CNN Recommends Incest

Well… okay… I lied about that. :stuck_out_tongue:

But it’s interesting reading nonetheless.

Now where’s an article that supports MY fetish? :wink:

It’s a trap again !
Methinks the only pro-wincest person are those who read manga or play eroge with wincest.

Also, the title of the article brings to mind the kind of incest I am completely against in my games, let alone real life…

That’s crazy. Definitely crazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

“I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad.” Old song. We need a psychologist to tell us this? This article imparts no new information, none that generations of people haven’t known forever, yet they make it sound like some big new discovery. Yeesh. This is why I shun the mainstream.

I guess there are people like that too…

For me, take my sister and my mother and merge them. My perfect mate would be the complete opposite of her (and in 2D of course).

I got the ultimate complement from one of my sisters when I was in High School.

" if you weren’t my Brother, I’d do you."

Yeah, but how do you you know that wasn’t a come on? I don’t know how many times I’ve missed the point when some girl was hinting at something, only to later (sometimes years later) slap myself in the head and say: “Fuck! I could have had a V-8!” 3D women are just way too subtle.