Crescendo - Not enough people know about this

Sorry, but are we talking about the same games?
I am referring here to the games Kana - Little Sister and Crecendo that originally were released by D.O. in Japan and localized to the english language by G-Collections.

It was no problem at all for me to play through Crescendo and getting all endings - without a single wasted try.

However, Kana is another story: I got the game about two month after its initial release - and I am still missing endings 1 and 6! So, I can’t really agree with “Kana being easy” and “Crescendo being too complex”.

… but then, I may just be an ultra-baka-gamer, hmmmm? :roll:

However, if you really think so, then bear in mind that this ultra-baka at least had no troubles with Crescendo and also made a walkthrough for Snow Drop based only on his own gaming!

[ 11-28-2006, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Baka, baka, baka?..

It’s not about being an idiot or a genious or a moron, jerk, etc.

It must have something to do with the logic that you are using when playing these games…

Everybody’s different from each other…

Remember, “Life is a comedy to one who thinks. A tragedy to one who feels.”

It wasn’t me who invented that term of “baka-gamer”, I just applied it to me after it was already there - directly within the context in which it was defined.
And indeed - I felt quite a bit offended by learning that even “baka-gamers” should have no problem with getting all endings of Kana while Crescendo is supposed to be too complex for them!

And in order to prove that statement, I had to bring up myself as an example that had an entirely opposing experience with both games!

[ 11-28-2006, 07:53 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Same with me. I can typically figure out most or all paths in games. The only game I had trouble with so far was Tsuki. Can’t comment on Kana though. I have the game but I’ve been so busy that I have yet to play it. :frowning:

It depends on your perspective. Sometimes you know things that you don’t have the power to fix, which can be a tragedy.

[ 11-28-2006, 08:04 AM: Message edited by: Slaydin ]

Generally people have very good experiences with Crescendo (I haven’t played it yet, I have a backlog). I don’t think its complexity is to blame.

Rather, the cheap people who ‘test’ ripped games are to blame (I’m not accusing you).

Somehow…your right…

But in my case, I just laugh at myself and learn from my mistakes…rather than dwell over them and waste my remaining lifespan…

I learn from my mistakes whether in real life or such game situations. Whenever I make a mistake even the simplest one, I always try to figure out what I did wrong then laugh at myself when I realize the error of my ways… :slight_smile:

Humans truly need to laugh at one’s self once they have fallen or failed a task…This pertaines…I beleived, to noone’s perfect:smiley: )

We have a saying that Those who don’t learn from thier deaths are destined to repeat them.

Specially in my family where…
" Death is no excuse to stop working. "

I say that life is a tragicomedy, a problem play.

Blame Shakespeare.

After all, we don’t just think, or just feel, but do both.

I personally never find a real challenge in any of these games. I always get who I want (with the exception of Casual Romance Club).

That is: those who do not know their history are destined to repeat it.

I’m not just talking about one’s own mistakes. I’m talking about the world as a whole. All the wars, the disease, the starvation, senseless violence, rapes, tortures, death-- tragedy. Or one can choose to think on the good things. The curing of various forms of cancer, peace treaties, passing out food to third-world countries, or even just helping the neighbor fix his lawn mower. It’s all perspective and how we choose to think.

[ 11-29-2006, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: Slaydin ]

You got whoever you wanted on your first playthroughs of Tokimeki Checkin! and Critical Point? Many of the choices in those were pretty random, I thought (well aside from “rape her / don’t” which is pretty obvious ;P)

And you got the Ume-san ending the first time you went for it as well?

With respect to the G-collections games – yeah, they were pretty easy. I get the feeling they picked 'em that way so they could translate 'em easier.

No… really…I meant what I said in a literal way… I can’t explain why right now…
Please ask me later… :slight_smile:

I got to something like 94% with Gloria, before I decided to give it a break. I never did go back to it, but perhaps one day…

I had trouble (at first) getting the Kaho and Kyoko endings. I got Kaho to fall in love with me, but without the sex.

And then there’s games like X-Change 2, where you have no idea how the choices are supposed to affect the game.

Originally posted by DemonSpawn:

Originally posted by kurahashi:
[b] My 0.02$ for those who has never problem with clearing the game and getting what they want - I suggest to play Gloria :frowning:

Use Sysinternals’ Filemon program to see what files your game accesses. The save files would be some of them, no doubt.

For Gloria, I know that it is located in the windows directory.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]