Comic Book Incest

Heh… I love it when people use comic books to fuel their political ends: … evolution/

I guess we should keep this guy away from eroge, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

You know, I’ve only ever read one or two issues with Quicksilver in them, so perhaps he’s always like that … but his reaction seemed way beyond the bounds of anything even remotely sane.

Captain America: “Maybe Scarlet Witch could set a better example by wearing something less revealing.”

Quicksilver: “I’ll kill you!!”

Uh … wow. Somebody put that boy on meds.

Then, the girl doesn’t seem at all put off by the fact that these two are in an incestuous relationship … I don’t know about most people, but I know very few who’d accept that with just a shrug. (I might, but then, I’m here)

I think there’s a few frames missing. The one where Quicksilver is talking about his sister being at his side, has the Witch (I think) dressed in a mink coat. I believe the Captain put that mink on her, as a gift and means of “covering her up” - but Quickie there took it as Cap making a pass. Scarlett seems oblivious with her, “Merry Xmas” remark. That or she likes it when Quickie gets all possessive. Kinky.

No less making him psycho though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the overall concept is neat. It does happen in real life and the whole idea leads to tons of story concepts. Bravo to whoever had the balls to push the idea, and the persons who green light it.

I don’t think that Wasp (the woman talking to Captain), accepts the incest morally… just that she accepts it’s a reality. She notes it will be a major problem once the secret is out, but that the team should focus on planning how to deal with the media fallout, rather than trying to end the incest itself.

I do like how this conservative guy links to his “so explain why incest is morally wrong” tract.

He does kind of have a point; a lot of people are hypocrites on this topic. But he reveals his own biases by assuming that incest must necessarily be defined as always wrong. Between consenting adults in a non-abusive relationship, though, what IS the problem? As he says, it can’t be genetics.

Interesting how he can get close enough to see the problem, but come to a completely backwards answer.

Actually, I think he was being sarcastic, because it is an incontrovertable truth that people who are related are more likely to pass inherritable genetic disorders to their offspring. We, each of us, carry part of the necessary material for such disorders in our genome and the chance of our children bearing such is dependant upon whether our partner carries the other part and the pieces fit up, like a puzzle. In relatives, especially close relatives, the chances of this occuring are much more likely.

The people arguing otherwise are trying to validate their pro-incest arguments with poor science.

As I said, me, I’m not bothered by the idea … but that doesn’t mean I’m going to pretend the dangers aren’t real.

The dude is a hard conservative judging from his other posts on various political topics. He has no love for non-heterosexuality - with quite questionable views and logic on the entire matter.

True. However that’s only looking at it from the negative side. It’s incontestable proof that incest is more likely to pass genetic strengths to their offspring. For example if a bloodline has a high resistance to illness or total immunity to a physical disorder, then a brother-sister pairing would more likely produce children with those same positive traits. This is how animals are bred to be stronger, faster, and more intelligent (dogs and horses). In a similar controlled environment, the same deal would work for humans. Incest does not immediately produce retarded children, anymore than genetic diversification results in superior offspring. Continued incest will magnify the deficiency of a bloodline as it continues through the generations, until sterility is reached. However there ARE medical advantages to incest. The controlled application of it on a generation here and a generation there, could result in a bloodline superior to those who do not conduct it.

It’s also a medical fact, that too much genetic diversification, can lead to retardation and weakened immunity (for example sickle-cell). You can even achieve sterility through continued thinning. DNA is funny that way.

Cool!!! :stuck_out_tongue: That’s Ultimates (Ultimate Marvel universe).

I guess the classic example of the bad effects of…well…near incest would be Queen Victoria. At one time, most of the royal families of Europe were descendants of hers and in the highly stratified society of royals, the only available mates were near relatives. At a result they all inherited a gene for hemophilia that seems to have spontaneously mutated in Vicki’s womb. There are good scientific reasons why incest should be avoided, of course, but most of the negative responses to it are emotional, rather than rational…you’d need a psychologist to explain it.

Scarlet Witch is bumping her brother? The last time I read a Marvel comic, she was happily married to Vision. Boy, am I out of touch!

^^^ That’s Marvel Universe’s Scarlet Witch was married to Vision. Ultimate Universe’s Scarlet Witch is not married to Vision yet. Ultimate Scarlet Witch was killed. Marvel Scarlet Witch got amnesia after her mind wiped out in House of M story.

Ultimate Universe is alternative Marvel Universe. I like Ultimate Spider-Man. Ultimate Mary Jane Watson is childhood friend of Peter Parker. Marvel Mary Jane Watson met Peter in high school or college years. I will check Spider-Man’s history.