In any case, I’m sure you all will be happy to hear that JAST USA is closing on finishing this cool game. I am proud to have my first game credit to my name, and will look forward to future projects (I’ve already translated another JAST USA game, I just hope we will be able to get it out.)

Best regards,
Made in DNA

[This message has been edited by Made in DNA (edited 04-11-2003).]

[This message has been edited by Made in DNA (edited 04-11-2003).]

Man, I didn’t know that you are B****…or at least I didn’t know that Made in DNA was your alias.

Anyhow, it’s good to hear that XC2 is almost done, but we have BS to work on next…email me when you are ready (meaning, when you have rested enough from XC2)

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Man, I didn't know that you are B****...or at least I didn't know that Made in DNA was your alias.

I don't feel so bad now for not recognizing his alias earlier... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Made in DNA:
I am proud to have my first game credit to my name, and will look forward to future projects (I've already translated another JAST USA game, I just hope we will be able to get it out.)

And that's definitely a little statement that will perk some ears up among us. I think a lot of us also hope you guys can get out as many games as you can. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Man, I didn't know that you are B****...or at least I didn't know that Made in DNA was your alias.

Anyhow, it's good to hear that XC2 is almost done, but we have BS to work on me when you are ready (meaning, when you have rested enough from XC2)

How come all Peach Princess and Jast USA personalities use aliases? It's like there's something embarassing to hide or something. The Dave E/Kumiko thing wasn't hard to figure out because the Dave E I spoke to at the Big Apple Anime Fest had the exact same persona as the one manifest by Kumiko.

Now I'm even skeptical toward the Peter Payne name. Come on, a comic book like name?

well gee, elyko, you know B****?

well gee, bokmeow, what’s wrong with using aliases? How come you and everyone else here use aliases as well? ^^ What’s wrong with using aliases? It’s just a handle name…

And we use the same persona here as our real life ones…well at least more exact than Dave/Kumiko in that at least we maintained our gender :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s good to hear that XC2 is on it’s way. I fell bad about the griping that I did on some other posts.
And for the record, Kmusky is not my real name either.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
well gee, elyko, you know B****?

well gee, bokmeow, what's wrong with using aliases? How come you and everyone else here use aliases as well? ^^ What's wrong with using aliases? It's just a handle name...

And we use the same persona here as our real life ones....well at least more exact than Dave/Kumiko in that at least we maintained our gender :P

Well, because if these are representatives of the company, you'd much prefer that they seem up front about it. Problem with Dave and Kumiko was that he hid stuff all the time, he wasn't being forward, and he was like a really spoiled Bishoujo game fanboy much like the ones I see on BBS all the time. Plus, I think a good number of people on the BBS know my real name already anyways.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 04-12-2003).]

well you all know that I am just the errand boy here so I am no real representative :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
well you all know that I am just the errand boy here so I am no real representative :P

You are a 'boy', right? For the longest time I thought 'Lamuness' was a girl because of your artwork, but the other people on the forum use the male pronoun when they refer to you.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-12-2003).]

Originally posted by bokmeow:
For the longest time I thought 'Lamuness' was a girl because of your artwork that's how you determine genders....

(oh, sorry about the editing on bokmeow's post, pressed the wrong button but I reverted it back)

Originally posted by Lamuness: that's how you determine genders....

(oh, sorry about the editing on bokmeow's post, pressed the wrong button but I reverted it back)

Is that affirmative or negative?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
well gee, elyko, you know B****?

Not personally no. But when he first showed up, the "Made in DNA" handle sounded familiar, it was only after he mentioned working on the English edit of XC2 that I remembered his name from the "About J-List" webpage and put two and two together.

As for aliases, for a direct resprentative you do usually want something a little more formal but like Lamuness-san says, he's not a "real representative" for the company. Plus, if I recall, he's not a full time employee of PeaPri, he's more of a freelancer for them. And I sort of gather that Made in DNA-san's not really here in an "official" capacity as part of the company. (Though I did see the [][/url] show up, now that's pretty offical right?)

As for gender, I usually do tease the others when we make an automatic assumption of a person's gender, but unless someone comes right out and claims a specific gender, we really don't know. Or even if they do claim to be a certain gender, not like we can really check right? Heck, for most of the regulars, I kinda know which gender they are, there's only a few that I suspect but I don't have any proof either way.

yes, bokmeow…I am male, but I thought everybody here knows that already…well maybe except you :stuck_out_tongue:

elyko, ya neither me nor Made in DNA are real employees of Jast USA nor Peach Princess…we are both just errand boys per se, just helping out.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
yes, bokmeow....I am male, but I thought everybody here knows that already...well maybe except you :P

elyko, ya neither me nor Made in DNA are real employees of Jast USA nor Peach Princess...we are both just errand boys per se, just helping out.

I did know, after other people starting referring to you as 'he'.

But the million dollar question is, are you hot?

Originally posted by bokmeow:
But the million dollar question is, are you hot?

Maybe you should start thinking about getting out more Bokmeow-san or playing some more bishoujo games...just kidding... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
ya neither me nor Made in DNA are real employees of Jast USA nor Peach Princess...we are both just errand boys per se, just helping out.

Well, we appreciate your efforts in helping out, whatever you guy's "official" status is. Though one of these days, I'd like to find out exactly what the relationship between the three companies really is. That whole "curiosity" thing again...

am I hot? please, seriously, don’t have any sexual fantasies over me. You WILL regret it.

As for relationships between companies, actually I don’t know the answer myself. You expect an errand-boy to know stuff like this?

Originally posted by Lamuness:

As for relationships between companies, actually I don't know the answer myself. You expect an errand-boy to know stuff like this?

Lamuness, don't you mean Electronic Message Expiditer and Beta Tester? (Sounds more technical than just errand boy)

Originally posted by Lamuness:
As for relationships between companies, actually I don't know the answer myself. You expect an errand-boy to know stuff like this?

Well, you never know what a simple "errand-boy" may know. You probably know more than us, anyway [img][/img].

Originally posted by Lamuness:
am I hot? please, seriously, don't have any sexual fantasies over me. You WILL regret it.

As for relationships between companies, actually I don't know the answer myself. You expect an errand-boy to know stuff like this?

Too late, I'm now wallowing in my regrets.

Nah, just joking. Seriously, you should know by now that's my signature joke. I say it to everyone.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
How come all Peach Princess and Jast USA personalities use aliases? It's like there's something embarassing to hide or something. The Dave E/Kumiko thing wasn't hard to figure out because the Dave E I spoke to at the Big Apple Anime Fest had the exact same persona as the one manifest by Kumiko.

Now I'm even skeptical toward the Peter Payne name. Come on, a comic book like name?

Why are you using an alias? Why am I? More importantly, does it matter?