Comments made on the G-Collection Boards

By Dave E when 3rd Person commented that Brave Soul was coming out Dave replied:

Contributor/ Dave Endresak -(2003/11/01(Sat) 01:17:09)
U R L/

I could say something… but I’ll refrain again…

…suffice it to say that I refuse to support Peach Princess… and it isn’t simply because of my past experience working for them (well, not directly… it’s because of things I learned were taking place while I was doing so, though.)

To each their own… I know that the general consumer does not know things that I am aware of, so I don’t blame them, really…

He never went into details on what he deal was in his later posts on the topic but I post them here for accuracy

Contributor/ Dave Endresak -(2003/11/01(Sat) 05:06:04)
U R L/

Yes… trust me, the saying “Ignorance Is Bliss” is most definitely true almost all the time.

…I wish I was far more ignorant than I am… about a great many things…

and the last post relating to the comments above:

Contributor/ Dave Endresak -(2003/11/01(Sat) 05:01:43)
U R L/

Well… everyone here would “give a crap”, I think, judging from the posts I have read here… IF they knew what I knew.

Your claim is basically saying that all that matters is that you get the products any way you can… that’s basically the same as people who support piracy, for example. The ends never, ever justifies the means.

However, YOU, anon, do not know what I know - therefore, you most certainly do not have any right to make such a brusque rebuke of my post. That’s why I said that I understand why the general consumer would not see things as I do… including you, of course. However, your statement is in error because it is never simply “the products that matter” - the ends never justifies the means, again, no matter what the ends is.

If you thought about my own philosophy about what is and is not acceptable for promotion and support of these works, you would not make such an unfounded and ignorant rebuke. On the contrary, if you gave the matter just a bit of reflection, you can most likely determine WHY I refuse to support that company… especially since it is out of business officially, and that is why I am no longer there. That is, that is what I was officially told, regardless of the “image” you see… I know the truth about what happens behind the scenes because I was there and you were not. Remember that I support the girls and the people who create them as well as work against anything that undermines that support or would call such support into question as being hypocritical.

Just as an example, I have access to many many works that are unknown or nearly unknown in the English world. As much as I’d love to help others experience them, and as much as I, myself, would prosper by doing so, I refuse to pirate those works so that others can have them. However, I do my best to point people to where they can buy the works legitimately or learn more about them.

I won’t do illegal or unethical activities simply to achieve an ends… not even for my own self-preservation or prosperity, nor to promote the girls and the people who create them. I will not lie or mislead the English market about the works, their content, etc. I won’t pirate the works or pirate other software to achieve my lifework goal, nor do any other illegal or unethical activities in order to achieve such a goal - if I did, any achievement would be empty, meaningless, and hypocritical. I am honest, truthful, and hard-working. I’ll sacrifice myself before violating the girls or the people who create them and bring them to life.

You know, there are various CEOs and other execs who felt the ends justified the means but who are now on trial or who have caused their companies to file bankruptcy, face federal prosecution, etc. They were wrong - so are you. So are various people who think such a thing. I understand it, but I will not encourage it in others.

I felt it fair to post his comments here and have it be on equal ground, and for an official response / rebuke of these comments if PeaPri decides to do so. Everyone else is encouraged to make comments on these statements and your opinions are welcomed and encouraged.

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 11-07-2003).]

Originally posted by Doug:
the ends never justifies the means, again, no matter what the ends is.

There are many aspects of the above that might be worthy of comments, but I felt this one of the more interesting. There are times when the ends will justify the means. You must remember saying that the ends 'never' justify the means is an absolute, and there is rarely any such thing as an absolute about anything in life, and this is one of the times I think it is not an absolute.

Example, you preserve life of a loved one as an end, even if the means are taking another's life in defense of the life you saved, those ends I would say justify the means.

And the CEO's are different, they looked out for themselves, others might try to make a profit, but in the process are bringing something to the masses to enjoy. No, I am not endorsing piracy merely saying that the CEO looking out for themselves and in the process harming others, and the one that brings enjoyment to others (perhaps harming the companies) while looking out for themselves are two different ideas and concepts. One hurts many and brings only to themselves, the other hurts some, brings something to others while looking out for themselves.

Originally posted by Doug:
[B]By Dave E when 3rd Person commented that Brave Soul was coming out Dave replied:

To put it bluntly, I don't care anymore what Dave E writes. His posts make absolutely no sense. If he got something to say/write, he should just post it. (Unless he has a NDA, that is). If he choose not to support PeaPri that's his problem; if I choose to purchase Brave Soul that's my problem, and he shouldn't push others not to buy it.

Originally posted by fxho:
To put it bluntly, I don't care anymore what Dave E writes. His posts make absolutely no sense. If he got something to say/write, he should just post it. (Unless he has a NDA, that is). If he choose not to support PeaPri that's his problem; if I choose to purchase Brave Soul that's my problem, and he shouldn't push others not to buy it.

Actually , Dave didn't say " don't support Peach Princess" he was only saying his opinion , but he is not forcing anyone to do what he does !!!! thats why he didn't went to the details [img][/img]. I also saw the post written by Dave because I visit the G-collections BBS daily !!!

Well, my only comment here is that I think it is kind of hypocritical by Dave E to make this comment about Brave Soul - he have always said that you should support b-games even if you have personal reasons for not wanting to buy the game in question, but now he himself speaks (on his own behalf, that’s it) against buying Brave soul because that he has personal reasons for not wanting to do that…

Originally posted by Doug:
By Dave E when 3rd Person commented that Brave Soul was coming out Dave replied:

I felt it fair to post his comments here and have it be on equal ground, and for an official response / rebuke of these comments if PeaPri decides to do so. Everyone else is encouraged to make comments on these statements and your opinions are welcomed and encouraged.

Perhaps we should go to the board and keep referring to him as Kumiko.

The best advice to leave Dave E the smeg alone. This picture sums it up best:

Originally posted by bokmeow:
The best advice to leave Dave E the smeg alone. This picture sums it up best:


"His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man." Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

Originally posted by dexter:
Actually , Dave didn't say " don't support Peach Princess" he was only saying his opinion , but he is not forcing anyone to do what he does !!!! thats why he didn't went to the details [img][/img]. I also saw the post written by Dave because I visit the G-collections BBS daily !!!

Yes he did. Except, he's doing it in such a way that he can plausibly deny doing it. Having made such statements, he will now refuse to back them up. So people will have lingering questions, that will tend to linger for quite awhile.

He doesn't even have to make explicit accusations to cast a shadow over Peach Princess.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Yes he did. Except, he's doing it in such a way that he can plausibly deny doing it. Having made such statements, he will now refuse to back them up. So people will have lingering questions, that will tend to linger for quite awhile.

He doesn't even have to make explicit accusations to cast a shadow over Peach Princess.

Nandemonai's right, Dave E leaves no question of his opinion and then goes on to have no doubt of what he thinks all right thinking people should do, even not agreeing with him, it is clear what he is trying to convince us all to do, at least it seems that way.

Oh well, it’s not the first case of ex-employee bashing his old company. I personally take everything he says with a grain of salt. I might log on to the g-collection bbs to see what all the stink is though just for morbid curiosity.

Besides I like me streak of collecting all of the b games that has come out in the last few years

it speaks terribly bad of an employee to say this kind of this about his/her former job… no matter if their are or not true… it’s about ethics…

and for what’s worth… i never listened kumiko’s posts… i hate lecturing… and the people who do such things… and he kept doing so… i mean… i think there’s no one in this world who has the right to lecture others… and he kept lecturing us about ethics piracy and stuff like that… and see? how he has lowered himself with those comments…

Pardon my ignorance, but who exactly is this Dave Endreseak guy at the GC borads?

I gather that he used to work for PeaPri and is known as Kumiko over here, but just what exactly is he doing now? Is he a representative of G-Collections or the moderator/staff over there? Or prehaps he is from some rabid bishoujo fanclub?

I’m really gettin confused with all his posts over there… On one hand, he is most often the first to answer any queries like a support staff, but I simply can’t picture someone from an organised co. like GC rambling non stop abt bishoujo game world -__-

[This message has been edited by Angry Gamer (edited 12-02-2003).]

Well the truth of the matter is, I don’t think any of us know what he’s doing. I don’t think he’s a representative of G-Collections. At least nothing from the few posts I’ve read indicates to me that he works for them.

As for being like a support staff, it’s sort of like here. For instance, I tend to answer a lot of gameplay/storyline questions and Doug-san answers quite a number of technical questions (and other questions as well…), but we’re just fans (or at least I am) and don’t work for PeaPri itself. We’re just knowledgeable (or feel we’re knowledgeable) in those aspects and are trying to help out others.

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 12-02-2003).]

I find Dave E fairly easy to understand. He’s the kind of guy who just has to be right all the time. If you disagree with anything he says, he’ll talk you to death but never compromise. His central theme seems to be: The world market needs to conform to the Japanese model if we want more B-games. We must all buy in greater quantity, learn to love mosaics and demand that local retailers stock the products. So remember everybody, next time order two copies of each title instead of one. Do your best, boys! It’s your duty to the industry!

[This message has been edited by perigee (edited 12-02-2003).]

Originally posted by ekylo:
For instance, I tend to answer a lot of gameplay/storyline questions and Doug-san answers quite a number of technical questions (and other questions as well...)

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 12-02-2003).]

I'm just a fan of the genre as well. I usually answer most of the hardware type questions because that's my area of knowledge, having built my current PC from the ground up.

Those of you who don’t like to read about Dave’s ideas shouldn’t worry about it too much , since I talked to him on E-mail and he told me he probably won’t be able to post anymore by spring next year. He’s been trying to survive unemployment for the past 1 1/2 years and his resources has almost run out .

This really makes me sad since I learned a lot about heroine focused works and the market of bishoujo games in western countries from him.

blink Has it been a year and a half already? I’m sorry to hear that he’s still unemployed. I didn’t always agree with his opinions, I respected his belief in them.

Heh, well that’s why the few times I get hardware or technical questions I point them towards you Doug-san. My computer expertise is UNIX, probably why my Windows XP machine makes funny noises when I’m near it…

Originally posted by dexter:
Those of you who don't like to read about Dave's ideas shouldn't worry about it too much , since I talked to him on E-mail and he told me he probably won't be able to post anymore by spring next year. He's been trying to survive unemployment for the past 1 1/2 years and his resources has almost run out .

This really makes me sad since I learned a lot about heroine focused works and the market of bishoujo games in western countries from him. [img][/img]

It's rather problematic that he couldn't just try to settle for something part-time or minimum wage. And I think the way he has carried himself is rather unprofessional on the BBS, even if no one fully believes his defensive rebuttals.

Maybe he’s after a job with G-Collections. It struck me that he has been trying to impress somebody. Initially I thought the guy was alright, but in a recent anti PP post from a forum user, he pipes up and peppers his reply with all manner of cryptic bullshit. Such as:

“I could make many comments [about PP] but I won’t”

"[People] don’t ask the logical questions so they don’t arrive at logical conclusions".

“I had told people not to believe images… look for reality, don’t be deceived by image”.

Yeah, you’d know all about “deceived by image” wouldn’t you Kumiko?

Must stay away from G-C BBS…

[This message has been edited by Interzone (edited 12-05-2003).]