Come See Me Tonight


The CRC (Casual Romance Club) is a good B-game, but very expensive because they send it from Japan :slight_smile: .

According to Benoit-kun [Edited by Mystvan], the term hentai is incorrect, wrong. The best terms to describe it are Bishoujo, Ero and/or Eroge. Please, read here :slight_smile:

I hope it may help you. [Edited by Mystvan]

[ 06-18-2007, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

For something funny and light hearted, Come See Me Tonight is okay, but I believe there are better choices out there. It’s a good game, but it lacks the whimsical nature I prefer, by making the main character more serious during the story, and placing him in a more difficult position.

That being said, I’d recommend Tokimeki Check-in or Tottemo(Target) Pheremone before it. Good luck and have fun.

I really enjoyed CSMT, it was light hearted and fun and really paid closer attention to the story and writing (up until the endings at which point it makes up for it by throwing sex every which way lol)

X-Change could be considered light hearted (though to be fair, I really hated the entire X-Change series) as well as True Love 95 (if you can find it).

But I think CSMT is a good way to go to start with.

I think COME SEE ME TONIGHT is a lot better than XChange, too.

But even thought that’s a funny game, maybe TOKIMEKI CHECK-IN, TOTTEMO PHEROMONE and FIGURES OF HAPPINESS are even better because they have more options and variety.

I’m not saying CSMT is bad… On the contrary. But it all depends of everyone own taste. Someone could find CSMT boring and XC great.

Maybe you could considerate read some reviews of other bgames before decide to buy someone.

Try some review sites like HentaiNeko, Animetric or Mobygames.

By the way, if you want a beautiful, dramatic bgame but not so sad than KANA-LITTLE SISTER, then you must definitely try CRESCENDO. :wink:

[ 05-29-2007, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Yes, definitely CRESCENDO. This may well be the “perfect” bishoujo. The story paths are interesting, the characters are attractive and have fascinating innerr lives, and the music is pretty dern tootin’ good. The Xchange series, on the other hand, is a light-hearted romp thru a world of non-consensual sex. As a woman, you might not be that crazy about it. On the other hand, as yourself (a woman), playing a male character who is turned into woman you might have an interesting take on the game. You should try it some time and then share your insights with us.

Bible Black, despite being only recently translated, is a very old game. I like the storyline, but graphically it’s weak compared to a lot of the releases out there, unless the style really works for you.

My general vote for girls, and also for funny lightheartedness, is Heart De Roommate, which nobody else on the boards ever seems to like as much as I did. :slight_smile: If you enjoy watching certain kinds of anime (slightly put-upon guy surrounded by women, one of whom is a Cute Violent Maniac who keeps smacking him for his misdeeds) you will feel right at home. A review at may give more info.

I have not played CSMT so can’t comment on it.

(And yes, I am a girl.)

Some of the games I’m about to recommend I haven’t played yet. I’m recommending them cause a) they’re on my list, and b) they have a good rep. They’re marked with b[/b]. Grouped roughly by type:

  • Anything by Angel Smile (they only made a few games before they folded and most of those were translated by GC): Private Nurse, Heart de Roommate, and Figures of Happiness (@).

  • Crescendo, Snow Drop, Nocturnal Illusion. They’re not much alike, but they’re my favorites. NI is both very old and very linear but also very good. You’ll have to get NI in one of the old-school collections.

  • Brave Soul (it’s an RPG)

  • Critical Point, Chain, and Ever 17 (@) both have good stories. Eve Burst Error and Adam: Double Factor if you can find them also have good stories. Chain is essentially a novel with pictures; there aren’t even really any choices. Ever 17 is not adult.

  • Yarugee [games with lots of sex scenes and not long involved romances]: Come See Me Tonight 1 is pretty good. CMST 2(@) obviously is the sequen. Do You Like a Horny Bunny 1/2. Kango Schicyauzo [I’m gonna nurse you] 1 only. I did not like 2.

I don’t really have any “OMFG stay the hell away” titles, except the XChange series (except for XChange Alternative (@) which is supposed to be much better in this respect). The series apparently thinks rape is funny. Most of the other games that are available, that I haven’t listed are either ‘not worth it’ or they’re rapefests. I don’t like rape so I don’t have any of those games.

[ 06-02-2007, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

Way it works is: Nobody releases uncensored games in Japan cause it’s against their laws. Everything (and I mean everything) is uncensored when it’s brought over. There are a HANDFUL of exceptions to this.

As for Bible Black – there have been a large number of OVAs in this series, but the original group of OVAs was released back when I was in college. That’s … well, it’s more than five years ago now. [God, I feel old.] And the OVAs were baseed off the game. That means the game itself is REAL old. (According to Wikipedia, it’s from 2000). So yeah, it looks worse than other games because it’s dated.

i also enjoyed come and see me tonight games