Crescendo cut-scenes

And you are biased because you’re such a fan of the game that you just want more of it, no matter the cost. :wink:

I don’t play for voices either, but you have to admit that they add a lot to the immersion and are really nice to have.

Keeps the industry flowing, my friend. :wink:

[QUOTE]I don’t play for voices either, but you have to admit that they add a lot to the immersion and are really nice to have.[QUOTE]

Nice to have, but aren’t necessary, in contrast to plot, scenarios & CGs. Look at KLS… it didn’t need voices. I’d add the Rance games as well.

No, it would make you even more biased than if you’d played the game yourself. Having never played the game, your only source of information is other people’s inherently-biased opinions.

So anything you say has their bias contained within it (because it’s all you know) and then there’s your own bias added in on top of it.

I mean, how could any argument based off incomplete information ever be better than one based off of full knowledge?

[ 04-28-2007, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

More misinformation. Mexico was home to the Maya and Aztec civilizations most recently before the arrival of Spanish, highly centralized, neolithic civilization equivalent to Middle Kingdom of Egypt.

What is now the contiental US was home to a number of tribes, most of which were not to the level of which could be considered a state. While their is some evidence of a more ancient culture centered around the Mississippi rivier, that had already been long gone by the time Spanish conqustadors arrived. Only a few of note were left.

In the north, Iriquois and Huron were probably the most advanced having formed the basis of a confederation. They were free to move through each others land, fought defensive wars together, made most treaties (until europeans came) as one, but controlled their own terriroty and their own expansion (as long as it wasn’t at the expense of the other) themselves. They were late Neolithic age when they were discovered using mostly tools out of copper. They had basic understanding of metallurgy, but had yet to discover bronze, or atleast use it.

The Creek, Cherokee and Shanwee were the strongest in the south. They were not nearly so advanced. They still used stone weapons and tools. The only thing of note was their size because of conquest and somewhat centralized government, though not nearly so advanced even as their northern neighbors, let alone the Aztecs.

The final group of note is the Pueblo who were remote from all the other groups. They were indeed quite advanced. Architecurtly probably equal to the Aztecs. Their government however wasn’t of much note and didn’t have to be because their small size.

All in all, north of modern day Mexico, were completely different.

And i’m not even getting into the religion or culture here…which varied quite dramatically. Central America had more in common with South America.

I don’t see how this is relevant. I’m not talking about the quality of the game itself. I’m talking about the worth of having the DVD version released when it doesn’t add enough new stuff to warrant buying it along with the version we got.

It is pretty much relevant.

To begin with, you have not played the game, so you’re making the opinion that a DVD version wouldn’t add new stuff to the game itsel, as it only adds ‘scenarios’ and ‘extra CGs’ which, to you, may be a small thing.

However, to those who have played the game, and felt the full impact of the stories in Crescendo, but felt that the edition was not long enough, and would’ve preferred a continuation of some sort, would rather buy this DVD, in addition to the one they bought earlier.

And, like Nandemonai said, you’re opinion is based purely on what others had to say about the game, as well your own personal opinions, perhaps not on Crescendo, but on re-releases.

To give another example… I don’t like Virgin Roster, but I’m ready to admit that its a bias because I haven’t played it yet (apologies to Nagrakhan). However, in the case of JKC, I have played it, and I dislike it based on the observations I’ve made of the game while playing it.

It’s hardly ‘a little bit’.

The extra CGs were of a substantial number, and there was also an increase in the number of HCGs. Sure, we can use GGD cut, but those scenes are meaningless without the voice files and script files to explain the existence of those extra CGs. It was quite more then just 10%.

Furthermore, the ambiguity of the endings of two of the characters weren’t fully explained.

For the former, I’d say those who haven’t bought it should take it as a good opportunity to try the game out.

However, the latter sounds like a better compromise. A patch to somehow extend the game, and make full use of those extra CGs, with the missing voice files, and the missing scenarios.

Hey… why didn’t anyoen think of that before ?

Because no bishoujo game company does it? :wink: They always release full versions to milk their title as much as possible.

It usually goes like this:
[list][]Original game gets released on PC.[/][]Game gets ported to PS2/Dreamcast with one or more extra characters/endings or the inclusion of voices, minus the ero scenes.[/][]PS2/Dreamcast version gets ported back to PC with some more content.[/][/list]

Is he a human being? Then he’s biased. We all are, it’s unavoidable.

This is a very good reason why they aren’t going to release the added scenes. They would have to do the work to translate them, and wouldn’t sell many more copies.

Probably they would follow GC’s path with Kango Schicyauzo 1: wait until a current print run was drained, then discontinue the original version, replacing it with the enhanced one.

The game would experience a modest pick-up in sales, because it’s “new” and has added stuff – but would probably not generate many extra sales to people who already owned it. Most of the people here who played Crescendo would get it, but that’s like what, 100 people?

Well, as much as PP & GC may be b-game companies, I have no real idea if they share the same simillarities as the ones in Japan, and the version of Crescendo isn’t exactly full.

I personally wish GC would give an explanation as to why they limited it to only the extra CGs being kept in the GGD file, unless DVDs were on their mind at the time, of which I can understand.

And another true thought.

I’m started to think that a patch might work for this game… but that shouldn’t be talked about too much down here.


Nandemonai : how very true. All human opinion is biased, whether humans like it or not. Any degree of objectivity is but a bias drawn according to a line drawn a lineated, but still an, opinion. As such, we must consider all viewpoints.

Could you elaborate on this statement?

No one has proven that the voices weren’t kept as well.

Sure. The DVD version in Japan had a longer storyline that expanded on all 6 available character paths, with 2 ‘what if’ scenarios for two of the girls. The latter is kinda intriguing, as it gives better closure to one of the character paths (the elder sister path), as well as a non-tragic option to one of the character games in the game (specifically, the hidden, and little developed Miyu)


Well, I could talk about a certain method of finding out, and providing a possible answer to that question, but I am under direct obligation from Lamuness not to mention a certain process.

But, if anything, only CGs were found so far. Extra voices and scripts… that has to be found out in another way, though I suspect they weren’t kept. So, yes; aside from those missing CGs, unless the original Japanese script is hidden somewhere (highly uncertain), or the missing voice filles hidden somewhere (highly uncertain), the current GC release is pretty much not full.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Hey Mystvan, you re-animated 20 threads so far, you are Peapri’s Necromancer King :stuck_out_tongue: !
Now, take a rest, OK :roll: ?

[ 04-30-2007, 06:59 AM: Message edited by: Baldo ]

…ya, mystvan asked me via PM earlier about subscriptions of topics that he didn’t make a reply on, but i told him that’s one of the limitations of this forum

…but i didn’t expect him to bump threads that were never touched for a year either :stuck_out_tongue:

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

in all seriousness mystvan…old threads are usually left to rot anyways and if someone wants to revisit the topic they will usually just post a new thread anyways

so it is not in your best interests, mystvan, to bump the old threads as it will not do you any good anyways (nobody replies to them anymore other than you)

or can you at least CHECK when the last post was made? if it’s like a year ago, it is very unlikely that people will revisit them

mystvan, please dont do this again if you can help it…if things get out of hand i may reserve the right to suspend your account temporarily

[ 04-30-2007, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

OK, Lamuness. I guess you’re right.

I promise I’ll not bumping old threads. But, sometimes, if the thread isn’t too old (after I checked it), I’ll post, OK?

OK. I don’t want to trouble you or anyone. Then, you can rest, OK?

And sorry for my extraordinary and uncommon attitudes. I’ll keep in mind what you are talking about.

[ 04-30-2007, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Since G-Collections’ plan was to release the original Crescendo, I’d argue they gave us more than a full version. Of course, when viewed as the DVD version, it’s not full.