Completed my first Bishoujo Game last night

And i have to say i really these kinds of games ^^ The game i beat last night was Snow Sakura, I went with saki’s storyline and it was very touching ^^ Although the goal of any game is to reach the end and win, I can’t help but feel a little sad now that it’s over even though it had a happy ending ^^ I hope to play a lot more games like this. Well i just thought i would share my thought on Bishoujo games so far, so that is all i have to say for now ^^

It always bothers me when I see people putting it this way. I don’t think anyone ever ‘beats’ a bishoujo game. After all, if you keep clicking on the decisions, you’re going to reach an ending eventually. ‘Beating’ the game would be more like achieving 100% CGs or something (and I think even that would be stretching the definition). If you view bishoujo games as things that have to be defeated, then I think you’re not appreciating them for what they are.

yeah your probably right, completed probably would have been a better word to use… and even so i haven’t done everyones story so i guess i haven’t even really completed it yet either… ah well to late to think of a better title now…
Edit: i just noticed the edit button so i have changed the title of my topic :slight_smile:

Although to actually consider it complete, ya have to get just about everything. One storyline ending is not enough Nya!

Now you’re just punching the poor guy’s buttons. Congratulations on achieving your first ending in a b-game.

Though I don’t think you ever “win” a b-game any more than you “win” a novel. Not trying to split hairs here at all, but pointing out an issue of perspective - people tend to think of games in terms of “winning” or “losing”, but in an interactive novel - just as in a mainstream novel - it is the journey which matters most. There will always be many endings waiting for you, but there will only be one journey. (that goes for life, also)

You win the girl so it’s ok :smiley:

Saki’s path was the best. The best, Jet49.

Now go for Misato or Misaki :slight_smile:
Then Kozue and just forget Rei.

Saki’s path was great. I’m doing Misato’s now. Is Rei’s really that bad? She’s up next and I’m doing her for completions sake anyway, but is there no emotion or fun to it? If so, that will kind of suck.

No it’s just that I don’t like the smoking-megane type.

Yea I remember my very first h-game was . My first was that older game where you were in a mansion and you had to help each girl one by one with something sexually oriented. The second was “Tokimeki Check-In.” I don’t think I’ve ever played a bad h-game… oh wait… there was a little title called “Pretty Soldier Wars.” :roll:

No, Rei isn’t bad. In fact, I thought she was the best. I like bad-ass girls, so what’s ironic about Rei is, without spoiling anything, she tries to act cold and self-centered, but blushes over the silliest things, so this gives her a lot of personality over most characters. Like the rest of the characters in the game, she has a “dilemma” she needs help resolving, but she can’t do it alone. This dilemma is a lot better than the other characters, where their problems just felt tacked on, especially Misato’s. It makes you feel genuinely happy for Rei when you’re done.

Ah, I see. Well, I’ll be looking forward to it then.

Congratulations! :slight_smile: I haven’t played Snow Sakura, but I may just have to try it out someday~

LOL, I think ‘completed’ is a much better word than ‘beat’. I really enjoyed Snow Sakura and I think it’s a great place to start your bishoujo game habit. =)

I agree with this completely. It bugs the hell out of me when I see people saying they ‘beat’ Kana Little Sister. It’s like they’re completely missing the point, which is the story.

I forget which girl I was aiming for on my first play through Snow Sakura, but Saki quickly endeared herself to me, partly because of the incest angle. So I ended up pursuing her the first time through.

I left Rei for last since I was also put off by the image she presented in public, but I ended up liking her path quite a bit - probably my second or third favourite path in the game. I agree that her dilemma felt more convincing since it stemmed directly from who she was. I felt similarly about the ‘cousin’ angle in the Saki path and the ‘teacher-student’ angle in Misato’s path - I liked those storylines because they were direct results of starting a relationship with those girls in the first place.

You “read” a novel. You “watched” a movie. You “listened to” a CD. You “beat” a game. It’s not exactly an incorrect usage, since the gameplay in these games is finding all the endings; once you’ve seen them, you ‘beat’ the game. If he was going for Saki, and got her, then he ‘beat’ her route.

Sure, it’s not the most clean application of terminology, but it works well enough.

EDIT: As for the original comment, I get the same feeling too. Usually when I’m done with something really awesome, like Twilight Princess, or Planescape: Torment, or Sandman. The kind of vague feeling that you wish there were more, but the show is definitely over and adding to it would only detract from what was there.

There are other equally good bishoujo games. Nocturnal Illusion and Crescendo are the ones that come immediately to mind.

well i think next i will try the Misato story line after all she is a history teacher and history is my favorite subject, plus she is funny :slight_smile: oh and what is “YUME MIRU KUSURI :: A Drug that Makes You Dream” like? It looks like and interesting game, and payday is coming soon so i might just buy it

I would highly recommend it. 3 girls all with very different, highly detailed paths. Lots of fun, some sadness, some anger. Gives ya a little bit of everything.

Quoted for truth: erogamaes are games, therefore can be beat.

Welcome to the wierd world of h-gaming. Be prepared to lose a lot of sleep. I don’t know if it’s appropriate or not to say you can ‘beat’ one of these games. I think it’s better to just take what the game gives you. We all love the Saki path in Snow Sakura, don’t we? She’s so cute, I just want to dunk her in chocolate. Some people seem to be able to zip thru all the paths in a hurry, but I’d recommend to anyone (especially a newcomer) to just take it easy. The way I see it, the longer it takes you to clear all the screens, the more value you’ll get from your thirty+ bucks. I just cleared the Kyoko path in X-Change 2, and it was well worth the wait. I’ve been playing Kana for years now, but only finished three of the paths. I love that game so much that I don’t want it to end. Yume Miru Kusuri (a wonderful game) is pretty easy to “beat” (for lack of a better word), I managed to clear the Aeka and Nekoko paths pretty quickly. I haven’t done anything with Mizuki yet, but I have a pretty good idea of where she’s going. If you’re interested in YMK, you should get it, but you’d better keep a box of hankies handy.

theres only 3? the website has six listed… im guessing the only three girls who have story lines are the ones on the front of the game case right? i guess that also means the main character’s sister doesn’t have a story line. ah well ill probably still get it

You are correct. I would consider it a good thing, actually. If they tried to fit more girls into the game the other paths probably wouldn’t be as fun as they are. Very different stories with each path, not like most games where there’s mandatory events you do every time you play through the game. It really kept me hooked, too. Lots of excitement.

well then that settles it i will probably order this game next :slight_smile: i just hope they don’t mess up my order again, so far i have ordered from two times from jastusa the first i was buying a game for a friend as a gift, i ordered “Lets meow meow.” because my friend as a cat girl fetish. What arrived was a game called “Do you like horny bunnies.” so i ended up buying that and giving both games to my friend. And when i ordered “Snow Sakura” i got “Lightning warrior raidy” so i hope they don’t do this to me three times in a row