Coming soon...Kana: Fanfic Flash

Hi everyone.

I’m sure that some of you have read Darkling’s Kana fanfics before. Well, I’ve been closely working with him on a “new” Kana project for a couple of months now. It’s nothing to get complete excited about, but I think fans of Kana Little Sister will enjoy it.

I’ve taken Darkling’s first fanfic “My Sister, My Strength” and made it into little Flash chapters. They are not complete just yet, but we are very close to finishing the project. Here’s the website I’ve created to host them:

I’ll let everyone know when all of the chapters are complete and online. I hope everyone enjoys what Darkling and I have put together!

Darkling and Zero…you two rock. :open_mouth:

I’ve made a minor update to the site. I don’t want to leave people hanging, so chapters 2 and 3 are now online.

My main computer is temporarily down, so until I get it fixed the majority of the chapters will have to wait to be uploaded.

Zero’s added chapters 4 and 5 to the site now.

I know that it’s taking longer than I thought, but…

Chapter 6 is now online. I worked on the last chapter all day today, and it is 99% ready to be put online. So expect to see all 10 chapters complete and online very soon!

Reading Chapter 6 now…like ‘Wow!’ It’s hard to me to continue. I’ve got no idea what to expect. No wonder why the site is #1 on my favorites list ;D