Crescendo cut-scenes

umm… i just replayed Crescendo recently.
As when digging around the net, i found a CG-pack of the game ripped from the US version. Inside, i can find various CGs that can’t be seen from playing the game and I think they are not entirely unrelated to the story line.
The missing CGs contain at least 1 Hscene from each character and many details/events that are not mentioned in the game.
Changing the age of highschool students into 18+ to fit the age limit of whatever i can understand but why the story?

This was discussed recently, but I can’t find the thread where it was…

The Crescendo that G-Collections published is a hybrid. When Crescendo originally came out in Japan, it was voiceless. Later, a DVD edition was published of the game, which added voices, and a couple extra characters with their own CG and voices.

G-Collections used the original Crescendo game, and added the voices from the DVD edition. However, the CGs from the extra characters is also on the CD-ROM, but you can only find it through the use of a tool called GGDCut.

Who knows the CD-ROM also contains the voice clips from the extra characters, but no one has verified that yet.

oh~ souka~
thanks~ Ben-san
/me gives Benoit a cookie

I hope, someday, they release this DVD version of “Crescendo”…

Ditto here, too.

Ditto, me three.

Hey, guys… Does anyone know what “Crescendo” mean? Is it a Spanish word? Or Italian?

In Portuguese language, it means growing, increasing, expanding…

[ 04-26-2007, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Hey, guys… And what about “Heart de Roommate”? I wonder about “de”. Is it a Spanish word? Or Italian?

In Portuguese language, it means of, from, etc…

I’m not hoping for a DVD release of Crescendo. I don’t see the point.

Are you sure about this? :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, Big Ben. It’s your opinion. I guess you have own personal reasons for this.

Firstly Benoit, you never played the game (you told me yourself).

And, whether you played it or not, the game is too short on some accounts.

I second that.

This was posted elsewhere, but Crescendo is actually a gerund in the Italian language:

The word ‘Crescendo’, in Italian, would be the approximate of the English language gerund ‘building’, in terms of music dynamics and the growing in plants.

(Btw, gereund= a verb that can double as a noun. E.g. Building, Writing, etc.)

[ 04-26-2007, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]


Uff… That’s very hard to edit “quote”…

Well, Phineas, thanks for your reply. Hehehe… I guess Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French languages are very similar, right?

When I listen Spanish and Italian words, from watching digital cable TV programs, I almost understand all them…

It’s like asking why the Chinese & Japanese use the same characters, and why Hitler’s belief that his Nordic Aryan race came from India (the very reason why he adopted the swastika, among other reasons) is actually somewhat false.

Although different races of people have different identities and cultures, if they do live in the same region, and their people are of the same race and lineage, then they’re liek to have many superficial and inner similarities. Spanish & Portugese may be totally different, but the proximities of both countries are always evident.

Heck, even French & Latin are similar, but that’s because French is basically celtic Latin, and Latin is ancient Italian. English… now that’s more complicated. English is essentially Anglish (that is, Anglo-saxon germanic), but then you have the Romans, and their Latin, The Normans, and their French, a few other bits, and, before modern times, Shakespeare and his wit.

And it can get even more complicated… but that’s for another time.

Proximities, yes, but that doesn’t say everything. Mexico and United States are close together and they aren’t much alike. For that matter, Isreal and Jordan are. as well…India and Pakistan…I can go on.

Portugal was heavily influenced by Muslim culture being the only successor state of the Visigoths to survive and be completely overrun by Islamic invasions. The other nations Castile, Aragon were formed after and and along with Leon, the only nation to have any claim as a true successor state of the Visigoths, was never conquered completely. The other kingdom, Navarra, was seperate and never conquered. Thus Portugal and Castile, the latter which would form Spain, have similar ties, but their histories are influenced by factors that change their culture. While both countries were influenced by the conquest by the moors, Portugal’s identity was far moreso and the legacy can be traced even today in the language, cultural attitudes/values, architecture and other means. The only other portion of the Iberian penesula that could be considered to have more of an impact still felt today is the semi-autonomous region of Andalusia.

What does this all boil down to in reguard to the post? Basically that just because two cultures are next to each other does not mean they are the same.

[ 04-26-2007, 11:37 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

To begin with, Mexico & US were pretty much the same until the White Man came. Then tehre’s size.

Perhaps a better udnerstanding would be if people compared between the SOuthern US & Mexico… and removed the White Man in the equation.

Like I said, it depends on size, and I did say they’re largely different, but too ahve a few similarities, ehre and there.

Well… yes, actually, though I was trying to point out that there is a slight ring of truth to Mystvan’s statement.

Heck, I’d go sof ar as to point out that Hinduism has one mention of Noah’s Ark.

It’s a good point but some of us can only hope. I’d like to see a patch because I don’t really want to buy the game again. Releasing the DVD version of a not so popular game wouldn’t net them any profits most likely. All that aside, seeing the pics of the cut parts and not knowing what really happens sucks.

Besides, I think most people aren’t like some that fell compelled to buy first a limited edition, then a regular edition, then a special anniversary edition, and then finally a special limited edition w/ art book. Not sure how that works but something to that effect, not that I’m saying Crescendo is like that but in truth those CGs are part of the extended version.

[ 04-27-2007, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Qin ]

Well, thanks for the History lessons (I always love History!!!), Phineas and Jinnai. I’d like to reply, but I have some difficult to write more complex texts…

That’s funny… I can read and understand easily, but when I try to write something, that’s very difficult because of English grammar and expressions.

Which would make me unbiased, no?

What would the DVD version add? Just a couple characters and CGs. I don’t think it’s worth a re-release.

The version we got was itself a cross-breed anyway (which we should be thankful for). If we got the original version, then I’d see a point in releasing the DVD version, because it would also add voices to all the characters, which would be a major upgrade.

Actually, it would make you biased. You can’t really form an opinion on a game, or susbequent releases, if you don’t play it at all.

The fact that there were two extended storylines,a s well as a happier ending for one of the more tragic paths is a worth a re-release for me.

Voices aren’t everything, frankly and really. I don’t play the game for the voices, I play the game for the characters, scenarios and the CGs.

And again, Benoit, you are biased.