Command & Conquer 4

At long last… the Tiberian Twilight has arrived. 8)

So is he really the Messiah after all, or the Devil in disguise?

I can’t wait… I can’t wait… I can’t wait…

Read about this the other day and it’s kind of depressing to hear them say that Kane WILL die this time around. But then again…Kane lives in death. 8)

What I really want to know… what is Kane?

Other than a Messiah of course. :slight_smile:

The man has clearly lived for centuries according the Red Alert, and he’s survived everything from a direct Ion Cannon blast to visiting the Scrin homeworld.

Humans – even cyborg ones – can’t do all that.

Technically the Tiberium timeline and Red Alert aren’t supposed to be connected. He did have his awesome cameo in it but that was more than likely just fanservice.
As for what he is…well…we know he isn’t immortal, the new game apparently settles that bit, and there was that hint of clone shenanigans after C&C2, along with that lame A.I. Maybe that’s all he is, a string of clones that somehow manage to gain the knowledge of their predecessors, probably through cybernetic augmentation. Or maybe he just stole Tanya’s chrono belt and a miniature Iron Curtain, or the worst possibility of all…he has cheat codes. All of ur base r belong to Kane.

Two words: Game Sucks

EA has officially killed C&C. :cry:

Story? Reveals nothing, just confuses the canon more, and pretty much resolves nothing.

Kane? Doesn’t die. Period. In either ending.

GDI? They’re more evil than Nod. They’re baby killers now. :roll:

Only thing we got out of this whole thing, is that Kane isn’t human at all (either an alien or an angel… take your pick) - and there will be a C&C5 one day.

Gameplay? It’s not C&C anymore.

Screw this.

Further proof that the game has been killed by EA’s mishandling is in an article I recently spotted while on a site checking for info on something. The article is titled “Command & Conquer 4 DRM Even Giving EA Fits”.

So not only did we get a shitty overhyped C&C4… but we paid full price to be DRM guinea pigs.

Even for EA - and knowing how the developer side of gaming works I usually sympathize for them - that’s pretty damn low. :evil:

While I’m not going to abandon EA (The SIMS is still good) - they’ve lost me as a C&C supporter.

Help me Obi Wan Blizzard… you’re my only hope.