Comic book Masterminds and Love

A lady friend actually pointed this out to me, which has been stuck in my mind for a few hours now. Joker has Harley. Lex Luthor has Mercy. Penguin has the Kabuki Twins (you go Pengi). In the live action movie X-Men, Magneto has Mystique. Syndrome has Mirage. Ra’s al Ghul had his daughter Talia.

What I’m getting at is this: comic book Masterminds typically have a beautiful woman at their side, whose privy to their boss’s deepest secrets, and will loyally stand by his side until the bitter end. In most cases, she is also his unspoken lover. Yet categorically uniform, the Mastermind will abandon her when the chips are down, whereas she would remain till the death. Joker has left Harley to Batman many times. Lex allowed Mercy to die. The Penguin will ditch the twincest if they slow him down. Magneto left Mystique to her fate in the 3rd movie. Syndrome gambled with Mirage’s life. Ra disowned Talia. So forth and so on. Of course time and time again, the loyal lovestruck sidekick always returns to her master’s side.

It’s kinda strange… having honor is not an issue with evil Masterminds - see Slade from Teen Titans. However unconditional love is something that American comic villains are devoid of. Why do you think that is? Why do writers refuse to accept that the Joker would sacrifice himself to keep Harley around? Sure, he can keep beating her (as it’s often hinted that he does), but is it wrong to think he could actually CARE for her in that sick twisted mind of his? Enough so that he would try to save her if an opportunity arose?

Just for the record, evil women will abandon their evil male sidekicks too. Storm Hawks has a woman named Master Cyconis, who ditches her champion Dark Ace - who in the pilot episode, sacrificed himself for her well being.

I understood… but Mystique, and Talia were not returning to their masters again. Mystique was still more freelancer assassin than sidekick. Talia was often choosing Batman over her own father, because she fell in love Bruce/Batman.

Slade/Deathstroke had two female sidekicks- Terra, and his daughter, Rose/Ravager. Sabertooth had Birdie. Magneto had several female commandoes than sidekicks- Scarlet Witch (also twin brother, Quicksilver), and others, I could not remember so well. >.>

Joker leaving Harley to BATMAN isn’t even an issue. Joker knows Batman is going to look after her, see she gets any medical help she needs, etc. And Joker knows exactly where Harley will be to spring out later. The fact he goes to all the bother to spring her or arrange for her to get out, time after time, shows he loves her.

Now, as the particular twisted psychopath that is the Joker, he’d only sacrifice himself to save Batman’s life— since only Joker is allowed to finally kill Batman.

Lex has always made it clear that he has never cared more for Mercy then as a warm, loyal body. And he can find those anywhere. Lex would only sacrifice himself for someone he loves— Louis, Kent (when they are in their unfulfilled love/hate homosexual relationship story lines), his wife and children in several alternative storylines, etc.

There are some villians that will sacrifice themselves to save those they love. But it’s easier to show how truly evil a villian is by their constant using of an unrequisite love for their own selfish ends. After all, using someone who unconditionally loves the villian is an excellent tool to show just how mean and callous they are. Plus, instant babe to liven up a villian’s lair (old school villians woulds have lairs with ugly male thugs— the female sidekick lets you zaz up those places).

I think generally it’s the writers trying to remind you that the villain is a bad guy. If he allows true love to sway his choices, then he might be considered only tragically misunderstod!

Cue Mister Freeze, in the versions where he has a living wife.

Heh… necromancy. :stuck_out_tongue:

With the upcoming Batman: Arkham Asylum on the horizon, I decided to pickup some comics and see how current events were. Was shocked to see that Harley Quinn dumped the Joker. Now don’t get me wrong: Harley is still the cute psycho she always was, but I actually found myself disliking her. I know comic book characters constantly reinvent themselves, but the idea of Harely without the Joker seemed… well… like Superman not able to fly. Harley’s obsession with the Joker, was a core part of her character. Without it? Reject female Joker wanna-be. The whole thing about Harley’s bisexuality and relationship with Poison Ivy is great eye candy… but it lacks the interest…

Joker is the core installation. Harley Quinn is just a fandisc. :wink:

On a side note: I think Batman: The Brave and the Bold sucks… but it’s probably just me. :expressionless:

Back! Back, foul – oh, it’s you.


Carry on, then.

And you actually believe her when she says this? In a comic book? Next you’re going to tell me you were shocked – Shocked! – that Superman was resurrected from the dead after the whole Doomsday incident.

Seriously, it’s going to be retconned away. Either she never did break up with him at all, and it will turn out to have been part of one of his crazy schemes … or they’ll make up. Or it will be revealed it’s actually Venom, mimicing someone other than Spidey just because nobody would expect it. Or an alien from outer space. Or someone will have brainwashed her. It. Always. Happens.

True. You’re right. But it just shocks me someone actually green lighted something like that. Do they like alienating and angering the fans? Wait… don’t answer that. :wink:

I guess they did it to boost sales… I mean an issue dumping the Joker? Gotta be a best seller for disbelievers. Still is unforgivable. If Harley isn’t pulling a heist for Mr. J or fighting Batman to protect Mr. J - her only other position is to be at the Joker’s side – or his feet… depending on his moods. The whole abusive relationship isn’t politically correct: but that’s what the Joker and Harley have. He’s a homicidal sadist. She’s a homicidal masochist.

Hmmm. I wonder if that makes her a reverse yandere. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh… I’ll just wait until the reunion issue then. :twisted:

Dc’s greenlighted far worse things: … and-2.html … and-4.html … and-6.html … logue.html … art-1.html … art-2.html

Not to say Marvel’s much better (I’m sure we’ve all heard of One More Day and Brand New Day :evil: )

As for Penguin, I think it may be more he may actually think they are capable themselves. Unlike Batman’s other villians, Oswald does not have a mental condition, ie perfect sane.

Also I don’t know if it was ever really made clear for Penguin whether the two Kabuki Twins were anything more than specialized hired henchmen.