Contest for CG artists here

Hello. Icarus Publishing is running a CG coloring contest in the second issue of A-G. While the issue is not on sale yet (April 10th estimated Diamond ship date), I thought I’d post the information here, so Peach Princess customers can have a head start. =)

Even if you are not a CG artist, the contest image is an interesting download.

There is exactly 3 months time to complete your entry. Good luck.

Thanks m(_ _)m


I won’t be entering though, I’m not in the US (Also, I already have all of the games that are the prizes. )

You might want to correct the name of “Tokimeki Check-In” on that page as it currently reads “Tokimeki Drop-In”.

Eep. Thanks for catching that. Must have been mixing it up with Snow Drop. ^^;;;

Non-US residents can still enter, we just can’t send them prizes because of customs, mainly. But, it is an opportunity to receive feedback on your coloring from Marvel colorists, and possibly a Japanese animation director as well. ^^

Darn, now if I can only figure out how to do CG art in 3 months…

Speaking of which, wanted to mention nb-san that I did enjoy the first issue of A-G. Just havn’t had time to try out the example that was included yet.

I have absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever but my sister will be entering. ^^

i will enter
and hopefully win

yep…ive got all those games already…but its a good present to introduce a friend of mine to the genre

Well that might explain the extra copy of Snow Drop I have. I had bought it originally to give as a Christmas gift but I never got around to giving it out to anyone…

definitely not me…well I can’t enter in the first place now that I am affiliated with peapri and actually work for peapri (I guess that makes me an “employee”)